training audit

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈɔdɪt][ˈtreiniŋ ˈɔ:dit]

[经] 培训审查

  • The senior training aims to train backbone auditors to improve the trainees'ability to use computer software and network-linkage for IT audit .

    是开展以能够联接被 审计单位数据库、能够使用计算机软件开展审计为主要内容的骨干 培训

  • It was vitally important that proper training schemes be developed to cater for the needs of both internal auditors and internal audit senior staff but the crucial need was for basic level training .

    进行合适的 培训计划来同时满足内部审计人员和内部 设计高层人员的需求,是非常重要的,但是关键需要的是基本的培训。

  • The Corporate Social Responsibility Internal Auditor Training is emphasized on the cultivation of audit skills and encouraged students gain the ability on social compliance audit gradually .

    企业社会责任内审员 培训 课程的侧重点是对审核员 审核技巧的培养,通过一系列的学习和练习使学员逐渐的具备进行企业社会责任审核的能力。

  • We should make measures from professional morals training sincerity education environmental to promote effectiveness and the function of morals audit .

    我们应采取措施从诚信教育、职业道德 培养、制度构建和环境改善着手,以提升道德 审计的职能与效用。

  • One way for employers to get a grip on how much language training they should budget for is to conduct a skills audit .

    对雇主来说,要弄清到底该为语言 培训安排多少预算,一个办法就是做技能 调查

  • RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : Constitute the NDP ( National Drug Policy ) and definitude some fuzzy definition and strengthen the training and audit of GMP inspector .

    结果与结论:可以通过制定国家药物政策、加强GMP检查员的 培训 年度 审核、修订相关条款等完善我国药品GMP。

  • The relative countermeasures are put forward such as audit supervision learning and training establishing and perfecting internal accounting management system and the joint of audit and national assets management .

    分析认为,高校可通过审计监督、加强学习 培训、建立健全内部会计管理制度和 审计国资联手等方式完善高校财务管理。

  • Documents training and audit work were then become the main focus .

    之后侧重点转入了文件 培训 审核工作。

  • Committee 's resources and training : All the audit committee literatures points out that the committee should be geared with proper resources and power in order to complete its duties .

    委员会的 教育 训练与资源:有关 审计委员会的研究报告及文献均指出,委员会应具备足够的资源及权威,以完成或委请外界专家协助完成其职责。

  • And as part of the training participates in practice sessions equivalent to one audit day in .

    以及,参与下列等同于一个 审核日的实践活动,以成为 培训的一部分。

  • The Fourth is to explore the thinking industry-wide audit to establish a training mechanism enhance the practical ability of auditors to improve the overall quality of the audit team .

    思考四是探索建立一个全行业审计人员 培训机制,提高审计人员的实践能力,提高 审计队伍的整体素质。

  • Training implementation testing and audit plans .

    培训,实施,测试和 审计计划。

  • In addition training of personnel for government audit Jiang Mingqi and his specialized training committee should be set for inspection in order to improve the business literacy of the audit staff .

    另外,对于政府 审计人员的 培训与考核,蒋氏认为应设置专门的培训委员会及考核委员会进行督查核查,以提高审计人员的业务素养。

  • Fifth Construction to strengthen the audit team . Optimize the construction increase the audit staff training improve the skills of audit staff .

    加强审计队伍建设,优化队伍建设、加大审计人员 培训 力度、提高 审计人员的技能。