


  • For multi-view touchless fingerprint recognition this paper proposes a Cluster-based Dynamic Score Selection algorithm CDSS .

    针对多角度 接触指纹识别,提出了一种基于聚类的动态分数选择算法CDSS。

  • In my tests I was able to ask questions call people dictate texts launch apps and do more with this ' touchless ' voice control .

    在我进行的测试中,我能够 借助 这种 触控的语音控制 功能提问、打电话、口述文本、启动程序以及进行更多 操作

  • I can 't reach the emptiness that is touchless .

    我还不能达到 那种 感觉的空。

  • We collect a small-scale multi-view touchless fingerprint database study the image preprocess feature extraction and feature matching of touchless fingerprint and basically implement touchless fingerprint recognition .

    采集了一个多 角度 接触指纹数据库,研究了 接触指纹的预处理、特征提取和特征匹配过程,初步实现了非接触指纹识别系统。

  • Compared with single-view fingerprint recognition multi-view touchless recognition could greatly improve the recognition performance of the system .

    相对于单个 角度指纹识别,多 角度 接触 指纹识别可以显著提高系统的识别性能。

  • The basic principle structure design and calculation of magnetic circuit for touchless magnetoelectric rotational velocity sensor are reported . The test data and testing result are also analyzed .

    介绍了 接触 磁电式转速传感器的基本原理、结构设计及磁路计算,给出了试验数据,并对测试结果进行了分析。

  • They know that in the combination for creatures there are self-nature Buddha-nature Qi calmness and refinement that are invisible touchless and out of research .

    他们知道, 物质组合成生物的过程中还有气、自性、佛性、拙火、妙用等,它们是看不到、 不着, 也是无从 讨论 加以研究的;