


  • He managed tramping the whole country .

    他成功地 徒步 走遍全国。

  • Thus tramping over hill and dale to cut firewood was the task of my elder brother and me .

    所以, 翻山越岭去打柴便是我和哥哥 俩人的任务。

  • He enjoys tramping the hills .

    他喜欢在 山间徜徉。

  • They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks .

    他们重 踏着 脚步穿过厨房走来,留下了肮脏的脚印。

  • One wintry day a Woodman was tramping home from his work when he saw something black lying on the snow .

    一个寒冷的冬天,一个农夫正 回家的路上,他看到一个黑色的东西躺在雪地里。

  • I could just make out a tall pale shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth

    我只依稀 看见一个高个的模糊 身影穿过了矮树丛。

  • The conclusion part summarizes both meaning and cultural connotation of the research on modernity of tramping awareness .

    结语部分则是对 流浪意识的现代性考察之思想文化内涵及意义做简要小结。

  • And the tramping life 's no life for you .

    流浪的生活不是你该 的生活。

  • She spent all day yesterday tramping the streets gathering evidence .

    她昨天一整天都在街上 四处 奔走,搜集证据。

  • We heard soldiers tramping by .

    我们听见士兵们 踏步

  • We had a rough time for a month tramping to and fro in the earth and suffering .

    我们吃了一个月的 苦头,在大地上往来 跋涉,受尽折磨。

  • This paper analyzes the reasons of misunderstands about intellectual women in modern form in metropolis by using two novels Metropolis Family and Tramping Metropolis as examples .

    本文以《都市里的家族》和《 流浪都市》两篇小说为例,分析了现代都市中对知识女性现代形式的几种误读。

  • What aroused her to something more than liking was his boyishness when they went tramping .

    在一起漫游时,他无意中表现 出来 稚气竟使她心中更加激动不已。

  • From time to timed'Urberville exhibited a sort of fierce distress at the sight of the tramping he had driven her to undertake by his misdemeanour .

    德贝维尔看到由于自己的行为不检点,逼得苔丝不得不 步行,也不时地表现出一种强烈的不安来。

  • MONTH of tramping around Europe has given your correspondent a chance to see how effective the new e-passports are at border crossings .

    本刊记者 漫游欧洲一月, 借机了解了一下新的电子护照在边境口岸的使用效果。

  • I am in the most magnificent health and spirits eating like a bull sleeping like a tree yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear my old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan Seaward ho !

    但是,只要一刻没有听到老海员 绞盘周围起锚的声音,我就一刻也享受不到真正的喜悦。出海啦!

  • This paper introduces a human-interactive system for tramping virtual balloons used by video recognition techniques .

    介绍了利用视频识别技术实现虚拟 气球的一个人机交互系统的实现过程及其关键技术。

  • On all sides there was an unceasing sound like the roar of the sea of rumbling wheels and tramping troops and incessant shouts of anger and loud abuse .

    四面传来的 轰轰隆隆的车轮声,像海啸般响个不停, 其中夹杂 脚步声和不停的斥责声和 骂声。

  • They were tramping grapes for wine .

    他们在 葡萄酿酒。

  • No more tramping hoofs no more rattling wheels ! Only the chiming of sleigh-bells beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children .

    车轮停止了只有雪橇铃铛的 谐和音律如孩子的心脏欢快的跳动!

  • She loves tramping over the hills .

    她喜欢在 山间 步行

  • The awareness of tramping in Chinese literature since new age is worth of attention for its being a sort of modern awareness .

    “新时期”以来汉语文学中 呈现 流浪意识,因其作为现代意识的一种而值得关注。

  • No more tramping hoofs no more rattling wheels .

    没有了 嗒嗒的马蹄声,也 滚滚的车轮声!

  • We heard him tramping about overhead .

    我们听到他在 楼上 脚步 重地 四处 走动

  • Tramping over the shingle and larger rocks on the beach he secretly stifled his anger .

    河滩 上的卵石和硬石,不动声色地压制着心头的怒火。

  • On the Awareness of Tramping Against the Background of Modernity : Chinese Literature Since the New Age Being the Centre

    现代性视野中的 流浪意识&以新时期以来的汉语文学为中心

  • I was on my way home from tramping about the streets my drawing under my arm when I found myself in front of the matthew 's gallery .

    书稿在街上兜 ,往家走时 无意中发现自己 到马修斯画廊的门口。

  • Right . so to prove your sanity you go tramping through the jungle alone .

    好,为了证明你是清醒的,你去一个人 徒步穿越丛林。

  • In my experience visitors to China these days are just as awestruck at witnessing the fruits of the stunning building boom in China as they are tramping up and down the Great Wall .

    根据我的经验,目前来中国的游客目睹了中国 眩目的造楼热潮后,感受到的那种震撼与登上长城 差不多

  • There was a confused tramping of horses'feet outside .

    从外面远远地传来混乱而沉闷的 马蹄声。