trade mark right

[treid mɑrk raɪt][treid mɑ:k rait]

[经] 商标权

  • As our country joins the WTO trade mark right regarded as the important component of the intellectual property right paid more and more attention by people in the modern economic fields .

    随着我国加入WTO, 商标 作为知识产权的重要组成部分,在现代经济领域越来越受到人们的关注。

  • With this background protecting the trade mark right especially implementing criminal law to protect it is gradually becoming a necessary measure to protect this invisible property of trade mark right .

    在此背景之下,加强对 商标 实施保护,尤其是实施刑法保护,越来越成为维护商标权这一无形财产安全的必要手段。

  • Through the trademark rights and enterprise name right of theoretical analysis of the conflict from the aspects of legal name embarrassing legal status this article summarizes the processing trade mark and enterprise name right three basic principles of conflict .

    通过商标权与企业名称权冲突的理论分析,从法理的角度阐述了字号尴尬的法律地位,总结了处理 商标 与企业名称 冲突的三大基本原则。

  • Using a registered trade mark without its owner 's permission is a serious infringement of the owner 's proprietary right .

    盗用他人注册 商标是一项严重的侵犯 权利行为。

  • In today 's trade mark system many ways can be used to get the trade mark exclusive right .

    在当今世界的商标制度中,取得 商标专用 的方式是多种多样的。

  • Chapter 2 is discussing the conflict of trade name right and conflicts between trade name right and trade mark right especially focused on manifestations and reasons to these conflicts .

    第二章对商号权与相关权利的冲突进行了研究,主要阐述了商号权之间的冲突以及商号权与 商标 之间的冲突,对商号权冲突的表现形式及冲突原因进行了重点考察。

  • Criminal Law Protection of Trade Mark Right

    商标 的刑法保护

  • Comparison between trade mark right protection mode of immaterial cultural heritage and copyright protection mode & On related issues about China 's trade mark law revision

    非物质文化遗产的 商标 保护模式与著作权保护模式之比较&兼论我国商标法修改的相关问题

  • This part is the basis of the paper . Considering that there have been plentiful theories about trade mark and trade mark right and it lacks researches about trade name right this paper gives special emphasis to the analysis of this right .

    该部分是本文基础,考虑到商标和 商标 的有关理论已经非常完备,相比之下,商号权的研究比较缺乏,因此将商号权作为重点来阐述。