train dispatcher

[tren dɪsˈpætʃɚ][trein disˈpætʃə]


  • Our work can provide the reliable environment for testing system train dispatcher and students before running in real place and help student familiar with pool structure and operation way .

    仿真结果可为本课题中 高层 应用 软件提供可靠的测试环境,在系统正式投运前还可以对在校学生 或者 调度员进行 培训,帮助学员熟悉电网结构和安全运行方式。

  • The simulation results is propitious to train capacity of environmental control dispatcher in charge of the running mode of air conditioning system equipment and consequently achieve the training objectives .

    这一仿真结果有助于 培训环控 调度员通过对 温度变化趋势的分析初步了解空调系统设备的运行模式及 控制 原理,从而达到培训的目的。

  • Adjusting train diagram is the dispatcher make phases plan in practice according to the train diagram and train s running .

    列车运行调整是在实际运行中 调度员根据 列车运行图和列车运行现状编制的列车运行实施计划。

  • On the basis of particular analyzing the work of train dispatcher according to the theory of information management and software engineering the thesis gives systems analysis .

    在对 列车 调度员工作进行详细分析的基础上,根据软件工程的理论和思想,进行了系统分析。