tower clock

[ˈtaʊɚ klɑk][ˈtauə klɔk]


  • A lighted tower clock showed the time to be 12:00 p.m.

    塔楼上的夜光 指示着时间是午夜12点。

  • The stonework of the tower was crumbling and the great clock had fallen into disrepair .

    高塔的石建部分已经开始瓦解,而那 大钟早已长久失修了。

  • Tower clock control system which stepmotor 's controller is microcomputer 8098 is presented . The main control 's idea and the diaphragm of hardware and software of system is gived .

    提出以 8098单片机为步进电机控制器构成 种控制系统,给出了塔种控制的基本思想及硬件配置和软件实现;

  • Engineers cannot explain why the tower 's clock face moved up to an eighth of an inch ( 3.3mm ) away from the vertical between November 2002 and August 2003 .

    至于在2002年11月到2003年8月间, 钟楼 钟面为何偏离垂直位置上移达0.125英寸( 3.3 毫米),工程师们无从解释。

  • WEIGHT DRIVEN TOWER CLOCK MOVEMENT & Many find it a challenge to build a clock that drives hands exposed to the weather .

    重量驱动 塔钟运动,许多觉得是一个挑战,以建立一个时钟驱动器的手接触到的天气。

  • Tower clock system 's structure and reliability measure for West Railway Station of Beijing

    北京西客站 塔钟系统的构成及可靠性措施

  • Taking advantage of the properties of N. E 555 this article presents a design of protection of circuit which performs a function of protection to the impulse motor in a tower clock in case the automatic control system of it is out of order .

    利用时基电路555的特性,设计保护电路,在 塔钟自动控制系统失良的情况下,对脉冲电机实施保护。

  • The GPS Apply in the Architecture Tower Clock

    GPS在建筑 塔钟中的应用

  • The tower clock boomed out twelve .

    塔楼上的 大钟沉重地敲了十二下。

  • Application of Visual Basic 6.0 to Develop a Microcomputer Tower Clock Monitoring and Communication System

    应用中文版VB6.0开发微机 塔钟监控与通讯系统

  • The communication method of the microcomputer tower clock by the PC computer series port is given in this paper .

    提出了用PC机的串行通讯接口实现与微机 塔钟数据通讯的方法,达到对微机塔钟的远程监控。

  • Development of GPS Automatic Correcting Time System for Tower Clock


  • The96-metre ( 315-foot ) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin following a major fire in1843 .

    在1843年的一场大火之后,作为重建英国国会大厦的一部分,建筑师查理斯·巴雷和奥古斯塔斯·帕金共同设计了这座96米(合315英尺)高的 钟楼,而大本 就在钟楼之上。

  • As he rode past Beijing Station a glance told him the big tower clock read ten o'clock exactly .

    路过北京站时,他瞥见 大钟正指着上午十点。

  • The development of building tower clock system

    建筑 塔钟系统研制