total equity

[ˈtotl ˈɛkwɪti][ˈtəutəl ˈekwiti]


  • A new stock evaluation model is introduced based on the analysis of the changing process of the total returns on equity and balance levels of the companies after the period of their competitive superiority .

    通过分析企业在竞争优势期过后 资产收益率和盈余水平的变化过程,建立了新的股票估值模型。

  • For good reason firms decided that the possibility of conflict of interest and the need for total commitment meant that every equity partner became a full-time lawyer .

    出于某些有力的理由,律师事务所决定,由于存在利益冲突的可能性,加之 全身心投入本职工作的需要,意味着每位 股权合伙人都应成为全职律师。

  • Therefore it becomes a critical question on how to choose and apply the appropriate valuation method to fully reflect the total equity value of state-owned shareholders in the restructuring enterprise .

    因此,在国企改制价值评估实践中如何选择和应用适当的企业价值评估方法,将改制企业国有股东 全部 权益价值完整地体现出来,成为亟待解决的问题,对此进行较深入的探讨具有现实意义。

  • They account for 28 per cent of total equity market turnover in Hong Kong the SFC says .

    sfc表示权证占香港 全部 股市交易量的28%。

  • Debt equity ratio ; debt to equity ratio ; debt to capital ratio : Mainly used to describe the ratio of total liabilities to shareholders ' equity ( net worth ) .

    债务股本比率;债务资本比率:主要用于表示 负债与股东 权益(净值)的比率。

  • Thus in a corporation which has issued common stock only the book value per share is computed by dividing total Stockholders ' equity by the number of shares outstanding .

    因此,如果公司只发行普通股,每股账面价值的计算为股东 权益 总额除以发行在外的股数。

  • In the calculation part the paper has chosen iron and steel listed companies as a sample and the growth of borrowing costs the total assets and return on equity as indicators to build the regression model .

    在计算分析部分本文以钢铁行业上市公司作为样本,以借款费用、 资产和 资产收益率的增长水平作为指标建立回归模型。

  • Bond funds have been remarkably unpopular with less than 2 per cent of the total assets with equity funds representing more than 20 per cent .

    债券基金相当不受欢迎,在 全部资产中仅占不足2%, 股票基金所占比例则超过20%。

  • Corporate Foreign Debt Quota : The current quota is defined as the difference between total customer investment and total registered equity .

    公司外债限额:当前的限额被定义为客户的投资 总额与注册 资产总额之间的差异。

  • The common stockholders ' equity is the total stockholders ' equity less preferred stockholders ' equity .

    普通股权益是 全部股东 权益减去优先股权益的差额。

  • Last year the ratio of total assets to equity of UK banks was between 20 and 30 to one .

    去年,英国各银行 资产与 股本的比率介于20至30比1之间。

  • As a result we found that there are significant differences in total assets turnover operational margin ratio returns on net equity returns on total assets debts to equity ratio and cash-flow rate .

    研究结果发现在总资产周转率、营业毛利率、净值报酬率、资产报酬 、负债 净值比现金流量比率有显着的差异。NET的重要组成部分。

  • The portion of total equity granted to a new partner is based upon the terms negotiated by both existing and incoming partners .

    授予新合伙人的 产权 份额以现有合伙人和新合伙人的协议条款为准。

  • And if you ever get so you 're managing two trillion dollars and that happens to be the amount of the total equity valuation in the economy don 't think that you 'll do better than average !

    如果你所管理的资金是2兆美元,则你的表现必然无法超越平均水准,因为你的资金规模便是整个 股票市场的 市值

  • In applying the lower-of-cost-or-market rule the total cost of the marketable equity securities is compared with its current market value and the lower of these two amounts is used as the balance sheet valuation .

    在采用成本与市价孰低规则时,将 权益性证券的 成本与其现行市价比较,两者中较低的作为资产负债表中的价值。

  • The term net assets means total assets minus total liabilities ; in other words net assets are equal to total stockholders ' equity .

    净资产就是总资产减总负债,换句话说,净资产等于股东 权益 总额

  • And total debt financing higher than equity financing .

    全部负债融资比重高于 股权融资比重。

  • If these banks ' total equity and long-term debt is set at 20 per cent of assets it is highly unlikely that taxpayers would incur losses upon failure .

    如果这些银行的 股本和长期债被设定为总资产的20%,银行倒闭时纳税人基本上不太可能蒙受什么损失。

  • But why do total assets equal the total of liabilities and owner 's equity ?

    但是为什么资产总额等于负债加业主 权益 总和呢?

  • At present in our stock market the state-own shares and legal-person shares which can not participate in the market circulation are about 60 % of the total equity .

    目前我国证券市场不能参与市场流通的国有股和法人股约占 股本的60%。

  • Finding that kind of money will be tricky considering the sum is almost three times total US equity capital raisings during the last half a year according to Dealogic data .

    考虑到这一数目几乎是过去半年美国 股权资本融资 总额(据dealogic的数据)的3倍,找到这些资金将困难重重。

  • The move comes as record funds are available to invest in Asia with some estimates putting the total private equity war-chest at more than $ 100bn .

    这项举措的出台,正值可投资于亚洲的资金达到空前规模之际,有些人估计,私人 股本 总额已超过1000亿美元。

  • Assets held in domestic equity funds account for about 10 per cent of China 's total equity market capitalisation .

    国内股票基金持有的资产约占中国 股市 市值的10%。

  • IFC limits the total amount of own-account debt and equity financing it will provide for any single project .

    国际金融公司限额它提供的任何一个工程的债务的 数目和 股权融资项目。