Torrid Zone


  • The forest was in the torrid zone and was a danger zone because there were many wild animals .

    那片森林在 热带,因为有很多野生动物,所以是个危险地带。

  • The fauna is a first discovery in the Dongjiang River Valley indicating a natural grassland environment on the northern margin of the torrid zone at that time .

    此动物群为广东东江流域历年首现,代表了当时的 热带北缘 森林草原的自然环境。

  • Termites blazoning in the temperate zone and the torrid zone is a kind of high-harmful society insect .

    白蚁广布于温带及 热带 地区,是危害率高、破坏性极大的社会昆虫。

  • And the quality of ber planted in torrid zone packed with films and stored at different temperature was investigated .

    根据 最佳 配方制备 适合 枣贮藏保鲜的 塑料薄膜,并对 的保鲜效果作了各项生理指标的测试研究。

  • The torrid zone distribution and temperate zone distribution were main station .


  • The success of cultivation and demonstrations of the series cottons of Zhanjiang Ocean University will make the actuality that cottons can not grow in the torrid zone turn into the history .

    海大棉系列品种的培育和示范成功,将使 热带不能生产棉花的现状成为历史。

  • The service trial showed that the developed oil possesses excellent performances in both frigid zone and torrid zone such as damping characteristic lubricity low temperature fluidity shear stability oxidation stability and antirust property .

    实际使用证明,该油在寒区及 炎热 地区均具有良好的减震性、润滑性、低温流动性、剪切安定性及抗氧防锈性能。