tour of duty

[tʊr ʌv ˈduti][tuə ɔv ˈdju:ti]


  • The tour of the technical duty is imperative under the situation and the certain way to deepening reform .

    专业技术 职务 任期 势在必行,是深化职称改革的必由之路。

  • Now that he 's back from his tour of duty is there some pressure on him to follow his brother and find a wife ?

    既然他已从 服役期中归来,对他来说是否有压力像他哥哥一样找一个妻子?

  • Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth ?

    您准备好在地球这里再跑另 一趟 任务 吗?

  • To inquire into improve the examining and evaluating quality of tour of duty of the science and technology cadre combining with the recuperation subject characteristic it is expounded in this article that strengthening the organization leader ;

    为探讨提高科技干部 任期考评的 工作质量,本文结合疗养学科特点,阐述了加强组织领导;

  • But in its audience when the movie came out would likely have been a young film-loving Army lieutenant named Colin Powell who that year was preparing for a second tour of duty in Vietnam .

    但影片上映时,观众中可能就有爱看电影的年轻的陆军中尉科林?鲍威尔,当年他正准备第二 到越南去 服役

  • Aiming at Characteristic of Recuperation Subject and Improving Examining and Evaluating Quality of Tour of Duty

    针对疗养学科特点提高 任期考评质量

  • Eugene was on military leave in San Francisco about halfway through his tour of duty when he first realized something was wrong .

    尤金第一次意识到自己出了问题时,他的 服役期差不多已经过半,当时正在旧金山军事休假。

  • After a long and happy tour of duty in Dongguan .

    在一个长久且愉快 驻留在东莞的 期间

  • Instead employees and employers should agree upon short increments of work to accomplish together much like a military tour of duty .

    与此相反,员工与雇主应该达成协议,将共同努力推进工作看作是在军队完成一次 服役

  • A young man I had crush on returned home from a long overseas tour of duty in the Army .

    在长期海外 军职后回国的路上,我喜欢上了一位年轻人。

  • This broad needed one more tour of duty .

    这架 飞机还需要我做完 任期

  • His solidity and competence have proven to be assets in a great many ways during his tour of duty with us .

    他在 任职期间已经以多种方式证明他的可能力是我们的财富。

  • From then on the Washington and the theoretical sector raise doubts about the foreign exchange intervention and regard it as an extravagant measure without effect which directly resulted that President Reagan implemented laissez-faire policy in his first tour of duty .

    此后,美国的政府和理论界对外汇市场干预提出置疑,认为它是一项昂贵而又无效的政策,导致里根政府在第一届 任期时候采取放任的政策措施。

  • While Autobots encounter a mysterious muscle car creating havoc in detroit ratchet keeps flashing back to his tour of duty in the great autobot-decepticon wars .

    当博派遭遇到神秘的在底特律大肆破坏的肌肉车时,救护车开始回忆他在博狂大战时的 任务