


  • The Church in Haiti has played an important role in the drive towards democracy .

    海地的教会在 争取民主的运动中扮演了重要的角色。

  • She showed simulated enthusiasm towards us .


  • He gave them £ 50 towards a house

    他给了他们5万英镑 用于买房子。

  • He renewed his attack on government policy towards Europe

    他重新 开始对政府的欧洲政策进行抨击。

  • Events in Paris wrought a change in British opinion towards France and Germany .

    巴黎发生的事件改变了英国 法国和德国的看法。

  • My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years .

    这些年来我 苏珊的感情发生了变化。

  • The talks made little evident progress towards agreement

    会谈 达成一致方面几乎没有取得明显进展。

  • When he looked towards me I smiled and waved


  • 71 percent of the entire budget went towards the military

    整个预算的71% 用于了军备。

  • He pushed his way towards her laughing .

    他笑着 她挤了过去。

  • The government drew up an important plan for a new Long March towards the socialist modernization of our country .

    政府 实现祖国的社会主义现代化,作出了进行新的长征的重大部署。

  • He 's so cold towards her .


  • Many people have an irresponsible attitude towards marriage and relationships .

    很多人 婚姻与两性关系持一种不负责任的态度。

  • We have made a step towards success .

    我们已向成功 进一步。

  • I gestured towards the boathouse and he looked inside


  • We should take a matter-of-fact attitude towards the matter .


  • They were pressing on eastwards towards the city 's small airfield .

    他们继续向东 该市的小机场推进。

  • Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy


  • It was getting towards evening when we got back

    我们回来的时候已经快 晚上了。

  • I became pregnant but this man was very violent towards me to the extent that I lost our baby

    我怀孕了,但是这个男人 我非常粗暴,致使我流产了。

  • The home of the Morgan family was up Gloucester Road towards the top of the hill

    摩根家族的住宅在格洛斯特路 接近山顶的地方。

  • They have made the first move towards a detente .

    他们已经 迈出缓和两国关系的第一步。

  • I took a step towards him


  • Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer

    安妮离开阿蒂,沿着走廊 休息室走去。

  • So we set off again cursing the delay towards the west

    于是,我们一面抱怨延误了时间,一面又 西出发了。