tower over

[ˈtaʊɚ ˈovɚ][ˈtauə ˈəuvə]

高出,超出, (喻)胜过

  • An observation tower for a lookout to watch over prisoners or watch for fires or enemies .

    人们为了 看守犯人或是监视敌人及火险而设的监视

  • Secure Distance of the Quadruple-circuit Transmission Line with Vertical Arrangements on the Same Tower Passing over Buildings

    导线垂直排列同 四回线路 跨越建筑物时的安全距离

  • At school a girl may tower over most boys her age

    在学校,一个女孩可能 她同龄的大多数男孩子都要 出许多。

  • Local Similarity in the Tower Layer over the Forest and Wetland - Forest

    局地相似性理论 林地及林木湿地下垫面 层中的应用研究

  • A tower crane keeled over and crushed some temporary buildings but fortunately nobody was hurt .

    塔吊突然 倒塌,砸坏了一些临时性建筑物,但幸好没有人员伤着。

  • Fatigue crack propagation rate on normal temperature for 20 g steel that has served a coke tower over its design life was studied .

    已超期服役且中度球化的焦炭 20g材质在常温下的疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN进行了试验研究。

  • In revamping the diameter of tower tray the tower height and the number of tower trays were fixed while the F_1 floating valve trays were replaced by ADV differential tower tray the throughput of each fractionation tower was increased by over 40 % .

    改造中在塔径、塔高、塔盘数不变即塔体利旧的情况下,用ADV微分浮阀塔盘替换原F1型浮阀塔盘,使各个分馏 的生产能力提高40% 以上

  • But PetroChina 's business and prospects are undeniably impressive . The company has every right if not perhaps to tower over Exxon then certainly to look it in the eye .

    但不可否认,中石油的业务和前景都颇为引人瞩目。即使不能 超越埃克森 美孚,中石油至少也完全有权利直视它。

  • DRILL rigs tower over the silos on farms in Pennsylvania .

    宾夕法尼亚的农场,一座座钻塔 高耸俯视 贮粮的圆仓。

  • From the top of the tower you could see for miles over the city .

    塔顶上你能 俯瞰城市好几英里远。

  • The mighty ruins that tower over this island imbue it with an air of ancient mystery .

    伫立 这个岛上的巨大遗迹,长久以来守护着无数远古的秘密。

  • Construction of main tower foundation of No.3 bridge over Feiyun River in Rui'an

    瑞安 飞云江三桥主 桩基施工

  • The clock tower stands over 50 metres .

    这座 钟塔 在五十米 以上

  • A Han couple poses in a field dressed in traditional Western wedding clothes as newly installed wind turbines tower over the countryside .

    一对汉族夫妇身穿传统西式婚纱在田野间拍照, 身后是新安装的风力涡轮机 塔架

  • He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes .

    他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥 塔台 争执不下。

  • With a height of 257 m the long span crossing tower over mountain Ma'an of the 500 kV Chuma line of East China Power Grid is the highest steel pipe tower being constructed in China .

    华东电网500kV滁马线马鞍山大跨越 塔高 257m,是目前国内在建的最高的钢管塔。

  • The pop was leaning over by5 metres to the south and of its movement was not stopped the tower would one day fall over .

    比萨 的顶部向南倾斜了5米,如果这种倾斜运动得不到抑制,那么 终究有一天会 倒塌

  • There seems another bell tower over there .

    那边好像还有一 钟楼

  • The tower offers magnificent views over the city .

    塔顶上可以看到 整个城市绝好的风景。

  • The mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the vent gas of concentration tower is over - proof due to the increase of shift gas quantity and sulfide compounds content .

    由于变换气量及气体中硫含量的增加,导致原浓缩 放空气中硫化氢质量浓度 超标

  • Skyscrapers tower over the city .

    摩天大楼 高耸 这座城市中。

  • From the top of the tower the outlook over the city was breathtaking .


  • Study on Model Test of Prestressed Concrete Microwave Antenna Tower over the Fuzhou Telecommunication Building

    福州市 长途电信枢纽大楼预应力微波天线 塔台模型试验研究

  • This town ranks high among beauty spots . The tower offers magnificent views over the city .

    这城市在风景区中享有盛名。 塔顶 可以看到 整个城市绝好的风景。

  • Based on the very fragmentary fossil evidence we have Gigantopithecus stood ten feet tall and weighed over half a ton . A creature like that would tower over any Bigfoot .

    据仅存的一些化石残片,巨猿有10英尺高,体重可超过半吨,估计像 巨猿这样的生物,体型要 任何大脚怪都大。

  • Under selected conditions the concentration of ethyl acetate in the raw ester at the tower top is over 91 percent and there is nearly no acid in it .

    在选择的实验条件下, 塔顶粗酯产品中乙酸乙酯含量达到91% 以上,基本不含酸。

  • A statistical Study of Wind Shear in Tower Layer over Beijing urban boundary layer

    北京城市边界层 低空切变的统计分析

  • But given the progressive incline of the famous tower over the centuries this has now become a dangerous amount of movement and scientists have been increasingly worried about the effect to this famous Italian landmark .

    但考虑到名 几个世纪以来不断倾斜,这已变成一个危险的偏移量,因而科学家们愈来愈对这座著名的意大利历史胜迹所受到的影响感到担忧。

  • Forged from stainless aluminum and encased in bronze-tinted glass the Sears Tower rises majestically over the business sector of Chicago to stand at518 m as the city 's tallest building .

    由不锈铝合金锻造筋骨,又披上深褐色的玻璃外衣,518米高的西尔斯 大厦昂然 耸立 芝加哥的商业中心,它是这座城市最高的建筑。

  • The skyscrapers that tower over New York

    高耸 纽约市的摩天大楼