training function

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈfʌŋkʃən][ˈtreiniŋ ˈfʌŋkʃən]


  • Libraries in higher professional colleges should give play to the cultural function and training function take advantage of the elegant and civilized environment and develop the special function to the assist education .

    浅谈高校图书馆的育人功能图书馆要发挥文化功能和 育人 功能。要充分发挥图书馆文明高雅的环境优势,发挥特殊的辅助教育功能。

  • The attribution training 's function to the alternation of ill emotions after exam .

    归因 训练对学生排球专业课考试消极成败情绪情感的转变 作用

  • In this system design safety visualization supporting multi-task and training function are all met ; besides construction and operation rule editing functions are firstly made so as to promote efficiently the commonality of the system .

    在系统设计中,除了安全性、直观性、支持多任务、 培训 功能等得以满足外,还首次实现了变电站结构与操作规则均可编辑的功能,有效地提高了系统的通用性。

  • Based on the powerful nonlinear reflection and training function of artificial neural networks the model of BP neural network for foundation piles integrity testing is put forward .

    利用人工神经网络强大的非线性映射能力和 学习 训练 功能,提出了基于BP网络的基桩完整性检测模型。

  • Using the industrial casualty statistical datum from 1985 to 2002 of England as training sample the casualties were predicted for 2003 by adopting different number of neuron and different training function .

    以英国1985年至2002年的工业伤亡人数统计资料为训练样本,采用不同的神经元数目和不同的 训练 函数,对其2003年的事故伤亡人数作了预测。

  • Applying Matlab function to build network model and select proper training function we can reduce size of the network and improve learning speed and reliability of algorithm .

    运用Matlab工具箱函数建立网络模型,选择合适的 训练 函数,并采用正则化的算法以缩小网络的规模,改进BP算法提高学习速度和算法的可靠性。

  • Artificial neural network model for chitosan-alginate microcapsules was established on the basis of selecting input - output units pretreating data determining transfer function and choosing training function .

    本文在确定输入层和输出层单元、预处理网络数据、选择激活函数、选择 训练 方法的基础上,建立了红景苷缓释微囊制作参数与性能之间的神经网络模型,网络结构为5-12-3。

  • On Training and Function of Hip in Sprinting and Jump

    论髋在短跑、跳跃中的 作用 训练

  • Chapter 3 . This chapter gives detailed solutions for training function in M company .

    本文从 培训需求评估、 培训 项目 开发与实施、 培训 效果评估三方面来分析M公司具体 培训 职能上存在的问题第三章针对上一章分析提出了改善对策。

  • The folktales there have the esthetical conformation art taste value and beauty training function .

    冀东民间故事具有美的形态、审美价值与 美育 功能

  • This paper discusses the knowledge function method function training function penetration function and aesthetical function of CAI in English teaching .

    论述了英语教学中CAI的知识功能、方法功能、 培养 功能、渗透功能和美学功能。

  • Mprove the credibility and power of the training function by becoming profit instead of cost centered .

    把培训从成本中心变成利润来源,以增强 培训 职能的可信度和力量。

  • The training will function as a dialogue on how best to implement this process at the river basin and local level .

    培训 作用主要是就如何最好地在流域和地方层面实施这一流程进行对话。

  • In Music Innermost Feelings Sense of Hearing Training Function

    谈音响色彩感在音乐内心听觉 训练 作用

  • When the athletes lifting up the golf club the motion of the arms can be detected and analyzed completely through the Golf auxiliary training system the auxiliary training function can be achieved .

    高尔夫球辅助练习系统完成了对运动员上杆过程中手臂动作的检测和分析,达到了辅助 训练 目的

  • Based on the analysis of construction demand of training room for the marketing & measurement the paper discusses the training bases training function .

    阐述了营销计量专业技能实训基地的发展现状;在分析营销计量专业实训室建设需求的基础上,探讨了实训基地应实现的 培训 功能

  • After making full analysis about various parameters of the BP neural network The LM ( Levenberg-Marquardt ) optimization algorithm is cited to replace the traditional steepest gradient descent method as the BP neural network training function .

    在对BP神经网络的各个参数进行充分分析后,引用了LM(Levenberg-Marquardt)经典优化算法来取代传统的最速梯度下降法作为BP网络的 训练 函数

  • It also has fault simulating and training function .

    系统具备故障模拟及 培训 功能

  • The design purpose of the metro operation control center environment control dispatch system is to achieve the environmental control dispatcher training function by means of simulating all kinds of dispatcher operations of the environmental control system .

    地铁OCC环控调度仿真培训系统设计目的就是通过真实模拟环控系统的各种调度操作来实现对环控调度员的 培训 功能

  • The training and function of correct form of hip movement in sports of track and field

    髋部运动的正确形态在田径运动中的 作用训练

  • The teacher training function is discussed and the benefit it may have for all parties involved is presented .

    也讨论了联合教学的教师 培训 功能并展示了这种教学活动对有关各方的益处。

  • In short the graduate of the three-assistance work to achieve the financing function training function needs further elaboration .

    总之,研究生三助工作在实现资助功能的同时, 培养 功能有待进一步发挥。

  • The coefficient of the differentiate function is adjusted by using absolute correctability rule during the training differentiate function and the relative algorithm is described . 6 .

    训练判别 函数过程中采用了一种绝对修正规则对判别函数的系数进行调整,并对其相关算法进行了描述。

  • Improve the credibility of the training function by quantifying training 's worth to the organisation .

    通过量化培训对组织的价值,来增强 培训 职能的可信度。

  • The attribution training 's function to the forming of students ' positive studying cognizing of volleyball course .

    归因 训练对学生排球课程学习情境下积极成就认知的形成的 作用

  • Based on the test training of the idiographic NN training function we can get the basic information of jig control process and based on these information we can deduce a conclusion of the tramp of waste and the state of the jig bed .

    根据神经网络 训练 函数的具体试验训练,可得出跳汰控制过程中的基础信息,根据这些信息可推断跳汰机矸石错配物情况与跳汰床层的分层状态。

  • Sketch has become the fundamental configuration training function of Chinese painting based on the collision and integration of Chinese art and Western art in the 20th century when the Chinese society changed from the old model to the new one .

    20世纪素描成为中国画的造型基础 训练 方式,根源于中西艺术在中国社会、文化脱离旧形态的大变动背景前的冲撞与融合。

  • In the Artificial Neural Network establishing experiment the influence of net structure training function the set of training error target the structure of the samples .

    在神经网络的实验中,分别探讨了网络隐层结点数、 训练 函数、训练误差目标的设置、样本的结构对网络性能的影响。

  • By taking the operating simulation and fault diagnosis of simulative training system as the basis for implementation and by improving the abnormal or faulty event setting function and training function a more flexible and intelligent substation simulative training system is formed .

    它以前者的运行仿真和故障诊断为实现基础,通过改进并完善对异常或故障事件的设置及 培训功能,使变电站仿真培训系统获得更高的灵活性和智能性。

  • Allow for portability and feasibility of expert system . Interface technology is adopted according to different training function .

    讨论了人工神经网络的五种 训练 函数,并考虑本专家系统的可移植性和可行性等问题,针对不同 训练 函数采用不同的接口技术。