toxic dose

[ˈtɑksɪk dos][ˈtɔksik dəus]


  • Correlations of Phenytoin Concentrations among Saliva and Plasma or Tissues after iv Administration of Toxic Dose of Phenytoin to Rats

    大鼠静注 中毒 剂量苯妥英钠后唾液与血浆及组织中药物浓度相关性研究

  • Experimental Study of Subacute Toxic Effects of Herba Leonuri at High Dose in Rats

    剂量益母草对大鼠肝、肾的亚急性 毒性作用

  • The results showed that gentamycin has harm to kidney in therapeutic dose and more serious harm was found in toxic dose .

    结果表明,治疗剂量庆大霉素对肾脏具有损伤作用, 中毒 剂量损伤明显加重。

  • ( 1 ) The results of acute toxicity experiments in mouses : there were not any poisoned symptom and death of mouse during 14 day-long observation periods . the samples accord to the actual non-toxic level according to the acute toxic dose graduation standard .

    经小鼠急性毒性实验:在14天的观察期内未见动物有任何中毒表现,无一动物死亡,按急性 毒性 剂量分级标准属实际无毒级物质。

  • Objective To observe the chronic toxic effect of CXL in the rat with large dose and long term administration .

    目的观察消抗安胎口服液(CXL)长期、大 剂量使用对大鼠的慢性 毒性作用。

  • It is toxic and dose serious harmer to environment .

    残留期长,对环境有严重 危害

  • The marked toxic effect dose of sodium azide was 10 ~ 15mg / kg bw and no adverse effect dose was 2mg / kg bw The inhibition of peroxidase activity was probably one of the major toxic effects of sodium azide .

    明显 毒性作用 剂量为10~15mg/kg,中等 剂量(5mg/kg)可见血压下降、肝脏增大,而无害作用剂量为2mg/kg。过氧化氢酶的抑制可能是中毒的主要毒性作用之一。

  • They were randomly divided into the HP + HD group and HP + HF group and there was no obvious difference in the aspects of age toxic dose toxicant time and initial concentration of paraquat .

    随机分为HP+HD组和HP+HF组,两组在年龄、 服毒 、中毒至入院时间、百草枯初始血药浓度方面经统计学分析无明显差异。

  • The results suggest that SEBS was safe with no acute and genetic toxic effect in the tested dose range .

    结果显示在本实验使用的 剂量范围内富硒大麦苗无急性 毒性和遗传 毒性,是安全可靠的。

  • Ca ~ ( 2 + ) oscillation of cerebral cortical neurons induced by glutamate of toxic dose and its mechanism

    中毒 剂量谷氨酸引起大脑皮质神经细胞的钙振荡及其机制探讨

  • Cellular Toxic Effect of Low Dose Cisplatin Combined with Interstitial Injection of ~ ( 32 ) P Glass Microspheres on Mouse Solid Tumor S180

    剂量顺铂联合~(32)P玻璃微球对小鼠S180瘤细胞的细胞 作用

  • Study on Urea Toxic Dose in Rabbit

    兔尿素的 中毒 剂量

  • Methods After administered with cholinesterase inhibitor omethoate at the toxic dose of 30mg · kg - 1 po ( 1.2LD ) all the mice were dead .

    方法胆碱酯酶抑制剂氧化乐果在30mg·kg-1po 中毒 剂量(1.2个致死 剂量,1.2LD)下,可诱发全部的受试昆明种小鼠死亡。

  • The toxic test suggested that the maximal tolerance dose of mice with its extract a day was 220 times as much as clinical administration dose .

    毒性试验表明,小鼠一天 口服王老吉浸膏最大耐 为临床口服量的220倍。

  • Result Mice had no acute toxic reaction in maximum tolerable dose .

    结果小鼠按照最大耐受 灌胃,未见急性 毒性反应;

  • Aim : To obtain the original toxic materials and evaluate the toxic grade and decide clinical safe dose we observed the response and extension of the acute toxicity that the big dose Onychin induced the mouse .

    目的观察金粉蕨素(Onychin)的毒性,为评价其 毒性等级以及拟定临床安全 剂量提供依据。

  • Conclusion w_682 It was safe to use fluoride foam when fluorid foam concentration was lower than total dose in need and chronic toxic dose .

    【结论】使用氟化泡沫后,氟的摄入量小于每日总氟适宜摄入量及每日慢性 中毒 ,氟化泡沫使用是安全的。

  • Toxic Reaction of Middle Dose Ara-C ( MD-Ara-C ) in Child Leukemia and the Treatment

    儿童白血病应用中 剂量阿糖胞苷的 作用及处理

  • The toxic symptoms of plant showed an evident correlation between dose and effect ;

    植物受 毒害的程度表现出明显的 剂量效应关系;

  • The minimal toxic dose was 15.73g/kg ip the apparent half-life time of elimination phase and distribution phase were 23.41 hrs and 3.76 hrs for Mahuang-Tang respectively .

    麻黄汤的最小 有毒 剂量为15.73g/kgIP,表现消除半衰期为23.41小时,表观分布半衰期为3.76小时。

  • Chronopharmacokinetics of aminophylline at a toxic dose in rats

    大鼠体内 中毒 剂量氨茶碱的时辰药物动力学

  • The biological effect and physiological function requirements tolerance toxic dose of copper in dairy cattle were reviewed .

    本文就铜的生物学效应和生理功能,奶牛对铜的需要量、耐受量和 中毒 等进行阐述。

  • As the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose of theoclears were quite similar the clinical use of which should be restricted to some extent yet the prospect on the study of their extensive pharmacological actions is potential .

    茶碱类药物治疗剂量和 中毒 剂量较接近,临床应用受到一定限制,但其药理作用广泛仍有潜在的研究前景。

  • Se has extremely narrow window between its beneficial and toxic dose in fact it is toxic at the level not much higher than the beneficial requirement .

    硒的特点是有益 剂量 毒性 剂量之间范围狭窄,高于有益需求的水平就具有毒性。

  • Conclusion : The metabolism of Aristolochia Fangchi extract in a toxic dose was correspondence to two-compartment model and the distribution of AA-I and AL-I was wide and the accumulation of them was specific .

    结论: 毒性 剂量下的广防己提取物在大鼠体内的代谢符合血管外给药二室开放模型,AA-I及AL-I的组织分布较广泛,其蓄积具有特异性。

  • The ratio between toxic and effective dose was less than 2 .

    中毒量与有效 之比低于2。

  • Results Lipiodol showed toxicity to the liver spleen lung and kidney etc. Toxic dose was less than 0.38ml / kg a dose of 1.5mL/kg could cause death in 24h .

    结果碘化油对肝、脾、肺、肾等多个脏器 有毒性反应, 中毒 剂量小于0.38ml/kg剂量,1.5ml/kg剂量可导致动物在24h内死亡。

  • Hepatic and renal functions and tissue biopsy were measured in rats with therapeutic toxic and lethiferous dose treatment after a period of time .

    分别测定治疗 剂量中毒 剂量、致死 剂量组小鼠在用药一段时间后的肝肾功能,并进行组织病理学检查。