touch and go

[tʌtʃ ənd ɡo][tʌtʃ ænd ɡəu]



  • Ah it 's touch and go . I 've located the clot .

    啊,还 好说,我刚刚取出血块。

  • Apparently he 's been touch and go all day .

    显然他 一直在 危险中。

  • It was touch and go whether the doctor would get there in time .

    医生能否及时 赶到那里是 没有 把握的。

  • He did not as he feared drop the flag but it did look touch and go .

    他没有像自己担心的那样让会旗掉 地上,但看上去确实有 危险

  • Cleared for touch and go one ahead .

    允许 继续 起飞 前方有一架飞机。

  • If china will build a modernization state . She should keep a close touch and the same step with the whole world this is the necessary way to go among any modern state .

    中国要现代化,就须与整个世界保持紧密的 联系 世界同步前进,这是任何一个现代化国家的 必由之路

  • The trip will be a quick short one but possibly have a touch of luxury and pampering about it - you should go !

    它应该是快速的短程旅行,但是可能会有一 奢华 放纵,你应该 旅行。

  • He won 't touch the onions because he doesn 't like the smell of them on his hands but he 's quite adept and admits he did once go through a cooking phase .

    他不会 洋葱,因为他不像它们的气味,但是在他的手里,但他的不少内行 承认他曾经 经过一个烹饪阶段。

  • I will touch upon most of these topics today not all and I can 't go into great depth for obvious reasons .

    今天我会 讲解,大部分的内容-,而不是全部 - 我也不能 的太深,原因很明显。

  • Way to Walk Through the Broken Bridge-to Touch and to Seek On Love Pattern in Soap Opera Historical Sky ; Input text via the keypad keyboard onscreen keyboard or handwriting recognition or go handsfree with speakerphone or wireless headset . You choose .

    走通断桥的方式& 触摸 可能与寻找论电视剧《历史的天空》的爱情模式有小键盘,大键盘,触摸屏,手写等输入方式,甚至 可以用耳机操作。

  • All of these are important elements in giving Web applications a professional touch and in making them ready to go online .

    要使Web应用更富有专业 色彩 使它们能够 随时在线 运行,所有这些都是很重要的因素。

  • Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime and never let go till we 're one .

    爱情可以, 打动我们一次 却持续一辈子。并且永远不会让它 溜走,直到我们,融为一体。

  • It 's touch and go whether we make Europe this season but I 'm desperate to get in because they are the great nights-they 're something we 'll always remember when our careers finish .

    我们能否在这个赛季取得欧战资格现在已经是 一触即发的关键时刻了,但我非常渴望得到,因为那是一些伟大的夜晚,那是我们退役之后都会一直记得的事情。

  • It was touch and go with the old guide .

    那位老 向导 处境 危险

  • Trade talks between the two countries have been touch and go .

    两国之间的贸易会谈一直 处于 稳定的状况。

  • Make rash demands if you really must but with the actual circumstances you 're dealing with changing often you 're better off keeping in close touch with others and revising plans as you go .

    在紧要的气情况下你 可以做出迅速的决定,但是如果你正面对着不断改变的现实,最好的方法是 紧跟现状不断调整自己的计划。

  • We 'll have to wait and see but I suppose at the moment you would have to say it 's touch and go for the derby claimed Carragher .

    我们必须等待结果,但是我现在设想你会说好了 德比吧。

  • Even during our annual winter vacation we often publish notices on our website reminding students that during holidays they should keep in touch with their parents and if they go out they should let their parents know where they are he said .

    即便是每年寒假,我们也经常在网站上发布通知,提醒学生放假期间应该和父母保持 联系 如果 外出应该让父母知道自己在哪儿,他说。

  • Touch gloves and go back to your corner .


  • Again I touch upon the circle of honoured names I must not mention ; but I would fain acknowledge his generosity and affectionate interest which make it possible for me to go to college .

    作为承诺,我不能在这些令人尊敬的人士中说出他的名字;但是,我一定要感谢他慷慨无私的资助 否则,我是 可能 迈入大学 校门的。

  • Find the problem then proceed to address these constraints and problems of the constraints then touch the core issue of this paper-the transformation and upgrading of processing trade how to change ? Go where ? This is most important to study the issue .

    找到问题所在,接下来着手解决这些限制因素和问题的束缚,那么就 碰到了本文的核心问题 &加工贸易的转型升级,如何转型? 转到何方?这都是要研究的最重要的问题。

  • It is touch and go whether the policemen will come or not .

    警察们能不能来,现在还很 难说

  • For three days it was touch and go as to whether she would live said her mother .

    她母亲说, 一连三天她都 生死

  • It was touch and go whether we 'd go bankrupt .

    我们是否会破产还很 难说

  • ' I 'll only touch him with my hand and go to sleep .

    我只用我的手摸 他, 然后 睡去

  • If those two wires touch the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames .

    如果那两根电线 接触,该装置将短路 可能燃烧 起来

  • One Trident 258 on local training making touch and go landing .

    三叉 258在本场做连续起落训练。

  • Our team won the game however it was touch and go for a while .

    尽管我队胜了这场比赛,但 一度确实 危险

  • The complicated medical operation was touch and go for several hours .

    那个高难度的手术在 生死 边缘进行了 几个钟头。