


  • Warora townsfolk who had shunned the ashram in its early years had learnt to buy its vegetables and drink its milk without fear of contagion .

    瓦洛拉 居民 ,以前一直避开这个修炼道场,现在也开始购买这里的蔬菜以及饮用这里的牛奶而不害怕感染。

  • Analysis of Consumption Structure Among Xinjiang Townsfolk

    未来新疆 城镇 居民消费结构的 走势分析

  • They were townsfolk at heart .

    他们 本质 城里

  • Word gets out and local townsfolk attack the arsenal . Not a single slave joins brown and his men .

    消息传开,当地 民众 开始攻击军火库,没有一个奴隶加入布朗的队伍。

  • As a boy he toiled on his father 's farm but he felt a much deeper connection with the mustangs that would graze in the distant fields than with the townsfolk who would visit .

    孩提时,他就一直在父亲的农场里辛苦工作,尽管 村民不时来访,他却与在远处田野里吃草的野马更为亲近。

  • Well that didn 't go over too well with a lot of the townsfolk since they mostly just went along with things and tried not to complain .

    比如,那时候他 炸毁大坝,以便他几乎不用花一 分钱买到了低地 区域

  • Yuanhu-style culture originates from the combination of scholar-bureaucrat culture and townsfolk culture and it experienced the process from elegance to vulgarity ;

    鸳蝴文化起源于士大夫和 市民文化的结合,经历了“由雅到俗”的过程;

  • And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come not to see the plays but to look at Anne Hathaway 's Cottage Shakespeare 's birthplace and the other sights .

    与其 对立的另一 是该 居民,他们的生活 收入大都来自来此参观的游客,而这些游客却不是来看戏剧的,他们只是 拜访 安妮海斯威的村舍,领略莎士比亚出生地的种种风光。

  • These are townsfolk who can look after themselves on any battlefield useful for bolstering armies with good defence against cavalry .

    这些 城镇 居民是很好的支援部队,他们对抗骑兵能力很强,可以在战场上照顾好自己。

  • The yeomen farmers dairymen and townsfolk who came to Transat business in these ancient streets spoke in other ways than by articulation .

    乡民、农民、卖牛奶的和 城里 ,他们在这古老的街道里,不用谈话,而用另外的方式来做买卖。

  • Ideality 's Lose and Morality 's Coast & On ChiLi 's Novel about Love and Marriage of Townsfolk 's Annotation

    理想的失落与道德的滑坡&论池莉小说对婚姻爱情的 市民诠释

  • There was constant trouble even fighting between the townsfolk and the students .


  • Disturbed only by gigantic stinging mosquitoes the townsfolk celebrate the atomic hurray by engraving the nuclear power plant logo on buildings and soup bowls .

    仅仅受到硕大带有刺针的蚊子的干扰的 居民 将核能站的标志印刻在大楼上和 汤碗上来为原子能庆祝欢呼。

  • Conflict between Confucian Thoughts and Townsfolk Consciousness & Preliminary Discussion on Liu Yong 's Thoughts and His Tragic Fate

    浅议 老舍 市民 世界儒家思想与 市民意识之冲突&试论柳永思想及其悲剧命运

  • some of the prominent townsfolk of the 1860s .

    19世纪60年代的一些杰出 镇民

  • The townsfolk don 't see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare Company .

    村民 并没有看到这一点而当地的议会也没有直接推动补贴皇家莎士比亚公司。

  • Overcome by grief and dementia Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason .

    被丧子之痛与痴呆癫狂压倒,雷欧瑞克以叛国罪处死了许多 村民

  • Townsfolk lined the pavements in silence in places three or four deep .

    乡亲 三三两两地默哀地沿着人行道 着。

  • Although the townsfolk denied any knowledge of Prince Albrecht 's whereabouts Leoric insisted that they had crafted a conspiracy against him and that they would pay the price for such treachery .

    虽然 村民 否认自己了解任何有关阿尔布雷特下落的线索,雷欧瑞克仍坚持认为是他们策划了一个反对他的阴谋,并且他们将会为这种谋逆付出代价。

  • I knew that parties were involved begging for nuts and candies bonfires in the square and playing tricks on the townsfolk .

    我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场(square)点篝火,和 镇民 玩弄恶作剧。

  • After scouring the village with the few guards that remained within at the monastery Leoric had decided that the townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere .

    派出留守修道院的少数守卫巡查整个村庄无果之后,雷欧瑞克认定是 村民绑架他的儿子并藏匿在某个地方。

  • An Analysis of the Influence of Chinese Townsfolk Transter Income on Savings

    中国 城镇 居民家庭转移收入对储蓄影响分析

  • After the Sui and Tang Dynasties with the continued popularity of foreign musical instruments and the rise of townsfolk music panpipe began to decline so the panpipe in Sui and Tang Dynasties in ancient China is the last peak .

    隋唐之后,随着外来乐器的不断深入人心以及 市民阶层音乐的兴起,排箫开始逐渐走下坡路,因此隋唐时期是中国古代排箫的最后一个顶峰。

  • It may be said that the conflict between Confucian thoughts and townsfolk consciousness had accompanied his entire life and his fate was covered by a thick tragic color .

    可以说,儒家思想与 市民意识的激烈冲突陪伴其一生,其命运也被涂上了一层浓重的悲剧性色彩。

  • Saracen Militias are richer townsfolk who have been levied into militia to guard their settlements .

    民兵类型:都市民兵撒拉逊民兵从富裕 市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。

  • Two Townsfolk Cultures Reflected in Shanghai Tabloids

    上海小报中的两种 市民文化

  • Through Mrs todd the woman with whom she boards the narrator enters unobtrusively into the lives of the townsfolk .

    通过她的女房东托德夫人,故事叙述人 谦虚谨慎地进入 居民的生活。

  • Mosul reminded Eugene of a movie he said : an old western in which the bad guys take over some small town and all the townsfolk hide indoors and tumbleweed blows across the screen .

    在摩苏尔的经历让尤金想起了一部电影,那是个很老的西部片,他说,坏人们占据了小镇,所有的 居民 躲在屋里,关门闭户,银幕上只有大风卷着草团吹过。