total division

[ˈtotl dɪˈvɪʒən][ˈtəutəl diˈviʒən]

[医] 全部分裂,同型分裂

  • Total Quality Control Management in Diagnostic Radiology Division

    放射诊断 全面质量控制的管理初探

  • Methods : From July 1997 through December 2003 a total of 1546 patients underwent pulmonary resection ( at least lobectomy ) and systematic mediastinal lymph node dissection for lung cancer in our division .

    方法:1997年7月~2003年12月, 1546例肺癌患者行肺切除术(至少是肺叶切除术) 并行系统的淋巴结清扫。

  • The total working process was completed in FPGA and DSP 's division and cooperation so it is25 % higher than the processing system based on the single DSP in performance .

    整个系统的工作流程在FPGA和DSP的 分工及协作下完成,这比使用单片DSP建立的处理系统性能提高25%左右。

  • The definition and quality of conditional probability of fuzzy events were given . The total probability formula of Fuzzy events in general division of sample space was also given .

    给出F事件的条件概率定义和性质,并在基本空间普通 划分下给出F事件的 概率公式。

  • Assets division to the generation company that occupies more shares in the market may be effective to reduce total withholding and equal share division has better effect than unequal share division .

    对较大份额发电商的资产拆分将有效减少市场的 总持,且等份额 拆分比不等份额拆分的效果更好。

  • The result shows that population in the Longmen to Sanmenxia Yellow River basin accounted for38 % of the total population . It makes population statistic based on geographic region not on administrative division come true . ( 4 ) Select GDP as key indicator .

    结果显示龙门至三门峡流域人口数量占黄河流域人口 总数的38%,实现不以行政 区划而以地理区划进行人口数量的统计。

  • Best Author FIAP offer a special badge ( light blue ) to the author with the highest number of total acceptances of all division .

    最佳作者由国际影艺联盟献出“蓝 襟章”给最多入选帧数之参加者。

  • E. bars parks and saunas with 3.79 visits on average for each identifiable persons . The total number of MSM visiting the three spots was 617 persons ( 571 ~ 670 ) by using division method .

    结果调查期间光顾酒吧、公园、浴室3个同性恋活动场所男性同性恋者共2337人次,可辨识者平均光顾次数为3.79次,采用 除数法得到调查期间光顾3个场所 人数为617(571~670)人。

  • The integration of international trade and investment may increase the total profit of all countries and blur the division of trade income and investment income as well .

    国际贸易和国际投资的交叉渗透使得各国在 总体利益扩大的同时,模糊了贸易利益和投资利益的 界限

  • After the total income created by collaboration and division in enterprise are paid to all members ' participation constraints the remaining are cooperative remaining which constitute the initial source of the average award .

    企业 分工协作所创造的 收益在支付了所有成员的参与约束之后的剩余为合作剩余,这构成了平均奖的初始源泉。

  • Methods A total of 15 cases of esophageal hiatal hernia underwent laparoscopic hernia repair and fundoplication from May 2004 to April 2005 in this division .

    方法2004年5月 ~2005年4月,食管裂孔疝15例行腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补加抗反流手术。

  • The numbers of chromosomes in calli embryoids and plantlets were examined and the result revealed that 91.8 95.6 % of the total cell division phases contained 28 36 chromosomes so they were diploids .

    愈伤组织、胚状体和植株的染色体计数发现,染色体28~36条的 分裂相占91.8~ 95.6%,属二倍体。

  • To inquire into the continue education of the division hospital dean in our army quickening the total construction of the division hospital it is expounded in this article that the actualizing experience on continue education of the division hospital dean ;

    为探讨我军师医院院长的继续教育、加快 医院 全面建设,本文阐述了师医院院长继续教育的实施体会;

  • Our country population of ethnic minority accounts for the population total 8.4 % the national autonomous areas administrative division accounts for the national total area 63.7 % .

    我国少数民族人口占全国人口 总数的8.4%,民族自治地方行政 区域占全国总面积的63.7%。

  • Then under the guidance of total strategy study development strategy of every Division from the flowing three respect : development goal products separately and competitive strategy .

    然后在 总体战略的指导下,分别对各 事业 从发展目标、产品定位或功能定位和竞争策略行动等三方面研究了其发展战略。

  • Remember that day I received a total of the division commander General Robert potential winners of a phone call .

    记得那一天,我接到本 指挥官 罗伯特·蒂森将军的电话。

  • The Total Degree Division in Polynomial Module and its Application in CAGD (ⅱ)

    多项式模上 次数 除法及其在CAGD中的应用(Ⅱ)