total reflection

[ˈtotl rɪˈflɛkʃən][ˈtəutəl riˈflekʃən]


  • Analysis of Mineral Elements in Tea by Total Reflection X Ray Fluorescence Method


  • Through using the Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared ( ATR-FTIR ) the skill of Contact Angle ( CA ) and the optical test of the samples this research studies the films laid up under different condition .

    通过衰减 反射红外(ATR一FTIR)、接触角(CA)技术,以及对样品进行光学性能的测试,我们对不同条件下放置的薄膜进行了研究。

  • In the present study Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) in combination with an attenuated total reflection ( ATR ) unit were used to discriminate important plant-destroying fungi .

    该文应用 FTIR-ATR光谱法与聚类分析方法相结合对重要的植物病原真菌进行鉴别。

  • Investigation of Real Contact Area through the Application of Total Reflection Method and Image Process Technique

    应用 光全 反射法及图像处理技术研究真实接触面积

  • By adopting the principle of total reflection of frustrated light in this test-bed the real contacting area of the friction pair could be observed .

    该实验台采用光受抑 反射原理,可观察摩擦副的真实接触面积,同时可以测量摩擦副的摩擦力,满足摩擦研究的需要。

  • Total reflection X ray fluorescence ( TXRF ) method was used to the multielement analysis of Jiangxi Wuyuan green tea and Ninghong black tea .


  • Oscillation of Partial Functional Equations and Blow-up for Nonlinear Reaction-diffusion Equations ; Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection .

    偏泛函微分方程的振动性与非线性反应扩散方程的爆破性因此,线偏振光径 反射后将变成椭圆偏振光。

  • Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection .

    因此,线偏振光径 反射后将变成椭圆偏振光。

  • A simultaneous quantification measurement method of glucose-6-phosphate ( G6P ) and fructose-6-phosphate ( F6P ) was developed using a Fourier transform infrared ( FTIR ) spectrometer and attenuated total reflection ( ATR ) techniques .

    利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)和衰减 反射(ATR)技术,建立了一种葡萄糖-6-磷酸(G6P)和果糖-6-磷酸(F6P)同时定量测量的方法。

  • This paper studies some special phenomena of the total reflection of SV waves on the free surface .

    本文研究了SV波在自由面上 反射的一些特殊现象。

  • Demonstration device of light reflection refraction and total reflection

    光的反射、折射和 反射演示器

  • The effect of the different medium parameters on the total reflection normally incident total transmission and negative refraction is discussed in different cases .

    分类讨论了媒质参数正负号变化对 反射、垂直入射全透射和负折射的影响。

  • Therefore it is clearly shown that reflected light is linear polarized light just on the condition of total reflection or glancing incidence and circular polarized light may emerge in other cases .

    结果表明,只有在刚刚发生 反射或掠入射时,反射光才是线偏振光,在其它情况下可能出现圆偏振光。

  • Research on the solid surface physical property by using the attenuated total reflection ( atr ) and fit method

    用衰减 反射(ATR)及拟合法对固体表面物理性质的研究

  • On the basis of the Attenuated Total Reflection ( ATR ) principle a novel solution for the filter design is presented .

    文章在衰减 反射原理的基础上提出一种新的滤波器制作方法。

  • The characteristics of evanescent wave of the total reflection were discussed .

    讨论了发生 反射时隐失波的特性。

  • Its retro reflective properties are demonstrated . By using the method of geometrical optics the limit of the total reflection to the incidence and the influence of the available reflective area on the retro reflectivity are studied .

    证明了其定向反射特性,并利用几何光学方法解决了 反射条件对入射孔径角的限制,以及单元有效反射面积对定向反射率的影响问题,同时也给出了阵列器件表面反射对定向反射率的影响。

  • The general consideration design of optical and mechanical structure for an inner attenuation total reflection ( ATR ) instrument used in infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy were introduced .

    介绍了傅里叶变换光谱仪的衰减内 反射装置(ATR)的基本原理、光学和机械结构设计。

  • Attenuated total reflection ( including multiple reflection ) involves light being reflected internally by a transmitting medium typically for a number of reflections .

    衰减 反射(包括多次反射)涉及到被透射介质从内部反射的光,特别是多次反射时。

  • Study on Oil Determination with Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectrophotometer Method

    衰减 反射红外光度法测定油含量的研究

  • The analytical results of ng / mL level Se are presented . And some problems on total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis techniqe are also discussed .

    介绍了ng/mL级硒的测定结果,并对 反射X荧光分析技术中的一些问题进行了讨论。

  • In this paper the mid-infrared Attenuated Total Reflection ( ATR ) spectra of two slathered pesticides dichlorvos and ( trichlorfon ) in vegetable juice solution have been investigated .

    对常用高残留农药敌百虫和敌敌畏在蔬菜汁溶剂中的中红外衰减 反射光谱(ATR)数据进行了研究。

  • The experimental instrument sample preparation and determination method of the trace element Se in solution by total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis are described in this paper .

    本文叙述了用 反射X荧光分析方法测定溶液中微量硒的实验装置、制样技术和测定方法。

  • An Application of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Attenuated Total Reflection Techniques

    傅立叶变换红外光谱和衰减 反射技术的一个应用

  • The existence conditions of negative refraction and the influence of the rotation angle on the total reflection and total transmission phenomenon are discussed for each case .

    讨论了不同情况下发生负折射的条件及旋转角对 反射和全透射现象的影响。

  • The second chapter firstly presents the basic conception of the polarizing principles of the prisms and introduces the Snell theorem and the total reflection formula . The reflectivity formula of the s vibration as well as the p vibration is given .

    第二章首先介绍了棱镜起偏原理的基本概念,引入了斯涅耳定理及 反射公式,并给出了s振动和p振动的反射比公式;

  • Total reflection X-ray fluorescence ( TXRF ) analysis is an advanced nuclear analysis technology .


  • Based on this technique and the principle of total reflection of light a photoelectric instrument with electric process output is developed .

    并利用电逻辑处理技术和光的 反射原理研制了具有电逻辑处理输出的光电浓度仪。