traditional debugging


  • In traditional method which uses analog control circuit some disadvantages such as difficult debugging and aging component are unavoidable . Digital control method is not mature now .

    目前感应加热装置多采用模拟控制电路,模拟电路不可避免的存在 调试困难、元件易老化等缺点,感应加热电源的数字控制技术发展尚不成熟。

  • Using traditional debugging tools user can control program execution only by common ways such as setting breakpoint to implement basic debugging functions .

    借助于 常规 调试工具用户只能通过设置断点等方式控制程序执行,实现基本调试功能。

  • The traditional LED Displaying system was put into practice by small or middle scale integrated circuit . The bulk of system is more large ; the debugging is difficult ;

    传统的LED大屏幕显示系统用中小规模集成电路实现,系统体积较大、 调试困难、不易 修改

  • Just because of the harsh environmental requirement the traditional ISP debugging has been limited greatly in this project .

    正是由于苛刻的环境要求, 传统的ISP 调试方式在该项目中的使用受到了极大的限制。

  • The traditional architecture of image acquisition is based on computer but this architecture has disadvantages of large power consuming big size and hard to debugging .

    传统的图像采集处理系统的架构一般采用计算机,但是这种架构功耗高、体积大、成本高,并且 调试困难。

  • Runtime analysis provides additional capabilities that supplement traditional debugging

    运行时分析提供了额外的补充 传统 调试 不足的能力

  • Since the traditional DSP application system design cycle is long the paper proposes an improved DSP application system design and the design process is mainly divided into three sections : the scheme design programming debugging and product realization .

    针对 传统的DSP应用系统设计周期长这一不足,本文提出了一种改进的DSP应用系统设计,其设计过程主要分为3个部分:方案设计、编程 调试及产品实现。

  • The B / S pattern has became a important exploitation now . But traditional WEB programming exists debugging difficulty and improbable shortcoming .

    B/S模式已成为现在软件开发的重要开发方式,但 传统WEB程序设计存在 编写 调试困难、可移植性差等缺点。

  • Traditional Finite Element Method is the structuralization programming method and the structuralization language ( such as FORTRAN ) . Its data store uses fixed array structure which makes the expanding ability of program limited code 's reuse ratio low debugging complex .

    传统的有限元程序设计一般采用结构化的程序设计方法和结构化语言(如FORTRAN),其数据存储形式都使用固定的数组结构,使得程序的扩展能力有限,代码的重复利用率低, 调试复杂。

  • The traditional downconverters usually adopt analog structure which has a better performance . However it brings much inconvenience to design make and debugging because of its bulky size system redundancy and especially the complexity of the filter design .

    传统的下变频器多采用模拟结构,虽然性能较好,但是由于模拟电路体积庞大、系统冗余,尤其是滤波器的设计尤为复杂,因此给设计制作与 调试带来了诸多不便。

  • According to the above theoretical study a communication machine debugging model based on workflow is developed in which traditional models communication machine debugging is abstracted into three kinds of workflow models .

    在此基础上,将 传统的通信整机 调试 过程抽象为三种工作流模型,建立了基于工作流的通信整机调试模型。

  • The signal processing circuit of traditional CCD imaging component was composed by separating components the circuit designed by separating component had disadvantages of expensive cost and difficulty debugging .

    传统的CCD成像组件信号处理电路一般由各自独立的器件组成,分离元件组成的电路具有电路复杂、 调试困难、价格昂贵等缺点。

  • Since the SoCs have integrated more and more units and due to the limitation of SoC 's footprint and pin numbers the traditional debugging methods are obsolete and unable to be any help .

    由于SoC集成度的不断提高以及芯片封装尺寸和管脚数量的限制, 传统 调试方法现在已经不能满足 嵌入式 软件调试的要求。

  • A method to create the environment for FORTRAN program debugging is put forward in this article by which the insignificant repeated operations in traditional debugging can be avoided . This makes it convenient to use FORTRAN language in practice .

    本文针对 传统的FORTRAN程序 调试中的重复操作现象,提出了实现FORTRAN调试环境的一个方法,为FORTRAN语言的应用提供了一个方便的工具。

  • Traditional parallel and concurrent programming took sequence programming to program programming and debugging was complex and difficult for this developing the parallel software was at low efficiency .

    传统并行并发程序设计采取的是顺序程序设计方式,编程与 调试复杂困难,这导致并行软件开发效率低下。

  • The traditional linear CCD driving circuit design methods are as follows : direct digital circuit driver microcontroller port driver EPROM driver the main driver with the IC etc. Which have many drawbacks such as complexity of hardware difficulty of debugging difficulty of modification .

    传统的线阵CCD驱动电路设计方法主要有:直接数字电路驱动、单片机口驱动、EPROM驱动、主用IC驱动等,主要缺点是硬件电路复杂、 调试困难、修改困难等。

  • The traditional method for debugging programs on a computer is to insert the WRITE statement into the program being debugged so that one can trace the changes in the variables involved and the run of the program .

    对于高级语言, 传统 调试程序方法是在程序中插入打印语句,跟踪程序中的变量和程序执行过程,这样做工作量大且烦。

  • Compared with traditional oil filled transformer the dry type transformer has many advantages such as no oil without pollution small noise convenient installation and without debugging and maintenance .

    干式变压器和 传统的油浸式变压器相比具有无油、无污染、噪声小、安装便捷、无需 调试、几乎不需维护等优点。

  • In traditional method which uses analogy control circuit some disadvantages such as difficult debugging and aging component are unavoidable .

    传统的感应加热装置多采用模拟控制电路,模拟电路不可避免的存在 调试困难、元件易老化等缺点。

  • Traditional way of debugging with dbx

    用dbx进行 调试 传统方式

  • The traditional format for debugging information is called STAB ( symbol table ) .

    调试信息的 传统格式被称为STAB(符号表)。

  • Relative to the traditional stamping technique the MPF has saved a lot of time for die design die manufacturing and debugging . It has shortened the exploiting cycle and reduced the costs .

    传统模具成形技术相比,多点成形省去了大量的模具设计、制造及 调试时间,缩短了新产品的开发周期,降低了生产成本。

  • The scheme design and programming debugging can be completed using simulation software which replaces the traditional hardware debugging process . So the satisfactory design result can be quickly given .

    方案设计及编程调试的过程可以在仿真软件中完成,取代了 传统的硬件 调试过程,可以较快地给出满意的设计结果。

  • Traditional cyclic debugging is insufficient to debug the non-deterministic systems such as embeded operating systems parallel programs .

    对于诸如嵌入式操作系统和并发程序等具有不确定性的程序, 传统的循环 调试是不够的。