train hospital

[tren ˈhɑspɪtl][trein ˈhɔspitəl]


  • An important method to train nurses with high practicability and quality is setting up regular teaching hospital .

    建立、健全规范的 医院实践教学基地,对提高实用型、高素质护理人才 培养质量起到了重要的作用。

  • METHODS To train the knowledge about cleaning and sterilization to staff and deepen the understanding of importance about cleaning and sterilization of medical articles and carry out The Disinfection Technical Standard in Hospital and procedures strictly .

    方法对员工进行清洁灭菌知识 培训,提高对物品清洁灭菌重要性的认识,严格执行《 医院消毒技术规范》和操作规程。

  • At the same time the affiliated hospitals should pay attention to train the talents and promote the overall medical service ability of the hospital personnel .

    在加大外部人才引进的同时,更要关注内部人才的 培养,全面提升 医院人员的整体业务水平。

  • The train of thought of ward writing is starting from ward consciousness taking small ward in hospital as metaphor to criticize the big ward in society .

    病房写作的 主题 思路是从病房意识出发,以 医院小病房隐喻批判社会大病房。

  • Based on analysis and comparison YZ25G hard-seat train is the best one to refit from civil-train to hospital car .

    通过分析比较,认为 YZ25G硬座 客车是改造卫生车的最佳首选车型,改装后可以保证伤员患者的及时救治和紧急运送。

  • The train had stopped before a red signal which blocked the way . No parking within the hospital precincts .

    火车停在一个禁止通行的红灯前面。 医院范围内禁止停放车辆。

  • A military train built to transport wounded troops to a hospital .

    运送伤员到 医院的军运 列车

  • The topic uses the local IPC and remote device to build the Enterprise Information Management Platform system . In the current enterprise information communication the system has yet to meet . This paper provides a new train of thought for intelligent hospital development .

    本文对该课题利用本地工控机和远程设备来构建企业信息化远程监控管理系统,为以后的企业生产智能 发展提供了一个新的 思路


    图书馆人员工作素质 培养浅析浅谈 医院办公室文秘工作素质建设

  • In the current hospital information communication the system has yet to meet . This paper provides a new train of thought for intelligent hospital development .

    在目前医院的信息化通信系统中尚未见到,为以后的 医院智能化发展提供了一个新的 思路

  • It is important to train the clinical pharmacists to change model of hospital pharmacological work .

    随着 医院药学工作模式的转变, 培养 合格的临床药师队伍是当务之急的工作。

  • In the knowledge economic times hospitals must train higher integrated personnel for modern hospital management to survival and develop under the competition .

    在知识经济时代,医院要生存与发展,就必须 造就一批素质较高、德才兼备、集软科学与 科学于一身的现代 医院集成型管理人才。怎样才能 造就这类管理人才?

  • Effectiveness evaluation of train of nutrition knowledge about infant feeding for pregnant and lying-in women in hospital

    医院开展孕产妇育儿营养知识 培训的效果评价

  • We should raise the protective ability of the evacuation of transport such as armored ambulance healthy train hospital ship .

    提高我军后送交通工具的保障能力,如装备装甲救护车、卫生 列车医院船等装备。

  • The method and train of thought on constructing the hospital of learning type and need correctly handle some relations .

    提出了构建学习型 医院的方法和 思路及需要正确处理的关系。

  • How to train general practitioners in general teaching hospital

    综合性教学 医院如何做好全科医生 培训