total counter

[ˈtotl ˈkaʊntɚ][ˈtəutəl ˈkauntə]


  • Total Streaming Players is the total number of players that have been streamed data since the last time the counter was reset .

    流式播放机总数是指自上次 计数器复位后,传输数据的播放机的 总数

  • The total number of disabled subscriptions . This counter is updated periodically when the application is enabled .

    已禁用的订阅的 总数。启用应用程序时,此 计数器会定期进行更新。

  • Total Outgoing Distribution Connections is the total number of distribution servers that have connected since the last time the counter was reset .

    传出分发连接总数是指自上次 计数器复位后,所连接的分发服务器的 总数

  • It can appraise the losing and possibility of total assets when the market factors change and enable the financial risks administrator to expect the market risk and make the corresponding counter measure .

    它能够估量市场因子在各种不利 情形下资产的损失大小及其可能性,使金融风险管理者能预期市场风险,并做出相应的 对策

  • Total bacterial count of air and dust particle count were measured by plate sedimentation method and GLJ-BG-type dust particle counter .

    用平板沉降法和GLJ-BG型尘埃粒子 计数仪分别测定了空气中的细菌 总数、埃粒子数。

  • To calculate the memory used we subtracted the total amount of memory available on the system from the memory object Available Bytes Counter .

    要计算使用的内存,我们从内存对象AvailableBytes Counter中减去系统中可用的 内存量。

  • The total alpha emitting impurities in ~ ( 99 ) Tc ~ m eluates of fission ~ ( 99 ) Tc ~ m generator have been separated by the electrodeposition method and measured by the low-level alpha counter .

    介绍了用电沉积法分离~(99) Tc~m洗脱液中α放射性杂质,并在低本底α 计数器上测定其活度的方法。

  • A total absorption type lead glass Cerenkov counter

    吸收型铅玻璃切仑柯夫 计数器

  • Measurement of total Bata activity in water with liquid-scintillation counter

    用液体闪烁 计数法测定水中 β放射性

  • It would involve a delay of about five days in shipment to repack the goods . Total Late Reads is the total number of late read operations since the last time the counter was reset .

    改装此货将使装运期延迟大约五天。延迟读取操作总数是指自上次 计数器复位后,所执行的延迟读取操作的 总数

  • A method of energy calibration for lead glass total absorption Cerenkov counter by means of cosmic ray muon experiment is presented in this paper .

    本文提出用宇宙线μ子实验对铅玻璃 吸收契伦柯夫 计数器进行能量刻度的方法。

  • Total Stream Errors is the total number of stream errors due to dropped packets since the last time the counter was reset .

    流错误 总数是指自上次 计数器复位后,由于删除包而造成的流错误的总数。