trading market


  • The property rights trading market may provide clearing service of payment for transactions of property rights .

    产权 交易 市场可以为产权交易提供价款结算服务。

  • The property rights trading market shall not carry out intermediary activity of property rights directly or in disguised form .

    产权 交易 市场不得直接或者变相进行产权中介活动。

  • A property rights trading market shall provide the floor facilities information and other services for transactions of property rights .

    产权 交易 市场应当为产权交易提供场所、设施和信息等服务。

  • A property rights trading market is a not-for-profit institution corporation .

    产权 交易 市场是不以营利为目的的事业单位法人。

  • There is an active biological asset trading market ;

    生物资产有活跃的 交易 市场

  • The property rights trading market adopts the system of listing information on property rights transactions .

    产权 交易 市场实行产权交易信息挂牌制度。

  • Investors can either invest in those companies that can profit from the carbon emissions trading market and benefit from those profits or invest in a carbon emissions trading fund .

    投资者既可投资于能从碳排放 交易 市场盈利、或从这些盈利中获得好处的公司,也可以投资于碳排放交易基金。

  • A property rights trading market shall draw up articles of a ociation stipulating its organizational framework management of members operation of the body and other matters .

    产权 交易 市场应当制定章程,规定其组织架构、会员管理和机构运作等事宜。

  • The property rights trading market shall report the matters about its members to SPAO for the record .

    产权 交易 市场应当将会员情况向市产管办备案。

  • Research on the Driving Force Mechanism and Actuality of the Commodity Trading Market in the Yangtze Delta Region

    长三角地区商品 交易 市场发展的现状及动力机制研究

  • The banks are said to welcome the prospect of Reuters bringing more competition to the fixed income trading market .

    据说,上述银行对路透社将给固定收益 交易 市场带来更多竞争表示欢迎。

  • Establishing North-East Asian Iron-Ore Trading Market has positive meanings for China to break the situation of having no discourse right in Iron-Ore Negotiation .

    建立东北亚铁矿石 交易 市场对我国打破在铁矿石定价中没有话语权的局面具有积极的意义。

  • Kyoto led to the development of the first large-scale emissions trading market Europe 's Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme which puts caps on carbon dioxide pollution .

    京都促成了第一个大规模排放 交易 市场欧洲温室气体排放计划的发展,该计划设置了二氧化碳的排放量限度。

  • The identical or similar market prices of biological assets and other relevant information can be obtained from the trading market so as to make a reasonable estimate on the fair value of the biological asset .

    能够从 交易 市场上取得同类或类似生物资产的市场价格及其他相关信息,从而对生物资产的公允价值作出合理估计。

  • There is China 's largest flower trading base for China 's Flower first town said there are large-scale mechanical trading market and logistics center .

    有中国最大的花卉交易基地,有中国“花卉第一镇”之称,也有较大规模的机械 交易 市场和物流中心。

  • The principle of good faith openness fairness and impartiality shall be followed in the conduct of property rights transactions in the property rights trading market .

    在产权 交易 市场从事产权交易,应当遵循诚实信用和公开、公平、公正的原则。

  • Around the International Commodity Market furniture and commodities trading market with rich sources .

    周围的国际小商品批发市场、家具及商品 交易 市场,具有丰富货源。

  • Issue side occurred as a result of significant financial difficulties the financial assets can not continue in active trading market ;

    因发行方发生重大财务困难,该金融资产无法在活跃 市场继续 交易

  • The European Union has the most advanced carbon emissions trading market but a global informal carbon emissions market may be developing with schemes in the US Japan and Australia .

    欧盟(EU)拥有全球最发达的碳排放权 交易 市场,但随着美国、日本和澳大利亚纷纷出现碳排放 交易系统,一个全球范围的非正式碳排放 交易市场可能正在形成。

  • At present the B2B market divides into two directions : Specialized enterprise alliance nature trading market ;

    目前,B2B市场分为两个方向:专业的、企业联盟性质的 交易 市场

  • Our trading market adheres to fair pricing and square dealings .

    交易 市场合理作价,公平交易。

  • Now China is the center of exchange information and the biggest trading market in the world !

    中国已成为印刷包装技术、设备、原辅材料、制品的国际生产、信息交流中心和全球最大的 交易 市场

  • China 's legal system is not yet complete the securities trading market is not yet well developed .

    中国的法律制度尚未完善,证券 交易 市场尚不发达。

  • State-owned property rights of central-governmental enterprises and other property rights may be traded in the property right trading market .

    中央企业国有产权和其他产权,可以进入产权 交易 市场进行交易。

  • Research of Shenyang Real Estate Trading Market Development Strategy

    沈阳市房地产 交易 市场发展策略的研究

  • The Study on Regional Logistics Core Competence Based on Trading Market & Take Linyi Regional Logistics for Example

    基于 交易 市场的区域物流核心竞争力研究&以临沂区域物流为例

  • Property rights with unclear ownership or disputes over ownership shall not be traded in the property rights trading market .

    凡权属关系不清或者存在权属纠纷的产权,不得进入产权 交易 市场交易。

  • Purchase and sales channels across the country and has become well known for its steel trading market .

    进货及销售渠道遍布全国各地,并已成为远近闻名的钢材 交易 市场