


  • Application of anti-corrosion antistatic tortoiseshell PE lining

    耐腐蚀防静电 龟甲PE衬里的应用

  • Pugnacious tropical sea turtle with a hawk-like beak ; source of food and the best tortoiseshell .

    长有鹰钩嘴、好斗的热带海龟;可作为食物的原料,是最好的 龟甲

  • In feng shui the tortoiseshell represents a strong back protection and security explained Gerald Ronson Heron 's chief executive .

    Heron首席执行官杰拉德荣森(GeraldRonson)解释道:在风水中, 龟甲代表着强有力的支撑、保护和安全。

  • M & S has nailed this shape with a pair of understated sunglasses in tortoiseshell – less harsh than black – for a mere fiver .

    玛莎百货公司 选择这种镜框形状来搭配 副朴素的 黄褐色 太阳镜&比黑色柔和 一些,售价仅为5镑。

  • Force-bearing characteristics of tortoiseshell structure and exploratory discussion of application

    乌龟 结构的承力特点研究及应用探讨

  • Usually the Saman masks are made from grass leather tortoiseshell clamshell .

    萨满面具多用草枇、兽革、 盖、贝壳制成。

  • The modern Chinese medicine pharmacy research expresses turtles contain big value of medical function Turtle 's meat tortoiseshell turtle blood turtle gall and turtle urine can go into the medicine .

    现代中医药学研究表明,龟类有较大的药用价值,龟肉、 龟甲、龟血、龟胆汁甚至龟尿都可以入药。

  • An inlaid furniture decoration ; tortoiseshell and yellow and white metal form scrolls in cabinetwork .

    镶嵌的家俱装饰; 龟甲和黄和白色的金属在细木工作过程中形成卷轴。

  • A tropical sea turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) valued as a source of tortoiseshell .

    玳瑁被看作是 龟甲的来源之一的热带海洋中一种海龟(玳瑁 玳瑁属)

  • His shaggy right eyebrow wanders toward it above the tortoiseshell glasses .

    右眼那 茂密的眉毛也 玳瑁眼镜的上方向 那边 过去

  • Among cats chimeras are really not all that rare . In fact most male tortoiseshell cats are chimeras .

    在猫科动物中,嵌合体不是那么少见的,实际上大部分的雄性 花斑猫都是嵌合体。

  • Guinness World Records announced that the tortoiseshell pet has clocked up 114 cat years since her birth in February 1990 .

    吉尼斯世界纪录宣布,这只 玳瑁 的宠物猫自从1990年2月出生以来, 现今已达24岁猫 ,这 相当人类114岁高寿。

  • Ornamental article of tortoiseshell for interior decoration ( excl. collectors ' pieces and antiques )

    龟甲 装饰品,用于室内装饰(不包括收藏品和古董)

  • He wears huge spectacles with thick tortoiseshell frames .

    他戴着 玳瑁 粗框大眼镜。

  • For this reason a tortoiseshell is commonly placed into the foundations of a building that incorporates feng shui principles .

    因此, 龟甲常常被置于遵循风水原则的建筑物地基中。

  • Beautiful combs pure tortoiseshell with jewels set in-just the colour to wear in her beautiful hair .

    多么好看的梳子,纯 玳瑁做的,镶着铢宝,颜色恰好配上她那美丽的头发。

  • From the six models in the series which became available throughout the years the version in tortoiseshell brown is one of the most sought-after vintage pens .

    此后,此系列中的六种笔款在多年后 追捧以棕色 玳瑁 古董笔最受欢迎。

  • She sat at the table one leg curled under her and pulled back strands of hair that had fallen over her face refastening them with the tortoiseshell comb .

    她坐在桌旁,一只脚蜷在下面,把一缕落在脸上在头发拢回去,用那 玳瑁梳子重新别好。