traffic laws


  • With the promulgation and implementation of our traffic laws on the administration of law application and enforcement system put forward higher requirements .

    随着我国 交通 法规的颁布实施,对行政管理法律适用和执法体制提出了更高的要求。

  • If you don 't conform to the traffic laws you might get hurt .

    如果不遵守 交通 法规,则可能受伤。

  • The Data Base Design and Development for Traffic Laws and Regulations

    交通 法规数据库的设计与开发

  • Each state has its own traffic laws and a driver from another state is expected to know and understand the local laws .

    各州都有各州的 交通 法规,外州来的开车者应该了解当地的法规。

  • What more people should do is obey the traffic laws .

    更多人应该做的事便是遵守 交通 规则

  • Traffic laws discriminate in favour of people on bikes .

    交通 法规的条文会倾向于支持那些骑车的行人。

  • Observe the traffic laws and regulations in the plant area driving along the designated path at limited speed and parking at the designated parking lot .

    入厂车辆 遵守 交通 法规,按指定路线限速行驶,在指定区域停放。

  • This time they say police will enforce traffic laws turndown bribeoffersand in general support public safety .

    他们说,这一次,警方将强制执行 交通 法律,消除受贿现象,并从整体上维护公共安全。

  • Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs .

    如果司机完全无视 交通 ,法律实施部门不能采取有效的实施程序, 交通 就没有一点儿作用。

  • Training driving simulator at home and abroad are used after correction mode making a new trained driver not deeply understand the traffic laws resulting in the weak safety awareness easily leading to road traffic accidents .

    目前国内外培训型驾驶模拟器采用的均是事后纠错模式,新驾驶员对 交通 法规知识理解不深入,安全意识薄弱,容易引发道路交通事故。

  • Enforcement of road traffic laws and regulations and education on road safety should be strengthened to improve drivers ' perception on the risk of driving after drinking in drivers .

    饮啤酒亦会增加道路 伤害发生的危险性。为加强对酒后驾车的预防和控制,必须加强对机动车 驾驶员的教育和管理,正确认识饮酒对驾驶安全的危险性。

  • So is the answer tougher traffic laws rather than more safety engineering ? That 's a difficult one .

    与上述问题性质类似的还有:是否应该制定更加严格的 交通 ,而非应用更加安全的技术呢?

  • For safety it is very important for everyone to obey the traffic laws .

    所以,从安全计,每个人都遵守 交通 规则是很重要的。

  • As a series of traffic laws and regulations were issued by Kuomintang the citizen 's traffic right protection was neglected .

    第三部分论述了我国公民道路交通权保护的法律制度。指出,建国以来,我国相继颁布了一系列 道路 交通 法律法规及规章等 法律文件

  • Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Patrick Burke said fines need to be higher to discourage cyclists from breaking traffic laws .

    市警察局的帕特里克-伯克上尉说,罚款的金额应该更高些,使得骑车人不敢再违反 交通 法规

  • FEWER people are passing the driving license exam after stricter traffic laws were enacted this year .

    在今年更严格的 交通 法规颁布之后更少人通过驾驶执照考试。

  • Some cyclists make the assumption that traffic laws do not apply to them but this is not true .

    一些骑自行车的人认为他们可以不遵守 交通 ,这是不正确的。

  • The intelligent information retrieving system on traffic laws and regulations is introduced . The artificial intelligent technology and information pull and draw technology are used in the system . The intelligent retrieving models based on memory network are built to realize intelligent fuzzy retrieving .

    介绍了 交通 法律法规智能信息检索系统,该系统采用人工智能技术和信息推拉技术,建立了基于记忆网的智能检索模型,实现了信息的智能模糊检索。

  • As we celebrate this holiday season the Plano Police Department would like to remind everyone that they should buckle up drive sober and obey our speed limits and traffic laws .

    在欢度节日期间布兰诺警察局提醒大家,系好安全带丶在清醒的时候驾车丶遵守限速和 交通

  • If you want to park your car in London you must adapt to the chaotic traffic laws .

    在伦敦停车,要适应杂乱无章的 交通 法规

  • Stricter traffic laws could prevent serious accidents .

    严格的 交通 法规,防止可能导致严重事故。

  • It is important to drive in compliance with the traffic laws .

    行驶时遵守 交通 规则是很重要的。

  • The traffic policeman emphasizes the potential danger of disobeying the traffic laws .

    交警强调了违反 交通 规则的潜在危险。

  • The realization of intelligent information retrieving system on traffic laws and regulations

    交通 法律法规智能信息检索系统的实现

  • Firstly we gave the status and metrics of network performance measure . Secondly through the Internet connection speed test from campus network we analyzed the network traffic laws . ( 3 ) The characteristics of campus network traffic were analyzed .

    介绍了网络性能测试的现状、性能指标,通过对园区网络连接Internet的速度测试,分析网络 流量 规律

  • Several traffic laws had been broken .

    违反了数条 交通 法规

  • But road traffic laws still require the driver to be able to take control of the vehicle and override autonomous functions .

    但是道路 交通 法律仍然要求司机有能力控制车辆,手动超越自动驾驶功能。

  • But he said bikes cars and pedestrians needed to learn to safely co-exist traffic laws had to be enforced and roads could be engineered to be safer for all users .

    而他也强调,单车、汽车和行人需学习安全地共用 道路,应实施 相关 交通 法规,而道路设计也应调整,让所有使用者都更安全。

  • Besides more measures should be taken to cultivate the drivers ' awareness of traffic laws and respect others ' lives as well as their own when they are driving on the road which I think should be the key to decrease drunken driving cases .

    此外,应该采取更多的措施来培养驾驶员在驾驶中对 交通 法规和尊重他人生命以及自身生命的认识,我认为这是减少醉驾的关键。