
[tɔˈrɛnʃəl, tə-][təˈrenʃl]



  • The contrast analyses of typhoon and west system torrential rain at Yueqing reservoirs

    乐清水库台风暴雨和西风系统 暴雨的对比分析

  • The Houston-area floods appear to be over but potential flood dangers remain following Monday 's torrential rains .

    休斯敦地区的洪水似乎即将退去,但是在星期一的一 暴雨后仍有潜在的洪灾危险。

  • The torrential rain this year in California and its southern part is attributed to the El Nino .

    今年在加利福尼亚州和南部地区的 豪雨都归咎于厄尔尼诺作宠。

  • The torrential rain may flood the low-lying land out .

    这场 骤雨有可能把低洼地淹没。

  • There was frequent thunder and lightning and torrential rain .

    雷电交加, 大雨倾盆

  • One spring afternoon torrential rains washed down the hillside eroding the entrance to their mine .

    一个春日的午后, 天空 突然下起了 倾盆大雨,雨水 形成 山洪 猛烈 地冲下山坡,把他们的金矿的入口冲垮了。

  • New Yorkers had experienced a night of high winds and torrential rain and were sheltering inside .

    此前纽约经历了一个狂风大作、 大雨倾盆的夜晚,市民们都呆在室内躲避。

  • Wild swings in the weather between persistent drought and torrential floods have also been reported .

    他们也报告,气候介于持久干旱与 猛烈洪灾之间飘忽不定。

  • The torrential flood annihilated the village .


  • Torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year characterizes these forests often shrouded in heavy clouds .

    这些森林一年四季多 雨雪,常常云雾笼罩。雨 了,但是阴云密布,低低地笼罩在头上。

  • At least 150 people are believed to have died after two days of torrential rain deluged the capital .

    连续两天的 滂沱大雨致使首都积水成灾,据信至少已有150人死亡。

  • Application of Generalized Moist Potential Vorticity to Analysis and Forecast of the Torrential Rain over the Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin

    广义湿位涡在江淮流域 暴雨分析和预报中的应用

  • Torrential storm occurs in stronger frontal zone of energy high humid region and water vapor flux convergence region .


  • Analysis of Mesoscale Circulation Characteristic on a Local Torrential Rain Event a tempest swept over the island .

    青岛一次局地 暴雨的中尺度环流特征分析一阵暴风雨刮过小岛。

  • Torrential rain and thunderstorms caused three reported cases of landslips and 20 of flooding .

    此外,维克托也带来 豪雨及雷暴,导致3宗山泥倾泻和20宗水浸。

  • It had been a night of stormy weather with torrential rain and high winds .

    这是一个暴风雨之夜, 大雨倾盆,强风呼啸。

  • Effects of Topography and Urban Heat Circulation on a Meso - β Torrential Rain in Beijing Area

    地形和城市热力环流对北京地区一次β中尺度 暴雨的影响

  • They encounter incredible cloud movement torrential rain severe winds and hail lightning breathtaking storm structures .

    他们遭遇了难以置信的云团移动、 连续性暴雨、狂风冰雹、闪电以及惊险的风暴结构。

  • They were caught in a torrential downpour and got soaked to the skin .

    他们突然遇上了 倾盆大雨,全身都湿透了。

  • Torrential rains that beat down on her like hailstones .

    如冰雹一般 滂沱而下打在她身上的 暴雨

  • Torrential rain will also sweep Hunan Province where floods and landslides have caused great damage .


  • The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain .

    比赛因 大雨取消了。

  • The flooding caused by three days of torrential rain is the worst in sixty-five years .

    连续3天的 倾盆大雨引发的洪水是65年来最严重的一

  • Analysis to torrential rain and the floods of the Lixiahe in2003 .

    里下河建湖片2003年 暴雨洪水分析。

  • That summer a torrential rain poured down for two days and nights .

    那年夏天,一场 暴雨下了两天两夜。

  • As the highway bridge has been damaged by the torrential flood we have to boat it .

    公路桥被 汹涌的洪水 冲垮了,我们不得不乘船去。

  • Torrential rains flood the coast of Peru while south-eastern Australia wilts in drought .

    秘鲁海岸被 暴雨淹没,而澳大利亚东南部却在干旱中萎靡。

  • The River Frome had burst its banks after torrential rain .


  • More torrential rain is forecast tonight .

    预报今晚还要下 暴雨