traffic island

[ˈtræfɪk ˈaɪlənd][ˈtræfik ˈailənd]


  • The results show that there are different preferences to different traffic claming measures such as speed hump cushion island chicane and choker ;

    结果表明:被调查人群对减速带、减速垫、路中间隔离 、波纹型 道路、路段宽度缩减五项 稳静化措施意见倾向性不同;

  • Traffic congestion will affect adversely the free flow of passengers using outlying island ferry services for their daily commute to and from work .

    交通挤塞会对每天使用 离岛渡轮服务上下班的乘客构成不便。

  • As the process of urbanization accelerated resulting in urban traffic congestion energy and the gradual depletion urban heat island effect expanding frequent disastrous weather air rivers increased noise pollution ecological imbalance and other serious problems .

    由于城市化进程加速,造成了城市 交通拥堵、能源逐步枯竭、城市 热岛效应不断扩大、灾害性天气频繁、空气、河流、噪音等环境污染加剧、生态失调等严峻问题。

  • Shandong provincial party committee and government make the strategic decision-making to build the South and the North Changshan Islands Bridge in order to improve traffic conditions on the island to renovate and renew marine ecological environment to promote the economic development of island .

    为改善 交通状况,整治和恢复海洋生态环境,促进海岛经济发展,2002年,山东省委、省政府确定了建设南北长山大桥的战略决策,使得连岛坝的拆除成为可能。

  • Research into Some Problems of the Military Traffic Support Guarantee in Island Operation

    作战中军 运输保障几个问题的探讨

  • In the field of maritime traffic transportation with the development of modern information techniques and computer the realization of maritime traffic information distribution and share through WEB will be an effective approach to solve the problem of information island among maritime departments .

    随着现代信息技术、计算机网络技术的发展,在海上交通运输领域,为解决各涉海部门之间的信息 孤岛问题,应用互联网实现海上 交通信息发布与共享将是一有效的技术途经。

  • The rich aquatic source and convenient traffic provide the basis for company to develop the aquatic food in the Island .

    丰富的水产资源及便利的 交通 设施为公司立足衢山 水产品开发奠定了良好的基础。

  • The porous cement concrete as road surface material not only can improve the efficiency of road drainage and traffic safety but also protect the environment and alleviate the urban heat island effect .

    将其作为路面铺装材料,不仅能够提高道路排水效率和 行车安全性,还能够保护生态环境,缓解城市 热岛效应。

  • The city should reinforce the construction of traffic island traffic bridge and separation strip . The separation strip can fall off the visual fatigue and decrease noise .

    加强 交通 、立交桥等道路构建物的建设,加强分隔带的建设,分隔带不仅可以减弱驾驶员视觉疲劳,而且还可以降低噪音。

  • Since Jing Qin expressway is open to traffic in the whole line it brings a great changes in economy and social developing and also makes greater effects to develop the travel resources in Qing Huang island .

    京秦高速公路自全线 通车以来,不仅对沿线及秦皇岛的经济及社会发展起到了积极的作用,而且还有力地促进了 秦皇岛市旅游资源的开发。

  • Before major construction begins Thursday evening the entire Bay Bridge is closed to traffic including access to and from Yerba Buena Island .

    施工开始前,主要星期四晚上,整个海湾大桥封闭,包括进出耶巴布 埃纳

  • This article proposed the coastal recreation environmental system constituted three factors : they are tourist recreation environment and traffic . With three essential factors from the geography space angle the article analyzes the land coast offshore and island four subsystems .

    提出了滨海游憩系统构成3要素是游客、游憩环境和 交通,用3要素从地理空间角度对旅顺 区陆域、海岸、近海和 海岛4个子系统作了分析。

  • Traffic me to some island ?


  • In recent years the urban average temperature is higher than rural ones due to industrial development population concentration traffic congestion air pollution building materials including mainly stone concrete and the upper wind block on construction which leads to the urban heat island effect .

    近年来,由于工业发达、人口集中、 交通拥挤、大气污染、建筑材料以石头混凝土为主、以及高层建筑对风的阻挡作用等,使得城市平均气温比郊区要高,从而形成城市 热岛效应。

  • Accompanied with the rapid development of urban construction and economy global warming climate desertification and other issues are also growing . Urban traffic congestion Heat island effect and the deterioration of the environment have become the focus of attention .

    伴随着城市建设和经济的快速发展,全球变暖、气候异常、土地荒漠化等问题也日益严重,城市 交通拥堵、 热岛效应、环境恶化等城市生态问题逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。

  • The force of the impact caused the car to swerve smash into railings on the traffic island and hit the pedestrians .

    两车相撞后,冲力令车辆失控,撞毁 安全 的栏杆,并撞倒行人。

  • To facilitate traffic designer build it clear bridge link with land make it become Thousand Island only of island that land and water linked to in the lake specially .

    为便于 交通,设计者特建天清大桥与陆地相连,使其成为 千岛湖中唯一一座水陆相连的岛屿。

  • Analysis and comparison of landscape patterns in the surroundings of different traffic lines & xiamen island as an example

    不同 交通干道周边景观格局的分析与比较&以厦门 为例

  • Do not cross one traffic lane at a time and do not wait in the middle of the road other than on an island .

    不要每次只横过一条 行车。除非路中央有 安全 ,否则不可在路中央停候。

  • A traffic light is about to be installed on the island pier with a green and red light to tell people if they need to ease up on electricity use .

    小岛的码头上即将安装 交通指示灯,告知岛民何时可以敞开用电。