traffic flow pattern

[ˈtræfɪk flo ˈpætən][ˈtræfik fləu ˈpætən]

[计] 通信流模式

  • The paper analyses the optimal distributing form of the traffic flow pattern to support the traffic management and dynamic route guidance under the states of the traffic supply and the traffic demand known .

    它是在交通供给状态以及交通需求状态均为己知的条件下,分析其最优的 交通 流量分布 形态,从而为交通流管理、动态路径诱导等提供依据。

  • This thesis also presents a method to update the traffic flow pattern database to ensure the pattern database efficiently by replacing the seldom-used traffic flow data with the new ones gradually .

    结合实际需要,算法进一步给出随着时间推移如何更新 交通 模式库的方法,通过逐步替换使用频度最少的信息和更新新出现的路况信息,保证交通流模式库的有效性。

  • Based on the simulation platform simulation study of group control strategy is executed and the results showed that reasonable dispatching is implemented among different traffic flow pattern based on traffic pattern recognition .

    在该仿真平台上进行了群控策略研究,结果表明基于交通模式识别,实现了各不同 交通 模式之间的合理调度。

  • Hence on the one hand elevator traffic flow need to be surveyed to analyze the pattern on the other hand it needs studying the group control strategy to handle the elevator traffic flow .

    因此,一方面需要对不断发展变化的电梯 交通 进行调查研究,分析其 规律 特征,另一方面要求研究处理电梯交通流的群控策略。

  • Based on the varying elevator traffic flow data a new elevator traffic flow pattern recognition method is presented .

    针对实时变化的电梯交通流数据,提出一种新型的电梯系统 交通 模式识别方法。

  • This pattern of traffic flow is at conflict with the traditional street pattern of the Old City .

    这种 交通 模式和老北京城传统道路 模式有冲突。

  • By the analysis of the traffic flow data we construct a traffic flow pattern database and propose a traffic flow data description based on the Same-Directed Slope Tree ( SDS-Tree ) .

    本文通过对道路交通流数据的分析,构建了 道路 交通 模式库,并给出一个结合同向斜率树(Same-DirectedSlopeTree,SDS-Tree)逐层分类表示交通流数据的方法。

  • The relationship between user equilibrium and system optimum flow patterns was explored in traffic networks with fixed demands . New formulae for computing the upper bounds of efficiency loss caused by user equilibrium behavior were derived through introducing a parameter associated with the user equilibrium flow pattern .

    深入分析了固定需求的 交通网络中用户均衡与系统最优之间的关系,通过引入一个与均衡 流量相关的参数,得到新用户均衡行为效率损失上界计算公式。

  • The key to improving performances of elevator group control systems is to identify traffic flow pattern according to different traffic flow status in multi-storied building and adopt the optimal dispatching method to dispatch elevators .

    根据大楼不同交通流状况识别不同的 交通 模式,并采用最合适的调度方法分派电梯是提高电梯群控性能的关键。

  • These two kinds of technologies are widely used in automatic control traffic and flow control in ATM networks financial prediction and pattern recognition etc.

    神经网络和模糊系统技术被广泛地应用于自动控制、ATM 流量的分析和控制、金融系统的分析与预测和 模式识别等领域。

  • This paper analyzes the effects of congestion pricing and route guidance on travel behavior and discusses their ( mutual ) relationships according to the traffic flow pattern changes derived from congestion pricing and route guidance .

    分析拥挤收费和路径诱导对出行行为的影响,根据两者对 交通 模式产生的影响分析了两者之间的相关关系。

  • If the traffic density increases much above that the flow pattern begins to become unstable .

    如果 车辆密度大幅高于上述数字,则 车流 模式开始出现不稳定现象。