total reflux

[ˈtotl ˈriˌflʌks][ˈtəutəl ˈri:flʌks]

[化] 全回流

  • Simulation of Catalytic Distillation Columns with Total Reflux


  • Cyclic total reflux operation which has no reflux ratio is a new batch distillation operation mode .

    循环 回流操作是一种不需要回流比的新型间歇精馏操作方式。

  • The result indicates that the state switch of total reflux and total withdraw by controlling double-temperature in dynamic accumulation process is completely feasible .

    结果表明,用塔顶和塔中温度控制动态累积 回流&全采出的状态切换是完全可行的。

  • Algorithm of the minimum total vapor capacity of batch distillation of ideal binary mixture under total reflux and top accumulation and ideal operation condition is developed .

    本文采用此 操作方法推导了在理想操作条件下,间歇 精馏二元理想混合物所需最小气化 总量的计算方法。

  • Results Indicated by the content of total anthraquinones the best conditions was : reflux extraction with 5 - fold 50 % alcohol for 3 times 0.5 h per time .

    结果以 蒽醌为指标,最佳提取条件为药材5倍量,50%乙醇 回流提取3次,每次0.5h;

  • To investigate the influence of Marangoni effect on liquid flow and its distribution as well as separation efficiency of structured packing binary distillation experiments were carried out at total reflux using six typical systems for ceramic corrugated sheet and stainless steel gauze structured packing .

    选用6种代表性物系对陶瓷板波纹和不锈钢丝网规整填料进行 回流精馏实验,考察Marangoni效应对规整填料液体流动分布及传质的影响。

  • The effects of catalyst concentration feed composition total feed and reflux ratio on the conversion ratio are experimentally studied .

    考察了催化剂浓度、进料比、进料 流量和 回流比等因素对该过程的影响。

  • The numeric method of dimensionless minimum total operation time of batch distillation of a binary ideal mixture under total reflux and ideal operating conditions is introduced .

    提出了采用塔顶和塔中温度控制进行操作状态转换的循环 回流间歇精馏控制方法,并以异丙醇-正丙醇为试验物系进行了试验研究。

  • Study on total reflux operation in batch distillation

    分批精馏中 回流操作的研究

  • Minimum total vapor capacity of batch distillation of binary mixture under total reflux and top accumulation

    二元混合物塔顶累积 回流间歇精馏的最小气化总量

  • The optimal procedure of extracting total flavonoids was reflux for 4 hours with 50 % ethanol as solvent .

    得出了 黄酮提取的适宜条件为50%乙醇 回流提取4h。

  • Research on Multi-Temperature Control of Cyclic Total Reflux Batch Distillation

    循环 回流间歇精馏多温控制的研究

  • The methanol rectification unit used in Tuha Oilfield Methanol Factory includes two rectification towers adopting total reflux operation .

    吐哈油田甲醇厂甲醇精馏装置系两塔精馏,采用 回流操作。

  • The influences of hole kinetic energy factor F0 on the tray efficiency and the whole efficiency were studied under the total reflux and the same hole areas .

    在常压 回流和相近开孔率下,分别考察了筛孔动能因子对筛板塔板效率以及全塔效率的影响。

  • A novel operation mode of cascaded total reflux batch distillation with dynamic exchange of liquid phase ( CTBDEL ) is proposed according to the advantage of total reflux dynamic accumulation operation .

    本文针对全回流动态累积操作分离效率高、控制简便的优点提出了动态液相交换的 回流间歇精馏串联过程的新型操作方式。

  • Selectivity of Monochlorination of Pivaloyl Chloride Utilizing Total Reflux Packed Column

    特戊酰氯在 回流填料塔内一氯化反应选择性的研究

  • Operation and Improvement of the Device for Total Reflux Rectification


  • An experimental system of rotating packed bed for distillation operation was set up for studying mass transfer efficiency and hydrodynamics with methanol / water solution at the atmospheric pressure and total reflux .

    建立了一套完整的精馏实验装置,以甲醇?水溶液为物系,在常压、 回流 操作条件下,研究了旋转填料床的传质和流体力学性能。

  • Separation process for methanol-water is analyzed . The Relation between boil-up rate and heating power relation between boil-up rate and the efficiency of total column and influence of reflux ratio on product purity was established .

    对甲醇-水的分离过程进行了分析,得出了汽化速率与加热功率的关系、汽化速率与 板效率之间的关系以及 回流比与塔顶产品纯度之间的关系。

  • Energy consumption of batch distillation of binary mixture under total reflux

    二元混合物 回流间歇精馏的能耗

  • The models for cyclic total reflux operation were established in this paper . A controlling method of batch distillation by introducing temperatures of middle and top part in batch distillation column is proposed .

    本文建立了双温度控制循环 回流操作的实验装置,提出了用塔中和塔顶温度联合控制间歇精馏操作的方法。

  • Conclusion : We hold that parameters of pH < 4 total time ( % ) and reflux time with pH < 4 more than 5 minutes together with symptom indexes and clinic evaluation are important indexes in judging for determinant GERD .

    结论我们认为pH<4的 时间(%)、 pH<4长于5min 次数这二个参数指标结合症状指数及综合评分是判断GERD的重要指标。

  • Results : Using a multiple regression analysis we found that total percentage of reflux was significantly correlated to the infradiaphragmatic length and resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) and also to the mean amplitude of the contractile waves of the distal esophagus .

    结果:应用多元回归分析发现, pH的百分比和腹段下食管括约肌(LES)的长度、LES静息压及远端食管的蠕动 明显相关。

  • The venous reflux segments . the total limb reflux times and total deep venous reflux times were used to assess the total venous functions .

    采用患肢 静脉节段数、 时间和深静脉总返流时间评估整体静脉瓣功能不

  • Methods A total of 61 patients with BE and 126 cases with reflux esophagitis ( RE ) was enrolled in the study .

    方法应用 胃镜 检查及灌注式食管测压方法研究了61例BE与126例 性食管炎(RE)患者在临床表现及食管运动功能方面的区别。

  • At atmospheric pressure and total reflux the influences of F-factor outlet weir height hole area percent and other factors on tray efficiency were researched .

    在常压、 回流条件下,考察了动能因子、出口堰高、开孔率等因素对传质性能的影响。

  • In the distillation experiment the pressure drop and mass transfer performance of the single-layer zigzag rotating bed and three-layer zigzag rotating bed were investigated with methanol-water binary mixture at atmosphere and under total reflux condition .

    实验以甲醇-水为物系,在常压、 回流条件下进行精馏试验,分别研究单层折流式旋转床和三层折流式旋转床的汽相压降和传质性能。

  • Mixing of flowing liquid in top vessel with batch distillation under total reflux


  • The mass transfer experiments were conducted in a stainless plate tower with the height of 0.4m and diameter of 0.75 by using cyclohexane and n-heptane as research media under the condition of atmospheric pressure and total reflux .

    实验以环己烷-正庚烷为物系,在常压条件下,以 回流的方式在高4m,直径0.75m的不锈钢精馏塔内进行了传质实验。