to the nines


  • Last year at her party everyone was dressed to the nines .

    去年在她搞的派对上,大家都 精心 打扮

  • Homeboy Pete all dressed up to the nines .

    家乡人皮特居然打扮 漂漂亮亮

  • He was all dressed up to the nines for the interview .

    为了 参加面试,穿 衣装 笔挺

  • Every time she went to a dance she would always be dressed up to the nines .

    每次去参加舞会,她都打扮 特别 漂亮

  • She was dressed up to the nines for their first date .

    在他们第一次约会时她穿上了 最好 衣服

  • The whole family were dressed up to the nines when they left for the wedding .

    全家人 参加婚礼时 个个都穿 漂漂亮亮

  • The woman dressed up to the nines .

    这女人打扮 十分 华丽

  • The American designer acquired a storied French country estate in the Loire Valley and decorated it to the nines leaving out only the snobbery .

    这位美国设计师在卢瓦尔河谷买了一个多层法国 田庄,把它装饰 十分 完美,只是主人有 势利。

  • The tacit cooperation between the players and their own outstanding ability perfectly show that individuals melt into the team to the nines which ensures the tactics could be carried out effectively .

    而球员之间默契的配合与球员自身的不俗实力完美地展现了个人与团队的 完美 融合,保障了这一战术打法能够有效地执行。

  • Girls are all dressed up to the nines for the great feast .

    女孩子们全都打扮 停当,准备 参加这次盛宴。

  • You might say when I wear my best clothes I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth .

    当我穿上自己最 漂亮的衣服时,你可能会说我“打扮 时髦 极点 ,或者“打扮得 完美极了

  • They dressed to the nines in showy outlandish garb and flashy jewellery took part in the New Year 's float parade .

    他们身穿 花俏装束, 配戴俗不可耐的珠宝, 盛装参加新年花车巡游。

  • He is exactly what I imagine a Wardrobe person to look like-slightly stressed eyes shifting over everyone and dressed to the nines .

    他和我想象中的服装界人士一样,有点严肃,眼神掠过每一个人,穿着 讲究

  • I no longer wash my hair every day and I no longer feel self-conscious if I 'm not done up to the nines .

    我不再每天洗头,即使不打扮 光鲜 无比也不会觉得有什么 不妥