toxic effect

[ˈtɑksɪk ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtɔksik iˈfekt]


  • Studies on the Toxic Effect of Water-borne Hg ~ ( 2 + ) on Eriocheir Sinensis

    水体Hg~(2+)对中华绒螯蟹 毒性 作用研究

  • Objective The acute toxic and chronic toxic effect of Xiongbitong capsule ( XBTC ) was observed in this paper .

    目的观察胸痹通胶囊的急性和长期 毒性 作用

  • Toxic effect of methoxychlor on the female rat gonad

    甲氧滴滴涕对大鼠雌性性腺的 毒性 作用

  • Any drug that has a toxic effect on cells ; commonly used in chemotherapy to inhibit the proliferation of cancerous cells .

    对细胞有 毒性 作用的药物;一般用于为了制止癌细胞增殖的化学疗法。

  • The toxic effect of cadmium poisoning the plant tolerance against cadmium cadmium in the transfer mechanism of plant and detoxification mechanisms were reviewed .

    对镉毒害的 毒害 效应、植物对镉的耐受机制以及镉在植物体的转运和解毒机制进行了综述。

  • Research of cellular toxic effect to Hep-2 of recombinant toxin MSH-Ang

    重组毒素MSH-Ang对喉癌Hep-2细胞的 毒性 作用研究

  • The increase of circulating catecholamines exerts direct toxic effect on cardiac myocytes increases membrane permeability and myocardial fibrosis ;

    循环儿茶酚胺升高对心肌细胞产生直接的 毒性 作用、增加膜通透性和心肌纤维化,这些作用可引起细胞死亡。

  • Food additives and preservatives may have a long-term cumulative toxic effect .

    食物添加剂和防腐剂长期食用却可产生累积 毒性 效应

  • The Research on Protective Effect of ABM Polysaccharide on Liver Injury in Mice and Its Toxic Effect

    姬松茸多糖对小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用及其 毒性 反应的研究

  • To study oxidative damage of II-Pyrethrins on brains of mice and the mechanism of its toxic effect .

    探索II-型拟除虫菊酯类农药对小鼠脑的氧化损伤作用及其 毒理 作用机制。

  • The research of environmental pollutions and toxic effect of'short chain chlorinated paraffins

    短链氯化石蜡及其环境污染现状与 毒性 效应研究

  • Current malaria control emphasises the toxic effect of insecticides and the necessity of killing mosquitoes .

    目前的疟疾防控着重的是杀虫剂的 效应和必须杀死蚊子。

  • Toxic effect of oral ricin on the mouse intestinal tract and immune organs

    口服蓖麻毒素对小鼠肠道及免疫器官的 毒性 作用

  • Toxic Effect of Heavy Metal in Leaching Solution of Fly Ash from Solid Waste Combustion to Alga

    垃圾焚烧飞灰浸出液中重金属对藻类的 毒性

  • Acute Toxic Effect of Abamectin on Fresh-water Aquatic Animals

    阿维菌素对几种淡水水生动物的急性 毒性 作用

  • Study on Absorption and Toxic Effect of Heavy Metal Cd and Herbicide Butachlor in Vegetable

    重金属镉与除草剂丁草胺在蔬菜中的吸收富集与 毒性 效应研究

  • The conclusion is that polysaccharides has no apparent toxic effect on the mice .

    结论是红曲多糖对小鼠无明显的 毒害 作用

  • The glycopeptides did not show any direct toxic effect on the cancer cells .

    糖肽还可减慢皮下接种的癌细胞的生长速度,但对癌细胞并无直接 毒性 作用

  • As a survival mechanism other microbes have developed mechanisms for resisting the toxic effect of antimicrobials .

    作为一种生存机制,其它微生物产生出抵御抗菌素 毒性 作用的机制。

  • Iron load can make synergy toxic effect accompanying with hepatitis virus .

    铁与肝炎病毒具有协同 毒性 作用

  • Joint Toxic Effect of Formaldehyde and Benzene on Genotoxicity in Mice

    甲醛与苯对小鼠遗传 毒性联合 作用的研究

  • Of alcoholic drinks increases the toxic effect .

    嗜酒成瘾会增加 中毒 效应

  • The Toxic Effect of Methylamine Metabolites on the Fibroblasts Mediated by Semicarbazide-sensitive Amine Oxidase

    氨基脲敏感型胺氧化酶介导的甲胺代谢产物对成纤维细胞的 毒性 作用

  • Study on Over-growth Mechanisms and Toxic Effect of Several Chemical Compounds on Anabaena Flos-aquae

    水华鱼腥藻过度繁殖机制及几种化学物质对其 毒性 效应研究

  • An substance that has a toxic effect on cells .

    对细胞由 毒性 作用的物质。

  • Toxic Effect of Ricin and Screening for Interaction Components with Intestinal Brush Border Membrane Proteins

    蓖麻毒素 毒性 作用及与小肠刷状缘膜蛋白互作组分的筛选

  • Conclusions Our results suggest that the oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the toxic effect of dopamine on dopaminergic cell .

    结论本次实验结果提示多巴胺对多巴胺能细胞的 毒性是通过氧化应激途径起 作用的。

  • Comparative Study of Early Toxic Effect in Rats Inhaled from Cigarette Smoke and Radon

    香烟烟雾和氡吸入对大鼠的 效应比较研究

  • Study on the combined toxic effect of Cd and Ni on the plasma membrane of guinea pig alveolar macrophages

    镉与镍对豚鼠肺泡巨噬细胞膜的联合 毒性研究

  • Experimental Study of Toxic Effect on Female Gonad Induced by N-Hexane in Rats

    正己烷对雌性大鼠性腺 毒性 作用实验研究