total necrosis

[ˈtotl nəˈkrosɪs][ˈtəutəl neˈkrəusis]


  • Alumina-on-alumina Total Hip Arthroplasty for Treatment of Femur Head Necrosis

    全陶瓷 人工髋关节置换术治疗股骨头 坏死

  • Total hip surface replacement to treat young patient 's avascular necrosis of femoral head

    表面置换治疗股 骨头缺血性 坏死近期疗效观察

  • Study on Effect and Mechanism of Total Flavonoids of Pigeonpea Leaf on Necrosis of Femoral Head in Rats

    木豆叶 黄酮对股骨头 坏死大鼠的作用及机制研究

  • Primary healing occured in 14 cases undergoing muscle flap construction second-stage healing occured in 2 cases no total flap necrosis occured in any cases .

    术后伤口一期愈合14例,二期愈合2例,无1例肌瓣 完全 坏死

  • The total RNA of adipose tissue was extracted and reversely translated into cDNA . The relative level of tumor necrosis factor α ( TNF - α) mRNA was detected in the real-time qPCR . The data difference between two groups was analyzed by t-test .

    从大鼠脂肪组织提取 RNA并逆转录成为cDNA,通过real-TimeQPCR检测肿瘤 坏死因子α(TNF-α)mRNA的相对水平,以t检验分析两组间数据的差异。

  • Total and differential cell counts were examined and sputum interleukin ( IL ) 8 tumor necrosis factor ( TNF ) α IL 6 level were measured by radioimmunoassay technique .

    痰液进行炎症细胞计数与分类检查,并用放射免疫法测定痰液中白细胞介素8(IL8)、白细胞介素6(IL6)与肿瘤 坏死因子α(TNFα)水平。

  • Total hip replacement for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis-caused ischemic necrosis of the femoral head combined with intertrochanteric fracture in 12 cases

    类风湿性关节炎性股骨头缺血性 坏死合并转子间骨折 全髋关节置换12例

  • The total amount of leukocyte was significantly higher in the cases with intestine necrosis in enteric metachoresis .

    肠变位、肠管 坏死病例其白细胞 总数明显升高。

  • Early Results of Total Hip Surface Replacement for the Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head

    全髋关节表面置换术治疗股骨头 坏死近期结果

  • The total flap necrosis rate in DIEP was 7.1 % . In 19 cases using breast prosthesis the capsular contracture rate was 21 % .

    LDFM、TRAM、 DIEP三者中TRAM瓣 坏死率最高(26%),1例GMM瓣再造后皮瓣 部分 坏死,19例应用假体者包膜挛缩率为21%。

  • CT scan showed total necrosis of tumors in 15 cases and majority necrosis in 5 case within 7-15 days after the treatment .

    治疗后7~15dCT复查,15例肿瘤 全部 坏死,5例绝大部分坏死。

  • There were 11 cases of total flap necrosis and 8 cases of partial flap necrosis .

    完全 坏死11例,部分(皮岛 1/4~1/2)坏死8例。

  • In secondary OA group the samples were obtained from patients undergoing total hip replacement for OA caused by trauma congenital subluxation of hip or aseptic necrosis of femoral head .

    继发性骨关节炎组患者,其发病原因包括外伤、先天性 关节半脱位、股骨头无菌性 坏死

  • Total Hip Arthroplasty for the Treatment of Bilateral Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head Bone Marrow Necrosis

    一期 全髋关节置换术治疗双侧股骨头 缺血性坏死

  • Among 27 full skin grafting cases there were 23 cases skin graft in total survival partial skin necrosis were seen in 4 cases .

    27例中厚皮片移植,皮片 完全成活23例,小部分皮片 坏死4例;

  • Results Contrast CT or MRI showed remarkably abnormal enhancement in 14 cases among total 16 patients ( 64 % ) which can 't be distinguished from cerebral necrosis for postoperative and post radiotherapy of glioma .

    结果:16例中14 (占87.5%)CT和/或MRI表现不规则环形或 结节 明显强化,不能准确作出手术后 改变和/或放射治疗后脑 损伤残存肿瘤或肿瘤复发的诊断;

  • Result : All of the 18 free rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flaps were reviewed by 3 months 24 months of following-up with no total or partial necrosis . The overall success rate was 100 % .

    结果:随访3~24个月,18例皮瓣 完全 成活,成活率100%。

  • Results There was no mortality during the hospital stay but 2 cases had total colon necrosis 9 cases had anastomotic stoma fistula and 3 cases had recurrent laryngeal nerve injury .

    术后出现移植结肠 坏死2 ,吻合口瘘9例,吻合口狭窄2例,左喉返神经损伤3例。

  • RESULTS : A total of372 patients treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies met the inclusion criteria .

    结果: 有372位接受抗肿瘤 坏死因子治疗的患者满足入选标准。

  • Degree of swelling of left foot claw score on lesion of total body were observed before and after administration in rats . Levels of interleukin 1 2 and 6 tumor necrosis factor ( TNF ) and cortisol in serum were detected with radio-immunity method after administration .

    观察大鼠给药前后左足爪的肿胀度和 全身病变评分,并用放射免疫法测定给药后血清中白细胞介素1及肿瘤 坏死因子和皮质醇的水平。

  • Objective To compare the effects and indications of total hip replacement ( THR ) and transplantation of vascularized bone graft in treating late ischemic necrosis of the femoral head .

    目的比较 全髋关节置换术(TotalHipReplacement,THR)和带血运骨瓣移位术治疗晚期股骨头缺血性 坏死的疗效和适应证。

  • Results In group A the level of aspartate transaminase total bilirubin ammonia and prothrombin time reached to peak at 48h and the 7-day survival rate was only 17 % . The postmortem liver specimens showed a severe hepatocellular necrosis with hemorrhage .

    结果A组注药后48h血清天冬氨酸氨基转移酶、 胆红素、血氨和凝血酶原时间达最高峰,1周年生存率为17%,肝脏病理检查显示大量肝细胞 坏死伴出血。

  • Total cell counts and neutrophil counts in BALF were examined routinely . Activity of gelatinase B matrix metalloproteinase-9 ( MMP-9 ) contents of interleukin-8 ( IL-8 ) and tumor necrosis factor - α( TNF - α) in BALF were determined with ELISA ;

    采用ELISA法测定 BALF中明胶酶B既基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)的活性及白介素8(IL-8)和肿瘤 坏死因子α(TNF-α)的含量;

  • Results : CT scans showed that the tumors disappeared in 8 benign cases and 1 malignant cases and there was total necrosis with shrinkage in the other 4 cases 7 ~ 10 days after the treatment .

    结果:治疗后7~20天CT或MRI复查,8例肾上腺良性嗜铬细胞瘤完全消失,4例 完全 坏死并缩小。1例恶性嗜铬细胞瘤的2个复发灶完全消失。

  • Result : Except for 2 total necrosis of the island skin the other 38 SCM flaps succeeded .

    结果:除2 皮瓣 坏死外,其余38皮瓣移植均获得成功。