total mechanism

[ˈtotl ˈmɛkəˌnɪzəm][ˈtəutəl ˈmekənizəm]

[计] 综合机构

  • The paper introduces the design characteristics of the four-way pulled core mould for plastics parts of large boxes and covers and such mould design after improvement as the total structure cast system pulled core mechanism and so on and discusses the mould rigidity etc.

    介绍大型箱、盖类塑料件四面开模的设计特点,改进后的四开模 总体结构、浇注系统、抽芯 机构等的设计,并讨论了模具刚性等问题。

  • For example : the total budget further perfect measures total cost accounting method evaluation mechanism by further establish and risk generated by internal audit mode .

    例如:全面预算进一步完善的措施, 成本核算方法的采用、考核 机制的进一步建立及风险导向型内审模式的采用等。

  • The idea and method of Total Quality Management ( TQM ) and mechanism design theory practiced triumphantly in quality management in corporation have used for reference in Teaching Quality Management in university .

    现代企业质量管理中得到成功运用的 全面质量管理(TQM)理念和方法和 机制设计理论为高校教学质量管理提供很好的借鉴。

  • The anti-inflammatory effects of total flavonoids of chrysanthemum indicum and its partial mechanism

    野菊花 黄酮抗炎作用及部分 机制

  • Authoritarianism is the stronger 's politics under total appealing mechanism .

    威权政治是在 整体号召 机制下施行的强人政治。

  • The fixation effect of total N in artificial vegetation was more obvious than that in natural vegetation but it was converse on the fixation effect of total P. The mechanism of vegetative restoration heightening soil fertility and the restoration effect of soil fertility in different vegetation were discussed .

    人工植被相对于天然植被对总氮的固定作用更为明显,而对 总磷的固定作用劣于天然植被。最后,对植被恢复提高土壤肥力的 机理和不同植被对土壤肥力的恢复效应进行了探讨。

  • Therefore exploration and establishment for capacity total content control mechanism is an important topic for current environmental protection .

    为此,探索、建立容量 总量控制 机制是当前环保工作中的一个重要课题。

  • In this research a new mechanism of dividing seeding based on acting of airflow and vibration which is total different with present ordered seedling throwing and dividing mechanism is put forward .

    本课题提出并研究了一种基于气流的振动式有序抛秧分秧新机构,本机构 完全不同于现有有序抛秧分秧 机构

  • Effects of melatonin on pneumocyte apoptosis during total hepatic ischemia-reperfusion in rats and related mechanism

    褪黑素对 肝缺血再灌注大鼠肺细胞凋亡的影响及相关 机制

  • Total Design Support System for Mechanism Kinematic Synthesis

    机构运动方案设计支持系统的 总体设计

  • In general optical fiber ring is bulky and incompatible with photonic integration . For planar waveguide ring limited by the total internal reflection ( TIR ) mechanism its propagation loss increases exponentially with the reduction of ring radius .

    一般说来,光纤环形谐振器体积大难以实现光集成;平板波导微型环,受 内反射 机理限制,其传播损耗会随着环尺寸的缩小而指数增加,进而阻滞了器件的小型化。

  • Study on the Analgesic Effect of Total Flavonoids of Propolis and Its Mechanism

    蜂胶 黄酮镇痛作用及其 机制研究

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the analgesic effect of total flavonoids of propolis ( TFP ) and its mechanism .

    目的:研究蜂胶 黄酮(TFP)镇痛作用及其 机制

  • In situ MS Laser and optical techniques and total cylinder sampling system are very useful in mechanism study of soot suppressants and combustion aids .

    在线质谱、激光与光学装置和 气缸取样装置在消烟助燃剂作用 机理研究中特别有用。

  • The credit risk measure way supplies a total sides risk control mechanism for financial institutions and also a basic risk standard for bank and supervision .

    信用风险计量为金融机构提供了一种 方位的信用风险控制 机制;为银行和监管部门提供了一个基本的风险标准;

  • Objective To study the antidepressant effect of total timosaponin ( TT ) and its mechanism .

    目的研究知母总皂苷( totaltimosaponin,TT)的抗抑郁作用及其 机制

  • This paper introduces the total design of Virtual experiment system for Mechanism diagram drawing and implementation of this system function .

    介绍 机构 运动简图测绘虚拟实验系统的 总体设计构思与实现系统功能的方法。

  • A unique light-filtrating effect was first time found in the prepared 3D skeletal polymer with divinylbenzene filled in the uniform macro-through-pores . The effect most likely resulted from a total reflection mechanism of light in 3D macro-through-pores . 3 .

    在三维骨架聚合物中充满了高折射率的液体时,发现一种独特的光过滤现象,这种效果很可能是由在三维大孔连通通道中光的 反射 机理产生的。

  • The model of nested transactions is introduced which is combined with nested methods invocation in a locking scheme and we try to give a total locking mechanism integrating the locking of the access methods on single class and class hierarchy .

    引入嵌套事务模型,给出一个其和嵌套方法调用结合的加锁方案,并试着给出一个集成单个类上的访问方法和类层次的锁定的 的加锁 机制

  • From January 1 1995 to April 2010 total of 405 disputes submitted to WTO dispute settlement mechanism .

    从1995年1月1日至2010年4月, 有405个争端提交WTO争端解决 机制

  • Comparison of Several Pre treatment Systems for Determination of Total Cyanide and Discussion of Cyanide Dissociation Mechanism

    几种 氰化物预处理方法的比较及离解 机理的探讨

  • This paper analyzes how inequality of labor and capital income influences persistent inequality in total income or wealth through the inheritance mechanism .

    本文讨论了当个人劳动能力和偏好存在差异的情况下,资本收入和劳动收入分配的差异如何通过遗产 机制影响收入和财富 分配的持续性不平等程度。

  • Secondly this thesis analyzes the relationship between the foreign trade and economic growth in Heilongjiang province applying the cointegration analysis method from the two aspects of the total amount and mechanism .

    其次,论文采用协整分析的方法对黑龙江省对外贸易与经济增长的关系从 总量 作用 机制两个方面进行分析。

  • According to general state of the total amount surplus unequilibrious structure un nimble mechanism in Henan textile industry .

    根据河南省棉纺织行业 总量过剩、结构失衡、 机制不活这个总体状况,分析了减员分流的必要性和再就业的重要性、紧迫性。

  • After a deep analysis we got the conclusion : there are three critical problems of higher education market ; they are imbalance of the demand-supply in total and structure imperfection of market mechanism .

    文章经过总结认为我国高等教育供求存在三个方面的问题:供求 总量失衡,供求结构失衡,市场 机制不完善。

  • Then with this model we have discussed some main decay modes of γ( 9.5 ) and estimated γ total width in terms of Drell-Yan mechanism .

    然后用这个模型讨论了新粒子γ(9.5)的主要衰变模式并借助Drell-Yan 机制估计了γ的 宽度。

  • Multi-stakeholder involvement co-production revenue sharing a total risk of the investment and operation mechanism greatly reducing and sharing the investment risk .

    多方参与、联合制作、共享收益、 共担风险的投资运营 机制,大大降低和分担了投资风险。

  • This paper proposes an integrated total cost management system analyzes the mechanism of cost driver and the complexity of cost driver selection .

    本文首先提出了集成化 全面成本管理系统的基本思想,分析了成本动因的发生 机制和成本动因选择的复杂性。

  • From the Base Compensation to Total Compensation the variation of the compensation mechanism reflects enterprises ' development and reform .

    从单一薪酬到 整体薪酬,薪酬 制度的变化,同时反映着企业的发展变革情况。