total income

[ˈtotl ˈɪnˌkʌm][ˈtəutəl ˈinkəm]


  • Last year my total income with my reward added to added up to15000 yuan .

    去年我的 收入,加上奖金,总计为一万五千元。

  • In the first three quarters of this year the per capita total income of urban households was 15 yuan .

    前三季度,城镇居民家庭人均 收入15756元。

  • Yes the figure of total group outgoings exactly balances out with the total income .

    对,这部分支出额与 收入相平衡。

  • His total income comes to more than three thousand yuan a month .

    他的 收入达到每个月三千多元。

  • There shall be regarded as taxes on income all taxes imposed on total income or on elements of income including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or immovable property .

    全部 所得或某项所得征收的税收,包括对来自转让动产或不动产的收益征收的税收,应视为对所得征收的税收。

  • Starting from the11th level your total income from each level is double that of the previous level .

    从第十一层起,您每一层的 收入,是前一层 收入的2倍。

  • As a rough approximation of the rate of income growth per capita one can subtract the rate of increase in population from the rate of growth in total income .

    人们可把 收入增长率减去人口增长率,作为每人平均收入增长率的一个粗略近似值。

  • Subtracting this figure from your total income will give you the amount you now have to devote to reducing your debt .

    这个数字从 收入减去你会给你,你现在已经投入量减少贵债务。

  • The total income this year approximates 10 000 dollars .

    今年的 收入接近一万美元。

  • Now compare your total income to your total expenses .

    现在来对比一下 收入和总支出。

  • The cost of children 's education eats up a third of a Chinese family 's total income .

    中国家庭的子女教育花销占家庭 收入的三分之一。

  • The people 's financial burden is double or treble their total income . When they run out of grain and money they have to hand over their furniture to pay for the burden .

    人民的负担超过了 全部 收入的二倍到三倍,粮食、金钱没有了,还不得不以家具折价缴纳负担。

  • Refers to the income of the sample households which can be used for daily expenses i.e * Total income minus income tax property tax and other current transfers .

    指被调查的城镇居民家庭在支付个人所得税、财产税及其他经常性转移支出后所剩下的 实际 收入

  • In the 50 years that followed the share of the 1 per cent fell almost everywhere by about half to 7-10 per cent of total income .

    在这之后的50年间,这1%人口所占财富比例几乎在所有地方都下降了约一半,至 收入的7%到10%。

  • The wealthiest 10 per cent of people share more than a third of the city 's total income while the bottom 10 per cent account for just 2 per cent .

    在该城市的 收入 总额中,最富裕的10%人口占据了三分之一,而10%最低 收入 阶层仅占到了2%。

  • They also raise fish and poultry thus adding to the total income .

    他们还养鱼,饲养家禽,这样就增加了 收入

  • He should pay ITT on the total income from author 's remuneration .

    应按照 稿酬 所得缴纳 个人所得

  • The personal income tax after the reform should be the tax on the total income according to the combination of both the incremental average tax rate and the degressive marginal tax rate .

    改革后的个人所得税制应该是按照递增的平均税率但又是递减的边际税率对 全部 所得课税这两方面的结合。

  • So1994 income in this area accounted for a two per cent higher contribution to total income than was the case in1993 .

    因此,与1993年相比,这部分的收益占本行 收入的比重增长了两个百分点。

  • By 2007 it controlled nearly 24 % of total income the second highest in history after 1929 .

    到2007年,这些人已占据美国 收入的近24%,为美国有史以来第二高水平,仅次于1929年。

  • The monthly income refers to one 's total income including salary bonus royalties benefits and subsidies .

    这里的月薪指个人 收入,包括工资、奖金、版税、福利和补贴。

  • The pie of society 's total income should be cut into more equal pieces .

    社会的 收入之饼应分得更平均一点。

  • The rent for the room in the basement only accounted for10 % of his total income from selling mobile phones and he could thus save more money .

    地下室的房租只 他卖手机 收入的10%,他可以将更多的钱存起来。

  • It 's a tiny percentage of the total income .

    那是 收入中很小的一部分。

  • Hence a small percentage of total income is enough to cover food expense .

    因此, 工资 总额的一小部分足以支付食物的费用。

  • It includes all the withholding taxes but only a fraction of the total income tax of abroad .

    在国外的 所得税,它包括全部扣留的税款。

  • This paper analyzes the contribution of regional inequality to the total income inequality and its significance for policy making .

    主要考察了地区差别与 居民收入 总体差别的关系和地区差别对 总体 收入差别的贡献。