
[ˈtuˌkæn, -ˌkɑn, tuˈkæn, -ˈkɑn][ˈtu:kæn]


  • If the toco toucan had evolved in chilly Ireland its impressive bill would have been much more modest .

    如果托 巨嘴鸟是在寒冷的爱尔兰 成长演化 过来的, 它让人印象深刻的巨嘴就会 现在小得多了。

  • Toucan - backup sync and encrypt for advanced users

    Toucan- 适用 高级用户的备份、同步、 编译 工具

  • The Toucan has a large yellow and black beak and blue striped wings .

    犀鸟 有一个黄色和黑色的嘴和蓝色条纹的翅膀。

  • For centuries scientists have puzzled over why the toucan 's bill is so remarkably large-but now one team thinks it might have an answer .

    几个世纪以来,科学家被 犀鸟巨大的喙所迷惑,但是现在一组团队认为他们找到了答案。