trade mark law

[treid mɑrk lɔ][treid mɑ:k lɔ:]

[法] 商标法

  • Trade Mark Protection under Criminal Law : A Comparison between Five Countries

    商标 刑事保护比较研究

  • Comparison between trade mark right protection mode of immaterial cultural heritage and copyright protection mode & On related issues about China 's trade mark law revision

    非物质文化遗产的商标权保护模式与著作权保护模式之比较&兼论我国 商标 修改的相关问题

  • With this background protecting the trade mark right especially implementing criminal law to protect it is gradually becoming a necessary measure to protect this invisible property of trade mark right .

    在此背景之下,加强对 商标实施保护,尤其是实施 刑法保护,越来越成为维护商标权这一无形财产安全的必要手段。

  • Trade mark law should protect immaterial cultural heritage and should state that immaterial cultural heritage can apply for registration as certification marks or collective marks .

    商标 应当将非物质文化遗产纳入其保护范围,明确非物质文化遗产可以作为证明商标或集体商标申请注册。

  • Meanwhile trade mark law patent law and the commercial secrets articles in the law against unfair competition should also constitute an integral part of the legal system for the protection of television program formats .

    另外,其它 法律商标 、专利法以及反不正当竞争法中的商业秘密条款,也可以作为电视节目模板法律保护体系的一个必要的组成部分。

  • On the Harmonization of TRIPS and Trade Mark Law of China

    论我国 商标 与TRIPS协议的协调

  • Therefore the article on the basis of the Sino - US trade mark infringement trial practice and exploration of law enforcement on trademark infringement judgment standards determination of subject and determine factors in the judicial practice and application .

    因此文中以中美 商标侵权审判实践为基础,探索了司法实践中 执法者对商标侵权判定标准、判定主体及其判定因素的具体运用。

  • Discusses legal status of delegated person in the use system of authorized trademarks analyses defects of the use system of authorized trademarks on our Trade Mark Law from the contrast between Chinese law and foreign law and puts forward a suggestion about alteration of our law .

    讨论了商标授权使用制度中被授权人法律地位,从中外法律的比较中,分析我国《 商标 就商标授权法律 规定之不足,并提出了相应的立法建议。

  • The conflict questions of domain name and trade mark are mainly legal application should be applicable to the law to solve .

    域名与 商标的冲突问题主要是法律适用问题,应通过 法律适用解决。

  • Protection and Limitation on Priority Rights in Trade Mark Law of our Country

    试论 商标 中在先权的保护与限制

  • As an important document about the protection of intellectual property rights in World Trade Organization TRIPS Agreement has a great impact on legislation and execution of trade mark law .

    TRIPS协议是世贸组织中一部重要的知识产权保护文件,它对我国的 商标 立法和执法都产生了重大影响。

  • On the Declaring Guilty and the Punishment of Our Country s Infringing Trade Mark Privileges Crime and the Criminal Law s Perfection ; violate break w_1256 sanctuary

    论我国侵犯 商标权犯罪的定罪和处罚及其 刑法完善

  • The composition has analyzed the crime of trade mark of our country is assert-ed and punished compare with the Great Britain American and some other main countries ' law of continent legal sys-tem and TRIPs agreement about trade mark criminal law stipulate difference from our country ;

    分析我国商标犯罪的构成和认定及其处罚,比较英美法系、大陆法系主要国家和TRIPs协议中有关 商标 刑法规定与我国的差异;

  • This article analyzes cyber squatting and the clash with Trade Mark Law tries to explain how to ascertain the act of cyber squatting and how to regulate it .

    本文主要对利用互联网络进行域名抢注这一行为及其与 商标 的冲突进行了 法律分析,对域名抢注行为的认定及规制提出了思考与对策。

  • It is the result of conflict between trade liberalization and intellectual property protection . Since the function of the competition law in balancing trade liberalization and intellectual property protection the parallel import of trade mark is analyzed in terms of competition law .

    商标权产品平行进口是贸易自由化与知识产权保护冲突的产物,基于竞争法在平衡自由贸易与知识产权保护中的作用,本文从竞争 的角度分析商标权产品平行进口。