traffic capacity

[ˈtræfɪk kəˈpæsɪti][ˈtræfik kəˈpæsiti]


  • Different routing strategies to enhance traffic capacity for regular networks

    规则网络上提高 交通处理 能力不同路由策略研究

  • Traffic Capacity refers to the total volume of traffic which a communications facility can handle within a specified time period .

    传输 能力指的是一个通讯设备在特定的时间段内可以处理的总的的通讯流量。

  • Span distribution of urban viaduct considering the traffic capacity under a bridge

    满足桥下 通行要求的城市高架路桥跨布置

  • Influence Analysis of Light-load and Heavy Traffic Capacity on Asphalt Pavement Rutting

    轻荷载、大 交通 对沥青路面车辙的影响

  • Study on Evaluation System of Urban Conventional Public Traffic Capacity

    城市常规公交 客运 能力评价体系研究

  • As transport lifeline the carrying capacity and traffic capacity of a bridge is very important .

    桥梁作为交通运输的命脉,其承载能力和 通行 能力至关重要。

  • Environmental Traffic Capacity Model of Highway Section and Its Solving Method

    路段环境 交通 容量模型及其求解方法

  • The solution of expanding the telephone exchanger 's traffic capacity using the IP telephone technology

    利用IP电话技术解决语音交换机的 话务 扩容问题

  • Express Way Traffic Capacity Based on ITS

    基于ITS的高速公路 通行 能力研究

  • How to Control the Construction Limit Time for a Highway or Municipal Project ; Study on the Traffic Capacity of the Construction Section during Expressway Reconstruction

    在高速公路工程施工中如何确保工期高速公路改扩建期间施工路段 通行 能力研究

  • Research the lane numbers and width from the perspective of traffic safety and traffic capacity ;

    从交通安全和 通行 能力角度,研究快速路车道数及车道宽度;

  • 3G BBU + More RRU Traffic Capacity Calculation and Noise Analysis

    3GBBU+多个RRU 话务 容量计算及噪声分析

  • Compared with the second-generation ALE the third-generation HF automatic link establishment ( 3G-ALE ) achieves better linking speed network scope and traffic capacity .

    第三代自动链路建立(3G-ALE)技术在连接速度、网络规模和 业务 方面比第二代自动链路技术有了很大的提高。

  • Study on the fast assessment of traffic capacity of highway bridges after strong earthquakes

    震后公路桥梁 通行 能力快速评估技术研究

  • Fuzzy control method in multi-phase intersections based on variable phase sequence was put forward which can effectively improve the traffic capacity of intersection and reduce vehicle delay .

    提出一种基于可变相序的多相位交叉口模糊控制方法,合理选出优先权较大的相位作为放行相位。该控制方法可有效提高交叉口的 通行 能力,减少车辆延误。

  • As an important component of freeway off-ramp the design of diverges area affects freeway operation and safety but most present research on freeway off-ramp centralizes on traffic capacity .

    分流区是高速公路出口匝道的重要组成部分,分流区的合理设计关系到高速公路的运行效率和 交通安全。

  • The traffic capacity of intersections is usually seriously reduced by the lack of standards on reasonable angle spacing of urban road intersection and traffic chaos caused by too small pitch angle .

    由于缺乏城市道路交叉口合理角间距的标准,经常存在因角间距过小造成交通秩序混乱,导致交叉口 通行 能力严重降低。

  • Traffic Simulation Analysis on Typical Signalized Intersection in Urban Road and Its Traffic Capacity Calculation

    典型城市信号交叉口 通行 能力及交通仿真分析

  • The article introduces the research on and exe-cution of increasing the traffic capacity in baoji-shangxiba seetion of Baoji-Chengdu railway line-the first electrified line in china .

    文章介绍我国第一条电气化铁路&宝成线宝鸡至上 西坝间提高通过 能力的研究和实施情况。

  • Based on the analysis of traffic capacity this paper describes the causes of the lowtraffic .

    通过对道路 通行 能力的分析,探索出城市道路通行能力低的原因。

  • It analyses five main reasons which effect speed such as driver attitudes and behavior vehicle performance traffic capacity environment and management measures .

    从驾驶人的驾驶态度和行为、车辆技术性能、 道路 通行条件、环境条件、 交通管理措施五个方面分析了影响行车速度的主要因素。

  • Based on Intersection Channelization to Improve Traffic Capacity

    基于交叉口渠化提高 道路 通行 能力的方法

  • Recently urban congestion always happens at intersections of which the primary reason is the imbalance of traffic capacity of intersections and their close-by roads in mainland China .

    当前我国许多城市的交通拥堵主要产生在干路交叉口,交叉口负担过重导致与相连路段 通行 能力不均衡是其主要原因。

  • Intellectual transportation system which has remarkable benefits in increasing traffic capacity ensuring safety and protecting environment is a new type of transportation with communication and information techniques combined together and thus widely acknowledged as a new scientific program towards the 21st century .

    摘要智能交通系统是集通信信息技术和交通运输一体的新型 交通系统,在提高 能力、保证安全和保护环境方面均有明显的效益,因此成全球公认的面向21世纪的 交通新科技。

  • The traffic capacity calculation methods for the signalized intersection were summarized .

    总结了信号交叉口 通行 能力的计算方法,结合左转待行区的设置,对普通的通行 能力的计算方法进行了修正。

  • Study on the Traffic Capacity of the Construction Section during Expressway Reconstruction

    高速公路改扩建期间施工路段 通行 能力研究

  • The Study of the Traffic Capacity of the Circular Intersections Based on Erlang Distribution

    基于Erlang分布的环形交叉路口 通行 能力的研究

  • The traffic signal control machine as a kind traffic signal equipment plays a important role in improving the traffic capacity of the road and cutting down a traffic accident .

    交通信号机作为一种重要交通信号装置,对于提高道路 通行 能力,减少交通事故有明显效果。

  • A review of studies on work zones optimization is made from the aspects of traffic capacity traffic accident and vehicle speed control in work zone .

    本文首先从 道路 养护作业区的 通行 能力、交通效率、交通事故以及作业区优化设置四个方面,对国内外的相关研究进行了综述。

  • In the process of transportation express companies must use one or diversified express transportation modes which are important traffic capacity resource need be input .

    对于快递企业而言,快递过程总是与 快捷 运输工具的使用紧密联系的。