trade organization

[treid ˌɔrɡənɪˈzeʃən][treid ˌɔ:ɡənaiˈzeiʃən]


  • The World Trade Organization of the UN can handle the disputes .

    联合国的世界 贸易 组织能处理纠纷。

  • The World Trade Organization was established in 1995 .

    世界 贸易 组织成立于1995年。

  • As the global system for agriculture ran aground the World Trade Organization drifted into dangerous waters .

    随着全球农业体系搁浅,世界 贸易 组织(WTO)驶入了危险水域。

  • China has updated much of its IPR framework since joining to the World Trade Organization some 12 years ago .

    自大约12年前加入世界 贸易 组织以来,中国已经在很大程度上更新了其知识产权框架。

  • The World Trade Organization ( WTO ) was established in Geneva Switzerland in1995 .

    世界 贸易 组织(WTO)1995年在瑞士的日内瓦成立。

  • And increase the world trade organization development the promotion of mutual development with foreign products .

    而且,加大世界 贸易 组织的发展,促进与国外的产品相互发展。

  • The153-member World Trade Organization ( WTO ) is the agency overseeing the rules of international trade .

    由153个成员国组成的世界 贸易 组织(WTO)是一个负责监督国际贸易规则的机构。

  • The World Trade Organization has ruled that China broke international regulations by restricting exports of certain materials .


  • The Republic of Angola officially joins the World Trade Organization as Angola .

    1996年,安哥拉共和国以安哥拉的名义正式加入了世界 贸易 组织

  • Li : what are the impacts of china 's accession on the World Trade Organization and other nations ?

    李:中国加入 世贸对这个国际 组织和其他国家有何影响?

  • The World Trade Organization says the global financial crisis is having a negative impact on world trade .


  • For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home .

    对我们英国来说,作为欧盟和世界 贸易 组织的成员,我们已把这一点带回了国内。

  • Kyrgyzstan was the first CIS country to be accepted into the World Trade Organization .

    吉尔吉斯斯坦是第一个被世界 贸易 组织接受的独联体国家。

  • The other big meeting in Asia this week is the ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization .

    本周在亚洲举行的另一个重大会议是世界 贸易 组织部长级会议。

  • Word came that China has already joined the world trade organization .

    有消息传来,中国已经加入世界 贸易 组织了。

  • It is almost a decade since China joined the World Trade Organization .

    中国加入世界 贸易 组织(WTO)差不多已经有十年了。

  • Russia is the largest economy still outside the149-member World Trade organization .

    俄罗斯是世界 贸易 组织149个成员国之外的最大经济实体。

  • With the long-drawn-out conclusion of multilateral trade negotiations China 's accession to the World Trade Organization has entered a substantive phase of the operation .

    随着旷日持久的多边贸易谈判的结束,我国加入世界 贸易 组织进入了实质性操作阶段。

  • The commerce ministry statement also said that China would consider exercising its rights under the World Trade Organization .

    商务部的声明还表示,中国应考虑在 世贸组织 框架下行使权利。

  • China 's accession to the world trade organization .

    中国正式加入世界 贸易 组织

  • Various factors will weigh heavily on China 's eventual entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) .

    许多因素对中国最终加入世界 贸易 组织(WTO)有很大的影响。

  • These agreements have cleared the way for China to join the World Trade Organization .

    这些协议为中国加入世界 贸易 组织扫清了道路。

  • China 's entry into the World Trade Organization and the development of financial globalization are not only a rare opportunity but also a severe challenge and shock for our commercial banks .

    我国加入世界 贸易 组织和金融全球化的发展,对我国商业银行既是前所未有的大好机遇又是严峻的挑战和冲击。

  • What 's the World Trade Organization ?

    什么是世界 贸易 组织

  • It stands for World Trade organization .

    他代表世界 贸易 组织

  • China Trade Organization in the Role of Export Study

    中国 行业 组织在企业出口中的作用研究

  • Next month marks the10th anniversary of China 's accession to the World Trade Organization .

    下个月标志着中国加入世界 贸易 组织10周年。

  • International Timber and Trade Organization

    国际木材和 贸易 组织

  • Decision on the establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the world trade organization .

    关于建立世界 贸易 组织筹备委员会的决定。