


  • It is sometimes better to try and stop bleeding by pressing on a limb rather than by applying a tourniquet to it .

    有时候通过压胳膊或腿止血比较好,而不要用 止血带

  • Objective To explore the influence of tourniquet wearing on serum potassium concentration during blood sampling .

    目的探讨采集血 标本 止血带 对血 标本中血清钾离子浓度的影响。

  • Research on Pressure of Tourniquet during Lower Extremity Operation Effects of pneumatic tourniquet on the patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty

    下肢手术 气囊 止血带 充气压力的探讨评价全膝关节置换术中使用气囊止血带的作用

  • Methods Operation performed under tourniquet the crusts were ablated down to the superficial layer of deep fascia and then autologous micro-skin grafting combined with allogenous skin coverage was conducted in 13 patients .

    无休止的慷慨激昂,无休止的戏谑挖苦。方法在 止血带下进行手术切痂深度至深筋膜浅层, 止血后,异体皮覆盖自体微粒皮移植。

  • A clinical study on aerated pressure of air-pocket tourniquet in children undergoing lower extremity surgery

    儿童下肢手术应用气囊 止血带充气压力值的临床研究

  • Early clinical effect comparison of different tourniquet technologies in total knee arthroplasty

    全膝关节表面置换术中 止血带不同 使用方法的早期临床效果比较

  • In spite of his fear and the increasing threat of the crocodile Jack manages to tie a tourniquet around Nils'leg to stem the blood loss and uses the winch to pull him up into the truck .

    尽管杰克担心及鳄鱼增加威胁,他 使用 止血带围绕尼尔斯的腿止血,并使用绞盘把尼尔斯拉上卡车。

  • Primping the room for Christmas was like using wrapping paper for a tourniquet or sewing up a wound with tinsel .

    为圣诞打扮房间就像给压 上纸或用金属丝缝合伤口。

  • She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek . I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago .

    当她温柔的在我的 前腿绑上了压 ,她流下了眼泪,我轻轻舔了她的手,正如我这么多年来总是如此的安慰着你。

  • Single double and many kinds of abnormity tube are used for fittings of stethoscope oxygen bag anti-decubitus mattress electric suction and pneumatic tourniquet .

    广泛用于听诊器,氧气袋,防褥疮气垫,吸引器,气压 止血带等医疗设备。

  • This will use all available bandwidth after audio on the first channel for data A tourniquet may be made with any flat material about fifty millimeters wide .

    对第一通道的数据可用所有带宽来模仿音频 止血带可以用任何50毫米宽的平展材料来制作。

  • But I was able to tourniquet them off with this bandanna I found .

    我弄了条 止血带,能让她的手停止流血。

  • The invention relates to medical appliances in particular to a specialized tourniquet belt of blood vessel arteriovenous internal fistula .

    本发明涉及医疗器械,即血管动静脉内瘘专用 止血带

  • The research of pneumatic tourniquet applied in total knee arthroplasty Research on Pressure of Tourniquet during Lower Extremity Operation

    充气止血带在膝关节置换术中的应用观察下肢手术气囊 止血带最适充气压力的探讨

  • Well-conducted large studies are needed to further explore the risk of early postoperative complications associated with late tourniquet release in knee arthroplasty .

    我们需要组织周详的大样本研究来进一步探索发生膝 关节成形术后早期并发症的危险度。

  • Arcadio continued tightening the tourniquet with unnecessary rigor until he became the cruelest ruler that Macondo had ever known .

    阿卡蒂奥继续加强这种 毫无必要的酷烈手段,终于成了马孔多不曾有过的暴君。

  • She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek .

    她温柔地把我的前腿绑上 止血带,眼泪掉了下来。

  • Application of double tourniquet ligation method for patients accepting superficial vein puncture fluid infusion and blood samples collection


  • That will work as a tourniquet .

    就和 止血带的功用一样了。

  • Application of Tourniquet for Scalp Puncture

    头部 止血带在头皮静脉穿刺中的应用

  • She prepared to undo the band of cloth around his arm which had served as tourniquet .

    她准备解开缠在他胳臂上 止血 布带

  • The tourniquet should occlude venous and lymphatic return .


  • Tourniquet : what else did you do last year on valentine 's day ?

    双语 时代 :去年的情人节你们还做了什么?

  • Do the tourniquet first . I 'm losing too much blood .


  • A tourniquet may be made with any flat material about fifty millimeters wide .


  • Influence of Tourniquet Wearing on Serum Potassium Concentration

    静脉 采血 应用 止血带标本血清钾离子浓度的影响

  • Conclusion : Nursing interventions can effectively prevent patient 's adverse reactions in the use of electronic pressure tourniquet operation increase satisfaction with the care of the operating room .

    结论:护理干预措施有效地预防术中使用电子气压 止血带患者的不良反应。

  • One man was said to be insured by dozens of companies when he lost his foot ; fortunately he had been carrying a tourniquet at the time of the accident .

    据说,有一位男士断足后,得到了很多保险公司的赔付;而幸运的是,在事故发生时,他一直带着 止血带

  • To probe into the application value of double tourniquet low bottle high hang method in establishing intravenous pathway on rescuing patients with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhea .

    探讨双 止血带“低瓶高调”法在抢救上消化道大出血病人建立有效静脉通道中的应用价值。