tourist class

[ˈtʊrɪst klæs][ˈtuərist klɑ:s]


  • In this thesis the object of study toward the city tourist class DM magazine the system introduces the definition of city tourism DM magazine advantages and market classification .

    本论文以城市 旅游 DM杂志为研究对象,系统介绍了城市旅游类DM杂志的定义、优势和市场分类情况。

  • Two tourist class tickets for CAAC Flight 244 tomorrow .

    买两张明天的中国民航 244 班机经济座机票。

  • Tourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge .

    经济 乘客禁用头等舱休息室。

  • It 's a tourist resort enjoying nationwide reputation for its combining humane and natural landscapes into one and a tourist scenic spot of AAAA class of the state .

    阅江楼是一个融人文景观与自然景观于一体的全国知名旅游胜地,为国家AAAA 旅游景区。钱奕羽。

  • The airline was only able to offer us seats in tourist class at the back of the aircraft .

    这家航空公司只能提供给我们飞机后部 经济 里的位子。

  • The problems existing in the areas as the development of the attractions construction of tourist community and passageways as well as tourism management in the region especially of the Mount Huangshan a first class tourism system are discussed .

    通过构建旅游地系统模型分析黄山旅游地域空间发展演变的历程,揭示黄山一 旅游地系统和次级旅游地系统在吸引物开发、 旅游社区建设、通道建设和旅游管理方面存在的问题。

  • The opinion about Tourist Class of Chinese Library Classification

    关于《中图法》为 旅游 之管见

  • He always travels first class because he says tourist class is too uncomfortable .

    他说 经济 太不舒服了,所以外出 旅游他总是坐头等舱。

  • Management staff and above can choose first class management staff below can choose tourist class .

    管理人员及以上 级别可选择头等舱,管理人员以下 级别可选择 旅游

  • I 'd like to change my accommodations from Tourist Class to First Class . What 's the difference in fare ?

    我想把我的订位从 旅游 变更到头等舱,费用差额是多少?

  • After a few seconds the gondola ( ball ) is launched upwards . He always travels first class because he says tourist class is too uncomfortable .

    数秒后,吊舱(球体座椅)便向上弹射出去。他说 经济 太不舒服了,所以外出 旅游他总是坐头等舱。

  • The best known tourist attractions of Hainan Island are its world class beaches luxurious hot springs and beautiful scenery .

    海南岛最著名的 旅游胜地是她世界 的海滩、奢华的热水泉及美丽的海岛风光。