traffic regulations


  • We cannot infringe traffic regulations .

    我们不能违反 交通 法规

  • Exchange of information rules He trespassed against the traffic regulations .

    有关资料交换的规定他违反了 交通 规则

  • The police booked him for violating traffic regulations .

    警察因他违反 交通 规则将他记录在案。

  • I always attach foremost importance to driving safety . I have never violated traffic regulations .

    我对安全驾驶总是非常重视的,从未违犯过 交通 规则

  • When the pedestrians are violating the traffic regulations the vehicles may not yield to the pedestrians .

    人出现 交通违法 行为时,车辆可以不给行人 让行

  • The policeman wrote him a ticket since he violated traffic regulations .

    由于他违反 交通 规则,警察给他开了一张罚款单。

  • The policeman held his bike because he had violated traffic regulations .

    他违反 交通 规则,交警扣了他的自行车。

  • The test drive must be carried out on an even road surface observing the road traffic regulations .

    路试必须在平整的路面上进行,路试时应遵守道路 交通 规定

  • I think people should try harder to obey traffic regulations .

    我认为人们应该遵守 交通 规则

  • B : No so good . I broke traffic regulations yesterday and I got a ticket .

    不太好,昨天违反 交通 规则挨罚了。

  • He broke traffic regulations and had a regrettable accident .

    他违犯了 交通 规则,发生了令人遗憾的事故。

  • New traffic regulations are the latest measure to improve road safety which has become a problem in China .

    在中国,交通安全是一个难题,而 新交 规正是改善这一难题的最新举措。

  • If I am a hired car driver I will observe traffic regulations .

    如果我是一名出租车司机,我将会认真遵守 交通 规则

  • Once they are approved by Parliament the new traffic regulations will become law .

    一旦被议会认可,新的 交通 规则将变成法律。

  • If you do not abide by the traffic regulations you will get in trouble .

    如果您不遵守 交通 规则,你将会惹出麻烦。

  • The new traffic regulations will cut down on the number of accidents .

    新的 交通 规则将减少意外的次数。

  • Breaking of traffic regulations by non-motorized vehicle users or pedestrians ;

    (二)非机动车驾驶人员或者行人违反 交通 规则的;

  • Pay attention to traffic regulations .

    注意 交通 规则

  • We must drive to the traffic regulations .

    我们开车必须 遵守 交通 规则

  • Violating traffic regulations so as to cause traffic accidents when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment ;

    (六)违反 交通 规则,造成交通事故,尚不够刑事处罚的;

  • Never should we ignore traffic regulations .

    我们任何时候都不应忽视 交通 规则

  • But she added that traffic regulations are only one aspect of many regarding problems with road safety in China .

    但她也表示 交通 法规只是我国交通安全相关问题的一个方面。

  • They said their study materials did not include information on the new traffic regulations .

    他们说他们的学习材料并不包括新 交通 规则的信息。

  • All motorcyclists are requested to comply with the traffic regulations and the direct of the police .

    骑摩托车的人都被要求遵守 交通 法规和警察的指挥。

  • One should not be negligent in traffic regulations .

    交通 规则不可掉以轻心。

  • I drummed the traffic regulations into my son 's head .

    我对儿子反复讲了 交通 规则

  • Ensure the good technical performance of the vehicles and in compliance with the traffic regulations .

    保证车辆的各项技术性能处于良好状态,并符合 交通 法规 规定

  • Drivers should be careful in their observance of traffic regulations .

    凡是司机都要注意遵守 交通 规则