toxic action

[ˈtɑksɪk ˈækʃən][ˈtɔksik ˈækʃən]


  • To study DEHP toxic action and carcinogenic mechanism .

    探讨DEHP的 作用 机制和致癌机制。

  • But the mechanism of toxic action of CS2 was yet unclear .

    但其胚胎 毒性 作用机制尚不明确。

  • In this experiment two degrading bacteria reduced toxic action of soil which was polluted by organophosphorus pesticide . 4 .

    本实验筛选的两种降解菌均在一定程度上缓解了有机磷农药对土壤的 毒害 作用

  • The high concentration of calcium chloride in the Wastewater has certain toxic action to the microorganism .

    废水中高浓度的氯化钙会对微生物造成一定的 毒害,尤其是当盐分浓度突然变化时,对微生物的 毒害 作用更大。

  • Besides the flammable and combustible feature the toxic action of toxic gases is the biggest threat to the public and the ecological environment .

    其中,毒性气体除可能具有易燃、易爆特性外, 毒害 作用则是对公共安全与生态环境的最大威胁。

  • Study of Joint Toxic Action of Phoxim and Methomyl on Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity in Rats

    辛硫磷和灭多威混配的生殖发育 毒性 作用研究

  • Studies on toxic action on immune system and machanism of toluene diisocyanate

    甲苯二异氰酸酯对免疫系统的 毒性作用机制

  • Chinese crude drug have the cell toxic action ;

    中药的细胞 作用

  • NO plays an important role in adjusting the inflammation reactive which has toxic action to etiological agent .

    NO在炎症反应的许多环节中发挥复杂的调节作用,其对外界病原微生物具有 毒性 作用

  • Study on Toxic Action on Testis and Epididymides of Mature Male Mice by Isophorone Diisocyanate and Its Mechanism

    异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯对雄性成年小鼠睾丸及附睾的 毒性 作用及其机制探讨

  • In agricultural activity aspect we found it is effective in toxic action antifeedant and development inhibition to pests .

    在农用活性研究方面发现其对农业害虫有明显的 毒杀 作用,可引起拒食反应,或抑制害虫的生长发育。

  • And there was no toxic action and adverse effects in two groups during the treatment .

    两组在治疗过程中均 无毒 作用及不良反应。

  • ORJECLIVE : To observe the toxic reaction and degree on organism of rats and mice by Biannaitong continuing taken in order to provide the target organ of toxic action and damage reversiblity .

    目的:观察连续给予便乃通后对大鼠机体产生的 毒性反应及其程度。

  • It had little toxic action and large contents in Chinese herb .


  • Toxicology is a area to study the toxic reaction degree of damage frequency and the mechanism of toxicity of chemical materials in organism and to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative toxic action as well .

    毒理学是研究化学物质对生物体的毒性反应及其严重程度、发生频率和毒性作用机制,也是对 毒性 作用进行定性和定量评价的一门学科。

  • Elaborated that plant had reaction from the edaphic salinity superfluous salinity had the toxic action to plant and floristics had the relationship with salinity analyzed that edaphic salinity had the effect to chloroplast .

    本文阐述了植物对土壤盐分的反应,过量盐分对植物的 毒害 作用,以及植物种类同盐分的关系,分析了土壤盐分对植物叶绿体的影响。

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the toxic action of Shangyangyu ointment on animal skin .

    目的:考察伤疡愈软膏对动物皮肤的 毒性 作用

  • Joint toxic action of ten compounds on isolated rat hepatocytes

    十种化合物对大鼠游离肝细胞联合 毒性的研究

  • Toxicology certifies that it has no obvious toxic action .

    毒理学表明宁动颗粒无明显 反应

  • With the development of Helicobacter pylori research this secretion protein which can exert toxic action without the direct adhesion of bacteria has attracted the interest of investigators little by little .

    然而随着对幽门螺杆菌研究的深入,这种不需通过细菌直接粘附便可发挥 毒性 作用的分泌性蛋白又渐渐引起了研究者的兴趣。

  • Studying toxic action of the inclusion compound for eucalyptus oil .

    研究桉油包合物 毒性,初步探讨其对慢性支气管炎的药效学 作用及其机制。

  • AIM To study the effects of toxic action of cerebroprotin hydrolysate in rats and dogs .

    目的观察脑蛋白水解物对动物的 毒性 作用

  • Microcalorimetric Investigation of the Toxic Action of Arsenic and Pyrene on Soil Microorganisms

    微量热法研究砷和芘对土壤微生物的 毒性 作用

  • Results showed that TDI induced toxic action on spermatogenic cell while the chondriosome was its target within the length and concentrations .

    结果表明:在本实验染毒时间和染毒剂量范围内,TDI对雄性的生殖毒性主要表现为对各级生精细胞均有一定的 毒性 作用作用的靶点是细胞内的线粒体;

  • Pathological Study on Toxic Action to Kidney of Mice of Different Processed Products of Fructus Psoraleae

    补骨脂不同炮制品对小鼠肾脏 毒害 作用的病理学研究

  • Studies are carried on toxic action and machanism of toluene diisocyanate on immune system .

    对室内环境污染物甲苯二异氰酸酯对免疫系统的 毒性 作用展开研究,并对其免疫 毒性机制进行了探讨。

  • Conclusion Carbon-fibre reinforced resin compound had no acute systemic toxic action on animals and haemolysis effect in vitro .

    结论碳纤维增强型树脂基复合材料对动物无全身 毒性 作用也无溶血作用。

  • There is synergic toxic action between Hg-Cd and Cd-Pb .

    汞、镉、铅三种金属之间有增 作用,对其它金属的 毒性亦有增强作用。