touch glasses

[tʌtʃ ˈɡlæsɪz][tʌtʃ ˈglɑ:sɪz]


  • Lens can 't touch water or some liquid which are easy melt with water whole glasses can 't be cleaning by ultrasonic wave or liquid .

    镜片不能 直接 接触水或水融性液体,整体 眼镜不能使用超声波或液体直接清洗。

  • Its Touch Lift is the easiest way to adjust the drip tray 's height to fit glasses and cups of any size .

    触摸上升功能可以非常简单地调整滴水盘的高度以适合咖啡 的大小。

  • But you need to learn a series of touch commands on the arm of the glasses and often I found myself stuck halfway down a long series of menus swiping back and forth and getting nowhere .

    但是你需要学习 镜架上一系列的 触摸指令。我经常会发现自己被卡在一长串菜单之中,来回猛击指令,但却毫无进展。