total nitrogen

[ˈtotl ˈnaɪtrədʒən][ˈtəutəl ˈnaitrədʒən]


  • Distribution of Total Nitrogen Content and Its Relationship with Other Chemical Components in Flue-cured Tobacco

    烤烟 分布特点及与其他化学成分的关系

  • Two alternative methods measuring total nitrogen of aquaculture pond soils named Total Ammonia Method and Nitrate Method were established .

    本实验创立了二种水产养殖池塘底泥 含量简易测定法,分别称为总氨法和硝酸盐法。

  • Correlation of Organic Matter Total Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium in Paddy Soil of Xiaogan City

    孝感市水稻土有机质及 磷钾的相关性分析

  • Research on the Alternatives of Non-ammonia Water in Determination of Total Nitrogen in Water Quality Analysis

    水质 测定中无氨水的替代用水研究

  • Addition of sludge can reduce the loss of organic nitrogen and total nitrogen during MSW composting .

    投加污泥有利于减少生活垃圾中有机氮和 的损失。

  • On-Line Automatic Digestive Technology for Total Phosphorus and Total Nitrogen in Sea Water

    海水中总磷、 在线自动消解技术的研究

  • The results showed that straw application increased crop yield soil organic carbon accumulation soil total nitrogen and phosphorus content as well as phosphorus activation .

    结果表明,秸秆还田提高了作物产量,增加了土壤有机碳积累和土壤 磷含量,且能活化土壤磷素。

  • The contents of total nitrogen had a significant positive relationship with the soil organic carbon .

    人工林土壤 全氮与土壤有机碳含量之间呈显著的线性正相关。

  • Distribution of Organic Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen in the Surface Sediments of Pearl River Estuaries

    珠江河口表层沉积物有机氮和 的分布

  • Spatial characteristics and impact factors of soil total nitrogen and soil organic matter in Taiyuan

    太原市农业土壤 全氮和有机质的空间分布特征及其影响因素

  • This paper introduces the precise determination of total nitrogen in petroleum ointment drastic hydrogen denitrifying process .

    介绍了蜡膏及其加氢深度脱氮过程 含量精确定量分析方法。

  • Correlation between soil total nitrogen content and water content in riparian wetland

    滨河湿地土壤 全氮含量及其与含水率相关性分析

  • There are significantly correlations between total nitrogen and total sulfur contents in garlic plants ( leaves and stems ) and the sulfur contents in the nutrient solution .

    青蒜植株(叶片和假茎)中 全氮和全硫含量随着营养液硫浓度的升高而增加,呈显著正相关;

  • Research on Influence of Pollutant Loading and Composition on Total Nitrogen Removal in Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland System

    污染物负荷与组成对潜流 人工湿地 效果影响研究

  • Has studied the Alternanthera Philoxeroides to the ultra eutrophication water body eutrophication water body total nitrogen total phosphorus elimination ability and damps the algae effect .

    研究了水花生对超富营养化水体、富营养化水体的 总磷的去除能力及抑藻效果。

  • Forecast Model of Ratio of Total Sugar to Nicotine and Ratio of Total Nitrogen to Nicotine in Aged Flue-cured Tobacco

    烤烟糖碱比和 碱比的 醇化预测模型研究

  • Experimental study on the nitrogen of total nitrogen content of soybean .

    实验研究了施氮对大豆 全氮含量的影响。

  • Correlation between Apple Leaf Spectral Reflectance and Leaf Chlorophyll Content and Total Nitrogen

    苹果叶片光谱反射率与叶绿素和 全氮含量的相关研究

  • Nitrogen content in soil and total nitrogen content of flue-cured tobacco and their relationships in Enshi tobacco-growing areas

    恩施烟区土壤和烤烟 含量及其关系研究

  • Contrast to soil available nitrogen soil total nitrogen was not influenced by the environmental factors .

    而优势物种和功能 组成对土壤 全氮的影响作用相对较弱。

  • In addition the content of total nitrogen was increased and soluble protein was decreased under the shading condition .

    遮光处理同样引起 代谢相关指标的变化,使 全氮含量增加,可溶性蛋白含量降低。

  • Spatial Variability and Distribution of Soil Total Nitrogen and Organic Matter in Medium and Large Scales in Rubber Plantations

    中大尺度下橡胶园土壤 全氮和有机质含量的空间分布特征

  • The methods for determining total nitrogen and basic nitrides content in diesel oil are described .

    介绍了测定柴油中 及碱性氮含量的各种方法。

  • Maize straw returning to the field can increase the soil total nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen content .

    秸秆还田增加了土壤 全氮和无机氮含量。

  • Carbohydrate is found in sugar Organic carbon and total nitrogen in bed load had enrichment phenomenon .

    碳水化合物富含于糖推移质中有机碳和 全氮均有富集现象。

  • Temporal-Spatial Variation of Soil Organic Matter and Total Nitrogen in Rubber Plantations in Yangjiang State Farm

    国营阳江农场橡胶园土壤有机质与 全氮时空变异分析

  • Litterfall could evidently improve soil fertility increase organic matter and total nitrogen but decrease the total phosphor .

    凋落物能明显改善土壤肥力,增加土壤有机质及 全氮 含量,但与土壤全磷呈现负相关关系。

  • Determination of total nitrogen content for compound fertilizers & Titrimetric method after distillation

    GB/T8572-1988复混肥料中 含量测定蒸馏后滴定法

  • Determination of total nitrogen content for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate & Titrimetric method after distillation

    GB/T10209-1988磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中 含量测定蒸馏后滴定法

  • In the determination of total nitrogen in water sample by flow injection analysis instrument the concentration of sulfuric acid which used for the preservation of sample affected the result .

    用流动注射仪测定 水样,发现用 不同的硫酸浓度保存 样品时,对其测定结果有一定的影响,并与过硫酸钾氧化-紫外分光光度法进行比对和分析。