town police

[taʊn pəˈlis][taun pəˈli:s]

[法] 城镇警察

  • Kenyan Olympic marathon champion Samuel Sammy Wanjiru has died after falling from a balcony at his home in the Rift Valley town of Nyahururu say police .

    肯尼亚 警方宣称,奥运会马拉松冠军塞缪尔“塞米” 万季茹从自家阳台上跌落致死。

  • As soon as he reached the town he told the police about the fire .

    他一到 城中,就把这个消息告诉了 警察

  • We lived in Arizona at the time outside a small town called Sonita it was very small one road and it had no police station .

    我们那时住在亚利桑那州距离一个名叫索尼他的 小城城郊不远处,那里非常小,只有一条公路,没有 警察局。

  • The town was crawling with police .

    城里到处都是 警察

  • The town council was in session by the afternoon and an order was passed to the police lieutenant to immediately begin fresh investigations into the murders .

    的参议会下午商讨决定,命令 警察 立即重新开展调查。

  • Elsewhere a suicide-bomber in the town of Jalula blew himself up after being stopped at a police checkpoint .

    另一方面,一名自杀式炸弹杀手在贾路拉 一个 警察检查站被叫住后引爆了身上的炸弹。

  • She would not listen to the children and decided to go at once into town to tell the police .

    她不听孩子们的话,决定马上 进城去报告 警察

  • A burglar broke into a funeral home in Burjassot a small town just outside Valencia and tried to fool police by playing dead but two things gave him away .

    一名窃贼闯入巴伦西亚附近 小镇布里亚索特的一家殡仪馆,试图装死来欺骗 警察,但是有两处破绽让他现形。

  • What were you doing in town alone ? 'she said to them outside the police station .

    你们自己在 城里干什么呢?在 警察局外她对他们说。

  • When I was at school a black teenage boy in my home town died in police custody .

    我上中学时,我的 家乡就有一位黑人少年在被 警方羁押期间死亡。

  • A World War II bomb or mine exploded in a western German town on Friday killing the driver of a bulldozer and wounding 13 other people police said .

    警方报告,上周五,一枚二战时遗留的炸弹在德国西部 城市爆炸,挖掘机司机当场死亡,另有13人受伤。

  • A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force .

    管辖区城市或 城镇的分区或地区,由 警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻。

  • The decision to ban Borat-style mankinis has helped a seaside town shed its ' Wild West ' image as a haven for stag and hen parties after cutting crime and drunken anti-social behaviour police say .

    警察称,一个海边 小镇禁穿波拉特风格(Borat-style)的男士比基尼泳衣后,犯罪及醉酒等反社会行为减少,摆脱了狂野西部、婚前单身派对天堂的形象。

  • The Mahdi Army then swarmed into town and overran several police stations levelling them with explosives .

    然后,迈赫迪军蜂拥入 ,袭击了数所 警察局,用炸药将其夷为平地。

  • Earlier this month the mayor of a remote northern Chilean town burst onto the Quantum of Solace set and was detained by police .

    本月早些时候智利北部偏远 小镇镇长闯入电影拍摄地后被 警方拘留。

  • Barbara Bush 's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town but the Secret Service agents did not notice ABC said citing police sources .

    ABC援引 警方的话说,芭芭拉 被抢钱包时正在布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家餐厅吃晚餐,但特工们没有察觉这一情况。

  • The town police wear dark blue uniforms and flat caps


  • In Preston a town in the UK motorists hit the brakes after mistaking life-sized metal replicas for real police officers .

    在英国的一个 小镇 ,驾驶者踩刹车,因为把真人大小的纸板误认为是真 警察

  • A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument .

    荷兰莱顿 小镇 有一位没有天分的街头音乐家,每天演奏刺耳的萨克斯。当地居民不堪忍受,让 警察没收了他的乐器。

  • But she was very angry with the children too . 'What were you doing in town alone ? 'she said to them outside the police station .

    可她也很生孩子们的气。“你们自己在 城里干什么呢?”在 警察局外她对他们说。

  • One of the agents got into an altercation after a night on the town and was beaten the television news organization said citing police reports .

    ABC援引 警方提供的消息说,他们抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯的第二天晚上,一位特工与别人发生了“ 口角”,而且还遭到了殴打。

  • As I passed the town 's small and pokey police station on the opposite side of the road I walked by a small white old-fashioned car parked up on my side of the road .

    当我走到 又小又破的 警察局对面的时候,发现有一辆小型白色老式车停在我身边。

  • BERLIN-A drunken man withdrew more than $ 16 from his bank account and then started handing out the money to passers-by in a western German town Tuesday police said .

    德国 警方透露,在德国西部的 达姆施塔特市,一名酩酊大醉的男子从自己的银行帐户中取出超过1.67万美元的现金分发给路人。

  • A purse containing a million dollars worth of jewelry was on its way back to its owner in Canada after being forgotten on a bench in a town near San Francisco police said .

    警方介绍,一只装有价值100万美元的珠宝的提包被落在旧金山附近一个 小镇的长椅上,目前此包被人拾到,不久将物归原主。

  • ' I find Melbourne a really boring town so more livable means really dull ' a male police officer in Sydney told us though he wouldn 't give his name because he was working undercover in a park .

    悉尼的一位男 警察对我们说,我发现墨尔本是一个非常无聊的 城市,所以更宜居意味着无聊透顶。不过他不愿透露自己的姓名,因为他当时正在一个公园里便装执行任务。