trade preference

[treid ˈprɛfərəns][treid ˈprefərəns]


  • Then under this circumstance this paper raises the research on RMB Cross-Border trade financial products of LX bank based on the conjoint analysis of choice preference .

    本文正是在此背景下,提出了基于企业选择 偏好的联合分析,研究LX银行上海分行的跨境人民币 贸易融资产品的课题。

  • Global system of trade preference among developing countries

    发展中国家间全球 贸易 优惠

  • Relations between Regional Trade Preference and Most-Favored Nation Treatment ( MFN ) : Conflicts and Legal Coordination & Concurrently Discuss China 's Countermeasures

    区域 贸易 优惠与最惠国待遇关系的冲突与法律协调&兼论我国之应对措施

  • The legality of the regional trade preference is confirmed by the WTO rules so that regional trade has met a rare chance of development .

    世贸组织规则确立了区域 贸易 优惠的合法性,从而为区域贸易提供了前所未有的发展机遇。

  • The amount of trade benefits determines the preference of economic subjects toward die policies of trade protection and free trade as well as the motive force for them to take actions .

    贸易利益的大小决定了经济主体对自由贸易政策及贸易保护政策的 偏好 程度及其采取行动的动力。

  • Compared with the study of the closed economy the force promote domestic market to integrate is weakened when the cost of setting barriers in inter-regional trade is increasing . The reduction of margin preference impedes the integration of domestic market .

    与封闭经济条件下的研究相比, 贸易壁垒设置成本的提高对市场整合进程的促进作用减弱,产品出口 优惠幅度的减少,将在一定程度阻碍国内市场的整合。

  • The strategic selection of content industry foreign trade based on preference similarity theory

    基于 需求相似理论的内容产业对外 贸易战略选择

  • The Trade - Wage Preference in Women 's Employment and Sexual Discrimination

    女性就业的 行业&工资 倾向与性别歧视