tower washing

[ˈtaʊɚ ˈwɑʃɪŋ][ˈtauə ˈwɔʃɪŋ]


  • A Microcomputer Control System of Spray Drying Processes in a High Tower for Grain Washing Detergent

    颗粒 洗涤剂 高塔喷雾干燥过程的微机控制系统

  • A steam jet making use of the direct steam of stripping tower is added to decrease the operation pressure of drying tower and the washing tower is cut off .

    利用汽提塔的直接蒸汽,增加二级蒸汽喷射系统,降低干燥 的操作压力,减少了一个 洗涤塔,提高了 精制 效果

  • Discussion on The Lining Structure of Cooling Tower and Washing Tower

    关于冷却 洗涤塔衬里结构的商榷

  • The construction operation method and effect of a new sludge disposal tower attached to an automatic vehicle washing bay are outlined in this paper .

    介绍了与自动化 洗车 配套使用的新型污泥处理 的结构、使用方法与效益。

  • Equipment Installation and Welding Process for AGS Tower of BF Gas Washing System

    AGS 高炉煤气 清洗系统设备安装及焊接工艺

  • As to the salt deposition which have formed in distillation tower top intermittent washing tower operation using a certain concentration of monoethanolamine or its aqueous solution can help to eliminate the salt deposit fast and effectively and to keep stable production .

    对于已经形成结盐的常压蒸馏 ,可以考虑采用注入一定浓度的单乙醇胺或其水溶液进行间歇性 塔操作,快捷有效地消除结盐盐垢,恢复稳定生产。

  • In recent years high efficiency of filling tower has gradually substituted for wood space filling benzene washing tower .

    近年来,焦化行业木格填料 苯塔已逐渐被新型高效填料 所取代。