


  • The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown .

    当他们自己的队得了 底线 时,人群高声呼喊起来。

  • That 's like me saying touchdown is not very intelligent .

    就像我说这 条狗不十分聪明。

  • A maneuver to transition the airplane from approach to touchdown on the runway .

    一种将飞机从进近过渡到在跑道上 的机动动作。

  • Scoring exactly not one damn touchdown .

    连一 触地 得分也没有。

  • A score in American football made on a try for points after a touchdown .

    美式足球中 触地得分后的得分。

  • They thought they had the game sewed up but the other team won it with a touchdown in the last quarter .

    他们以为他们能赢这场比赛,但在最后一刻中另一队 底线 得分赢了。

  • You did not win the game the touchdown didn 't count because of the illegal .

    你没有赢,那 得分不算,因为你犯规了。

  • With the scheduled touchdown now only about fifteen minutes ahead it was a busy time at Mission Control .

    预定的 着陆时间只有15分钟了,任务监控处一片忙碌。

  • He caught a punt and scored the winning touchdown with a minute left to play .

    他接住对方的弃踢球,成功 阵,取得了制胜 得分,此时比赛只剩最后一分钟。

  • After touchdown they discovered that Philae had landed without its harpoons firing successfully .


  • The astronauts are preparing for touchdown tomorrow morning .

    宇航员正在为明天早上的 着陆作准备。

  • Collapsing buildings jumping flaming cars planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears .

    建筑物倒塌,跳跃燃烧的汽车,飞机掉下来,并设法拉动个 着陆前,它是真正的旅行,为的眼睛和耳朵一场盛宴。

  • The touchdown was nullified because the left tackle was offside .

    触地 得分无效因为左边的队员越位了。

  • The reasonable touchdown technique is the key of the take off technique .

    合理的 技术是起跳技术的关键所在。

  • One more touchdown will assure victory .

    再来一次 底线 得分就可以保证获得胜利。

  • Let 's leave after the next touchdown .

    等到下一个 之后我们就走吧。

  • The team was behind but at the last minute Sam saved the day with a touchdown .

    这个队落后了,但在最后时刻塞姆 底线 得分 转败为胜

  • One our team just scored a touchdown .

    第一,我们的队刚刚有一个 触地 得分

  • It 's good I got myself back into the game and scored the winning touchdown .

    好在我自己半道 回比赛并且成功 触地 得分

  • The Tigers broke the ice with a touchdown .

    虎队 首先 底线 得分,打破僵局。

  • Well I don 't like overnight flight while it was relaxing during a touchdown in tokyo .

    我不太喜欢夜间航班,不过在东京 降落休息时还算舒服。

  • I wanted to know how many milliseconds is the touchdown delayed because of the air drag .

    我想知道,因为空气阻力,延迟多久以后 落地

  • In American football a touchdown scores six points .

    在美式橄榄球中, 持球 触地 6分。

  • It 's James Brown touchdown !

    詹姆斯。 布朗 成功了!

  • A : The cowboys just scored a touchdown .

    牛仔队刚刚 触地 得分

  • Time ran out before we could score another touchdown .

    我们没来得及 再一 底线 得分,时间就到了。

  • Phoebe the touchdown does count you win .

    菲比, 得分 照算,你赢了。

  • I should have thanked her after every touchdown I ever scored in high school .

    高中时的每次 得分,我都应该好好感谢她。

  • Michigan scored a touchdown .

    Michigan队 得分