tourist industries

[经] 旅游事业

  • Nowadays tourist industry becomes one of the important industries of tertiary industry in China as well as in many other countries . It has being promoted the regional economy with high speed .

    近年来, 旅游业成为我国以及世界上很多国家第三产业中的一个重要 产业,它对区域经济的拉动作用日益增大。

  • It not only utilizes the agricultural and tourist resources effectively but also can coordinate the contradiction between two major industries and environments .

    它不仅有效利用农业资源和 旅游资源,而且能够协调两大 产业与环境间矛盾。

  • Yet despite all these a number of problems do exist in Zhenjiang tourist industry such as a low status among industries a vague city image no leading tourist products and weak reception capability .

    但现实中镇江 旅游业存在诸多问题: 产业地位不高、城市形象模糊、无金牌产品、旅游接待能力不强等。

  • Nowadays tourist industry that belongs to leisure industry is developing quickly in China and industries of leisure sports and culture have enormous potential development .

    我国目前休闲 产业 旅游业发展迅猛,休闲体育业、休闲文化娱乐 潜力无穷,休闲地产业亦浮出水面。

  • This paper analyses the development of tourist industries and policy in Kaohsiung City .

    本文目的在探讨高雄市近年来在 观光 产业与政策上的发展问题。

  • Tourist industry is a piece of comprehensive service industries its industry chain has related the very strong one .

    旅游业是一个综合性的服务 行业,其产业链具有很强的关联性。

  • Support was weakest in Italy and Spain possibly because of fears about the effect on their tourist industries .

    在意大利和西班牙,对这种做法的支持率最低,可能是因为担心对他们的 旅游 有影响。

  • Through clarifying and analyzing on the present condition and possibility of seashore wetland tourism of Fujian province several suggestions are put forward for the future sustainable utilization of seashore wetland of Fujian province those are coordinating the harmonious development of tourist industry and other industries ;

    对福建省海滨湿地旅游的现状、可行性进行了阐述和分析,并对福建省海滨湿地今后的可持续利用提出了建议:协调 旅游业与其他 产业的和谐发展;

  • The tourist business is one of the major industries of the West .

    旅游业是西方主要 产业之一。

  • This strategy should involves improving the exploitation of tourist products the mode of tourist investment the method of marketing tourism the model of driving other industries the system of tourist management etc.

    乐业旅游的全面创新主要从旅游产品开发、 旅游投资模式旅游市场营销方式、旅游 产业带动模式、旅游管理体制等方面不断推进。

  • In Jiading tourist industry the article in the sense of brand weak lack of regional advantages the result in Jiading tourist industries are not developed .

    针对嘉定旅游产业现状,本文从品牌意识淡薄、缺乏区位优势等方面阐述了导致嘉定 旅游 产业不发达的原因。

  • Modern tourist industry is a trans-regional trans-ownership inter-trade integrated industry there are many related industries from head to foot it is wide to influence .

    现代 旅游业是跨区域、跨所有制、跨行业的集成产业,上下关联 产业多,影响层面广。

  • Using data from the Industry Commerce and Service Census we find that Kaohsiung is leading in value of production units of enterprise and workforces in southern Taiwan 's tourist industries .

    藉助工商普查资料,本文发现高雄市在南部区域的 观光 产业上,不论是产值、厂商、从业员工等方面,都占据龙头领导地位。

  • The tourist resources of the Hui nationality are the specialty resources of Ningxia . They enjoy the incomparable advantages to the traditional industries in the aspects of the exploitation and utilization of resources and products as well as the rationalized building of industry structures .

    回族 旅游资源是宁夏的特色资源,在资源和产品的开发利用、产业结构的合理化建构等方面具有传统 产业不可比拟的优势。

  • Sixthly : Regional coordinated development mainly adopt the measures of coordinated development with boundary areas tourist industry cooperation with Taiwan district and joint development with relative industries .

    主要采用与周边区域的协作发展、与台湾地区的协同发展、与相关 产业 联动发展等措施。

  • Tourist industry has become the leading industry of our national economy at present and it is leading the other relative industries into the prosperity .

    目前 旅游业已经成为了我国国民经济的龙头产业,带动了其他 产业的繁荣。

  • As the particular crafts and gifts the products of the factory are specially provided for the hotels restaurants tourist agencies ( markets ) entertainment industries and the tobacconists .

    该厂是专为各大宾馆、饭店、餐厅、烟、酒 企业旅游业、休闲娱乐场所等提供专用礼品火柴的生产 厂家

  • Tourism shopping industries is an important component of region tourist industries economic performance output .

    旅游商品业是区域 旅游 经济效益产出的重要组成部分。

  • For a Third World country like China with her ancient civilization developing tourist industry is not merely for earning more foreign exchange to provide new funds for her local industries .

    对于一个像中国这样具有古代文明的国家,发展 旅游业不仅仅是获得更多的外汇为当地 产业提供新的资金。

  • The development of tourist industry can drive the development of interrelated industries optimize the industrial structure and increase the foreign exchange earnings . That will contribute to the social stability and economic growth .

    旅游业的发展,可以带动相关 产业的发展,优化产业结构,增加外汇收入,有利于当地社会的稳定和经济的增长。

  • According to the data of Chinese Ecological Footprint in 1999 the author calculated and analyzed the TEF of 1999 . From the results most of the provinces and cities were of Tourist Overshoot their tourist industries were under the unsustainable development .

    应用该模型以中国1999年各个地区的生态足迹为基础数据,对 旅游者生态 足迹进行了计算和分析。

  • The paper also puts forward several specific suggestions for the city based on analyzing the deficiencies of these two traditional tourist service industries in it .

    在此基础上,本文探讨了这两种 旅游服务 在泰安市主城区的布局分异的成因。

  • Through the comparison with foreign tourist industry and other industries this text sums up four characteristics for the Chinese tourist institutional changes .

    通过与国外 旅游业以及其他 产业制度演进过程的比较,本文归纳出中国旅游业制度变迁的四个特点。

  • Additionally tourist industries make primary contribution to the national income tax revenue .

    另外, 旅游 还对国民收入和税收做出不可或缺的贡献。

  • That would represent about $ 10bn of clean-up costs and $ 20bn compensation for losses suffered by fishing tourist and other industries covered by the fund agreed with the US administration last month .

    其中包括100亿美元左右的清理成本,以及上个月与美国政府达成的200亿美元赔偿基金(用于赔偿渔业、 旅游 以及其它 行业的损失)。

  • At present Haikou has become the domestic well-known tourist attraction the tourism has become Haikou one of three big pillar industries .

    目前,海口已成为国内知名的 旅游胜地,旅游业已成为海口三大支柱 产业之一。

  • The tourist industries .

    特色 旅游