transaction for money

[trænˈsækʃən fɔr ˈmʌni][trænˈzækʃən fɔ: ˈmʌni]


  • Revision of the Classical Models of the Transaction Demands for Cash MONEY HISTORICAL

    西方经典 货币 交易需求模型述评

  • Recognizing that money demand includes transaction precautionary and speculative demand as Keynes claimed it is not proper to take aggregate demand for money as the transaction demand .

    凯恩斯早就指出过,货币需求包括 交易、预备需求和投机需求三种形式,以 货币 供给总量代表 货币的交易需求量显然不妥当。

  • The method for detecting the quantity of transaction demand for money is proposed based on the recognition of the transaction velocity .

    本文提出了一种根据商品的交易周转速度计算 货币交易量的方法,并发现 货币 交易相对于 货币存量小得多。

  • That is to say the expansion of stock market and the increase of transaction value will lead to more demand for money .

    实证研究还显示,我国货币需求与股票市场 交易金额正相关,即股票市场的规模扩大、 交易量增加,会增加 货币的需求。