total resistance

[ˈtotl rɪˈzɪstəns][ˈtəutəl riˈzistəns]


  • Therefore the present situation is one of transition from partial to total resistance .

    此,目前是处在从片面 抗战全面 抗战的过渡期中。

  • In the CNT films their total resistance consists of the resistance of CNT junctions and their own resistance .

    碳纳米管膜网络中,其 电阻由碳纳米管结电阻和碳纳米管本身的电阻决定。

  • We stand for a national revolutionary war in the full sense a war in which the entire people are mobilized in other words total resistance .

    我们主张全国人民总动员的 完全的民族革命战争,或者叫作 全面 抗战

  • Opposition leaders in Venezuela said a general strike against the government of President Hugo Chavez has now entered a phase of total resistance .

    委内瑞拉反对党领袖称,一次反对乌戈·查韦斯总统的总罢工现在已经上升到一个 完全 抵抗的阶段。

  • Only through such a war of total resistance can final victory be won .

    只有这种全面的 民族的 抗战,才能使抗战得到最后的胜利。

  • Rated current and the total resistance and other parameters are indicated on the nameplate .

    额定电流和 电阻等参数均在铭牌上标明。

  • Quantitative calculations showed that cake resistance made up over 90 % of total resistance .

    阻力分布实验表明沉积层阻力占 阻力的90%以上,是膜过滤污染 阻力的主要组成部分;

  • It can improve the calculation accuracy of the total resistance coefficient and the form factor .

    该方法可以提高船模 阻力系数及形状因子的计算精度。

  • The range of Froude Number for total resistance and wave-pattern measurements is 0.22-0.36 with 15 points for each model .


  • 11 . Therefore the prospect of going over from partial to total resistance does exist .

    (十一)因此,从片面 抗战转变到 全面 抗战的前途是存在的。

  • Also the curves about the wave and total resistance varying with ship form parameters are given out in this paper .

    文中给出了船型参数变化引起的兴波 阻力 阻力变化的曲线。

  • In the present period our basic slogan is Total resistance by the whole nation .

    在这个时期中,我们的基本口号就是 全面的全民族的 抗战

  • In effect a negative resistance is inserted in the circuit so that its total resistance is zero .

    实际上,这就是把负电阻接入电路,使电路的 电阻为零。

  • According to mine the total resistance and a reasonable choice of the total air volume of fan and motor to meet the security economic reliable requirements .

    根据矿井 阻力和总风量选择合理的风机和电机,使其满足安全、经济、可靠的要求。

  • Wartime Economic Construction of Kuomintang Government at the Beginning of Total Resistance

    全面 抗战初期国民政府战时经济建设述论

  • It improved the digging rate of combined lifter detracted the damaged rate and the total resistance to some extent and enhanced the working efficiency and productivity .

    提高了 整机工作效率和生产率。

  • The key to victory in the war now lies in developing the resistance that has already begun into a war of total resistance by the whole nation .

    今天争取抗战胜利的中心关键,在使已经发动的抗战发展为 全面的全民族的 抗战

  • While partial resistance cannot last long total resistance has not yet begun .

    片面抗战已经无力持久, 全面 抗战还没有来到。

  • He might hesitate to attack a country which seems minded to offer him total resistance .

    要进攻一个似乎打算 全力 抵抗的国家,他可能会犹豫不决。

  • This can be done only by a war of total resistance by the whole nation .

    只有全面的民族 抗战才能 彻底地战胜日寇。

  • For the purpose in minimizing total resistance of a full-scale ship an optimal design method is proposed based on linear wave-making resistance theory and on nonlinear programming ( NLP ) .

    为了得到 阻力 性能 优良的实用船型,以线性兴波阻力理论为基础,利用非线性规划法探讨最小 阻力船型的优化设计方法。

  • The objective function is the total resistance .

    目标函数取为实船的 阻力

  • This algorithm based on two basic principles : potentiometer partial voltage principle and total resistance feedback principle .

    这个算法基于两个基本原理:电位计的分压原理和 阻值反馈原理。

  • The optimal hull form of minimum total resistance per unit displacement and maximum long term work index is reached .

    优化得到了单位排水体积 阻力最小和长期作业指标最高的船型。

  • To determine proper order of evaluation treat the contacts as though they were resistors and as if you were determining total resistance of the series-parallel network formed by them .

    要确定评估适当的命令,对待电路网络,把他们当作是电阻器,并且确定混联的 由他们形成。

  • Entrance effect can effect the average resistance coefficient only when Renault number is low and total resistance is small .

    入口效应仅在低Re数、床层 阻力较小时对床层平均阻力系数影响较大。