to the life

[tu ði laɪf][tu: ðə laif]


  • He was drawn to the monastic life .

    他已 进入寺院 修行

  • In more complex databases a Data Design Project can be used to manage the life cycle of a particular database application .

    在更复杂的数据库中,可以使用DataDesignProject 管理一个特定数据库应用程序 生命周期。

  • My question is closely related to the life of and investment by Hong Kong people .

    香港凤凰卫视记者:我的问题跟香港 生活与投资有关。

  • These phases correlate to the SOA life cycles of Model Assemble Run and Manage .

    这些阶段与SOA 生命周期的建模、装配、运行和管理相对应。

  • If you want to add a feature to the Second Life viewer or modify an existing feature you 'll have to find where in the code to start typing .

    如果希望 Second Life查看器中添加新特性,或者对现有的特性进行修改,您必须找到在代码的哪些地方开始输入代码。

  • The effect of this is to reduce the life of the bee .

    这会降低蜜蜂 寿命

  • Is it wrong to try to save the life of someone you love ?

    尽力挽救所爱之人 生命难道错了吗?

  • The doctors are trying to save the life of the patient .

    医生们正在努力抢救这个病人 性命

  • The concept of ' ants tribes ' has been widely recognized among Chinese college graduates thanks to this book so we are going to include the life and struggle of more ' ants ' in other parts of China in our next book . ' Lian said .

    廉思说,因为这本书的原因,蚁族这个概念已在中国大学毕业生中被广为认可,所以下一本书 涵盖中国其他地区更多蚁族 生活与奋斗。

  • Talking about this led to the question of whether it would be practical to add a simple and transparent language translator to the Second Life client .

    讨论这一点就会引起一个问题: Second Life客户机中添加一个简单而透明的语言翻译器是否实用。

  • He finds it difficult to get used to the idle life of retirement .

    他过不惯清闲 退休 生活

  • There is no going back to the life she had

    她无法再 回到从前 生活

  • Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to protecting the life and health of human beings fostering humanism promoting peace and progress and ensuring the Red Cross Society 's performance of its functions and duties in accordance with the law .

    第一条 为了保护人 生命和健康,发扬人道主义精神,促进和平进步事业,保障红十字会依法履行职责,制定本法。

  • He told me he preferred the country life to the city life .

    他告诉我,和城市 生活相比,他更喜欢村落生活。

  • Maven is an excellent build tool for Java ™ developers and you can use it to manage the life cycle of your projects as well .

    Maven是为Java™开发人员提供的一个极为优秀的构建工具,您也可以使用它 管理您的项目 生命周期。

  • People want to live the life they choose today and worry about the consequences later .

    人们总 随心所欲 过好今天,明天再去担心由此造成的后果。

  • Getting a fresh start with the New Year is an artificial custom-you can begin to get the life you love and live it at any time you choose .

    你又有多少把握能够胜算?新年新展望其实是个伪命题,因为你可以选择在任何时刻开始你 想要 生活,并且乐在其中。

  • Now you are ready to define the life cycle scripts for your plug-in .

    现在,我们已经 准备好为我们的插件定义 生命周期脚本。

  • The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life .

    现场报导 逼真地再现了抢劫的 过程。

  • Money should be used to enhance the life of ourselves and others but not define our life .

    金钱可以 用来丰富我们和其他人 生活,但是不能定义我们的生活。

  • We sometimes seem to forget that what God takes He takes in fire ;( Isa . 48:10 ) and that the only way to the resurrection life and the ascension mount is the way of the garden the cross and the grave .

    我们有时候好像忘记了神拣选我们,是要在苦难的炉中拣选的(赛四十八章十节)。我们也忘记了复活的 生命,和升天的荣耀,是从客西马尼、十字架和坟墓里来的。

  • ADSync is an MMC snap-in meant to simplify the life of a system administrator .

    ADSync是MMC管理单元, 旨在简化系统管理员的工作。

  • It is perfectly possible to organize the life of our colleges in such a way that students and teachers alike will take part in it ;

    完全有可能 我们的大学 生活组织得使学生和教师都参与其中,使师生间产生完全自然的日常交流;

  • He painted the horse to the life .

    他把那匹马画 栩栩如生

  • To expose your bean to the JSF life cycle all you need to do is place a single annotation @ Name above the class definition .

    为了将bean暴露 JSF 生命周期中,只需在类定义的上面添加一个简单的注释@Name。

  • And that the only way to the resurrection life and the ascension mount is the way of the garden the cross and the grave .

    我们 忘记了复活的 生命,和升天的荣耀,是从客西马尼、十字架和坟墓里来的。